bigpapag -> OFF TOPIC PURESIM survives Katrina (7/31/2006 6:33:31 AM)
As some of you know, 11 months ago Katrina came thru here Waveland MS destroying 99% of the town with a 33 foot surage wave. My place was destroyed. well we have been rebuilding the house for awhile now and on Friday it was time to replace the AC unit. While removing the outside unit one of the works picked something up. It was a 3 ring binder that held around 20 CDs. One look at it and I gtnbew it was the binder with my computer games. So far I have cleanrd 4 of the CDs and only 2 of them have worked 1 was jeprody and ther was the cd that I saved Puresim on. So Shauun is this a sign or what[&:] big papa gil