Anthropoid -> Vietnam (8/31/2006 5:41:32 PM)
Anyone interested in a Vietnam PBEM? Skimming through the posts, I don't see any about Vietnam. I've done a number of PBEMs in other games, and have completed one in TOAWIII (The Next War 1979 vs. Okimaw with me as Soviets). I'm also currently engaged in the same scenario with another fellow me playing US. That one will likely wind down over the next couple weeks, so I'm putting out feelers for a prospective Vietnam PBEM, campaign, short scenario, whatever. So far, I've played Boonie rats, and Vietnam 1965-68 vs PO both as US-ARVN. Boonie Rats seems rather heavily slanted in favor of the US-ARVN, so I'm not sure I want to try that as a PBEM. The other one is certainly no cake walk for US-ARVN, and not sure what a skilled human can do playing NVA-NLF. These are both rather long in duration, so perhaps a short one would be better to start? I'd love to compare notes on the various Vietnam scenarios, and just see what other players think of them, even if you're not interested in a PBEM.