Drongo -> RE: Jap Factories (8/24/2006 9:13:11 AM)
ORIGINAL: ChezDaJez quote:
So the reason the A6M3 may not come up as one of the upgrade choices for A6M2 equipped units on CVs when PDUs are off It doesn't come up with PDU on either. The A6M3 is only available for land-based units. My mistake. The statement should have read "when PDUs are on" not "off". And if you are referring to stock scenario 15 with PDUs on, you are correct, the A6M3 is only available for (most) land based IJN fighter units as an upgrade choice. As I indicated previously, the reason for this is entirely due to the combination of aircraft and air group entries in scenario 15's database rather than any specific upgrade limitation of CV based units for the game in general. quote:
The two paths are different. Its true that A6M2 factories will auto upgrade to the A6M3a but the A6M3 factory only auto upgrades to the A6M5. What the factory auto upgrades to is not necessarily the type aircraft every squadron will upgrade to. Some units skip upgrades. It gets even more complicated when talking army units. Correct. What a factory auto-upgrades to is entirely dependent on what value it's currently produced aircraft type has in its database "upgrade" field. So unlike many air units, factories have only one (auto) upgrade choice per type of aircraft. quote:
With PDU off, I think that not all A6M2 units will have the A6M3a in their upgrade path. I believe ome squadrons can only upgrade to the A6M5. I could be wrong on that and I don't have a PDU off game going at the moment otherwise I would check. We are probably talking semantics here as I think we are both on the same page just wording it different. Chez If not the same page, certainly the same chapter. In terms of the PDU being off, each air group will have only one upgrade choice and that one choice will be either the default upgrade type in the database for the aircraft type currently equipping the air group or else that of a specific upgrade "over-ride" the air group has in its database entry. When PDUs are on, it becomes much more complicated but rather than try exploding my brain again, I'd suggest the easiest way to see how the game builds the upgrade list for an air group is to play around with a copy of (say) stock scenario 15. IIRC, all the CV based IJN fighter units will only have three upgrade options on turn 1, the A6M2, A6M3a and A6M5. Start with a single database change to equip one of the IJN CV based fighter air groups with the A6M3 (the air group can even be on one of the CVs that won't arrive till late in the war). You should then see the A6M3 appear in the upgrade choices of the IJN CV based fighter units immediately on starting the modified game. The point of all this is that there is no special upgrade limitation imposed on CV based units other than the fact that when the game routine builds its list of upgrade choices for an air group, one of the selection criteria is that only aircraft equipping "similar" air units are considered. So in the case of the upgrade choices for an A6M2 equipped IJN fighter unit on a CV, "similar" units would be those that are IJN, are equipped with fighters and are CV based (or carrier trained). Therefore, land based (non carrier trained) IJN fighter units would not be looked at in building the list. Since no IJN CV based fighter unit (on map or reinforcement) has the A6M3 in scenario 15, it will never appear as an upgrade choice for IJN CV based fighter units in scenario 15. Cheers