CMDRMCTOAST -> RE: Anti-Recon CAP? (10/1/2006 3:01:07 PM)
ORIGINAL: btaft Thanks for the feedback DEB. I have tried the minefields. Unfortunately, they have not been very effective at PM, probably because they are considered to be close to shore and the Bomnarment task force isn't. They have been very successful in the slot though with all those shallow areas. I also typically heavily patrol the narrow passage between Gili Gili and the reefs and have had limited luck. The bombardment task force makes a run from Rabual makes it to the narrow passage and then does the night run to PM from there. Perhapos I will move my B-17s to PM so that they can reach the task force out on the point. Are you mining the narrow passages through the Gilli Gilli slot? Also use all of your lower class subs too lay minefields in the Rabaul slot and rotate a pair of subs in opposite directions through the slot at a staggared distance from each other, and through the Gilli Gilli slots as you will have a great chance of nailing his minesweepers trying too clear the mines,If you can start this early on in the game and torp his minesweepers then your minefields become even more effective on capital ships... I used too focus my sub resources in the beggining of the game too set up the Rabaul slot with mines and sub patrols through the fields too primarily wreak havoc on an apponants mine sweepers, this sets up the minefields in other areas too become much more effective later on, if you sail your subs back and forth through the slots every turn in criss crossing patterns there is less chance of detection, never just let a sub sit there too become picked up by patrol aircraft as this will allow for more effective ASW task forces too sink them. Also remember too lay minefields on a constant basis too make up of for the fields degrading over time...