RE: Summary of Operations 10/23/42 (Full Version)

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wneumann -> RE: Summary of Operations 10/23/42 (1/8/2008 2:55:59 AM)


Just a nice break. Noticing the recon flights over Diamond Harbor (and the fact Pillager had paid no prior attention to Diamond Harbor), I figured he was up to something. Since he had sent the same bombardment TF several times before to hit Calcutta and Chittagong, my guess was that naval bombardment would be the Japs' mode of attack (as there are few if any Jap bombers currently in Burma with sufficient range to hit Diamond Harbor). All the nearby airfields made it easy to shuttle my aircraft out of Diamond Harbor, at the same time keeping those aircraft within range to launch a counterstrike. Oddly enough, the aircraft Pillager was trying to knock out in Diamond Harbor were exactly the same ones that hit the Jap bombardment TF.

Moral of the story is a little intel goes a long way (and there's no lack of information to glean from every game turn).  

It ain't Midway, but I'll most certainly take it...    

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/24/42 (1/8/2008 3:29:40 AM)

Summary of Operations 10/24/42

Central Pacific: U.S. submarines around Kwajalein report heavy patrols by Jap carrier aircraft, F1M2 & E13A1 scout planes, and an occasional Ki-49 Helen. SS Albacore hit a mine while entering the Kwajalein base hex. Albacore took moderate damage and is returning to Pearl Harbor for repairs.

A Jap sortie by the KB (possibly with bombardment TF) continues to be a distinct possibility. At this point, no hard information to either confirm or deny this.

Jap recon flights over Penhryn. AK Loa Koeloe still unloading at Penhryn (still appears to be undetected).

Very light Japanese air patrols reported by U.S. subs at Pago Pago and Canton Is.

South Pacific: All sectors reporting quiet.

Australia: Jap air raids continue against 4 Australian Div and airfield facilities in Daly Waters. Light casualties and damage reported. Recent Jap air strikes on Daly Waters have been carried out entirely with Ki-49 Helens. Pillager had a small number of G5N Liz bombers in NW Australia but they appear to be transferred elsewhere.

Catalina I recon flight over Port Moresby reports 5 Jap LCU's (no change), also detected an unidentified Jap TF.
Hudson I recon flight over Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters on CAP, otherwise no change.

F-5A recon flight over Darwin reports A6M2 fighters on CAP (none previously encountered), no disbanded ships in port, one TF spotted, 5 Jap LCU's (same as previous report).

India/Burma: Jap recon flights continue over Diamond Harbor (still G3M Nell), Imphal, Dimapur, Dacca.

Further air attacks on the Jap bombardment TF did not materialize - B-25's and Liberators assigned to attack the TF did not launch.

Japanese sub (identified as) I-30 detected at Calcutta.

Two Jap air bombing attacks on Chittagong - no casualties, moderate airfield damage reported. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Chittagong , at 31,25

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 24
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 6
Ki-21-II Sally x 15
Ki-48-II Lily x 18

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-II Sally: 2 destroyed, 6 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 1 destroyed, 14 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Beaufort V-IX: 1 destroyed

Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 17

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
10 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet

Day Air attack on Chittagong , at 31,25

Japanese aircraft
G5N Liz x 14

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
G5N Liz: 5 damaged

Allied aircraft losses

Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 4

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x G5N Liz bombing at 6000 feet
5 x G5N Liz bombing at 6000 feet


F-5A recon flight over Rangoon reports 200 aircraft (58 bombers), airfield damage 40. Also 7 Jap LCU's (+1 from previous report) - the new Jap ground unit in Rangoon is likely 33rd Division/A detected and bombed by Chinese IL-4 bombers on 10/23.

More noteworthy is that there are now 3 disbanded Japanese ships in port at Rangoon (previously none), my guess being that this is likely the remains of the Jap bombardment TF hit on 10/23. All available B-25, Liberator, and Blenheim bombers that can be brought to bear are now set to execute port attacks on Rangoon. I'll take every shot Pillager will give me on those battleships.

China: Ground combat at Hengchow, Kanhsien, hexes 44,35 and 44.36. AAR's for all follow.

Ground combat at 44,36

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 56392 troops, 242 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1177
3rd, 6th & 68th Infantry Divisions
Defending force 10499 troops, 32 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 262
52nd Chinese Corps, HQ 2nd Group Army

Japanese max assault: 2348 - adjusted assault: 2812
Allied max defense: 253 - adjusted defense: 395
Japanese assault odds: 7 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
901 casualties reported
Guns lost 8

Allied ground losses:
289 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Ground combat at Hengchow

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3256 troops, 68 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2798
22nd, 26th, 36th, 37th, 40th, 41st, 60th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 13 Tank Rgt,
2, 8 & 27 Engineer Rgts, 1 Mortar Bn, 6 & 15 FA Rgts
Defending force 39757 troops, 7 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1004
2nd Provisional, 21st, 23rd, 37th & 79th Chinese Corps, HQ 9th War Area

Allied ground losses:
177 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Ground combat at 44,35

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1144 troops, 24 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1511
32nd, 34th & 39th Infantry Division, 15 Tank Rgt, 2 Mountain Gun Rgt
Defending force 29280 troops, 91 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 928
29th, 42nd, 49th & 88th Chinese Corps; HQ 3 War Area

Ground combat at Kanhsien

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 860 troops, 35 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 79
Shanghai SNLF, 20 Mixed Brigade/B, 19 Engineer Rgt, 21 Mortar Bn
Defending force 4928 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 169
63rd Chinese Corps

Allied ground losses:
40 casualties reported

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/25/42 (1/12/2008 6:34:42 PM)

Summary of Operations 10/25/42

Central Pacific: U.S. submarines near Kwajalein report patrols by Jap carrier aircraft have completely stopped. A smaller number of patrols by E13A1 Jake aircraft continue. Has the KB left Kwajalein? If so, it successfully evaded the U.S. sub cordon around Kwajalein.

Light patrol activity by B5N2 Kates continue to be detected by U.S. subs at Canton Is and Pago Pago. Becoming more likely that the Kates at Canton and Pago Pago are land-based.

Jap recon flights over Penhryn. AK Loa Koeloe still unloading at Penhryn (still appears to be undetected).

South Pacific: All sectors reporting quiet.

Australia: Japanese Ki-49 Helen bombers strike airfield facilities at Daly Waters - light damage, no casualties reported.

F-5A recon flight over Port Moresby reports 3 Jap LCU's (-2 from last report), one unidentified Jap TF, 69 aircraft (no bombers).

Catalina I recon flight over Port Moresby reports A6M2 & A6M3 fighters on CAP, 5 Jap LCU's (no change).
Hudson I recon flight over Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters on CAP, 5 Jap LCU's (no change).

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Diamond Harbor (G3M Nell), Imphal, Dacca, Dimapur. No Japanese air bombing attacks or fighter sweeps.

Minefield laid by Jap submarine I-30 detected at Diamond Harbor. Minesweeping operations underway. Very limited use of port in Calcutta by Allied shipping due to proximity to front-line Jap air bases. Virtually all movement of Allied troops, supply, and aircraft to NE India or Burma is being done overland. At this time, overland movement between rear areas and front-line Allied forces in Burma/NE India is proceeding smoothly with no Jap detection or interference.

F-5A recon flight over Rangoon reports 220 aircraft (75 bombers), airfield damage 35, 3 ships disbanded in port, port damage 5, 8 Jap LCU's in Rangoon (+1 increase from last report).

Bombing attacks on port faciities in Rangoon by U.S. and RAF Liberators and Blenheims. AAR's below. The attacks follow detection of 2-3 Jap ships in Rangoon port (1 or more possible BB) - chance of inflicting additional damage to Jap BB hit after shore bombardment attack on Diamond Harbor.

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 7
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 6
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 10
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 9

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 48

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3 Zero: 2 damaged
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 2 damaged
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 7 destroyed, 34 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
28 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
7 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
7 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 7
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 6
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 10

Allied aircraft
Liberator III x 46
B-24D Liberator x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3 Zero: 2 damaged
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator III: 1 destroyed, 21 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 4 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Umikaze, Bomb hits 1, heavy damage

Japanese ground losses:
254 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Port hits 4
Port supply hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
5 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet


China: Hengchow falls to Japanese forces. Jap ground attacks continue at Kanhsien and hex 44,35. AAR's for all follow.

Ground combat at Hengchow

Japanese Shock attack (attacking Jap forces reinforced by 15 Mixed Brigade)

Attacking force 168377 troops, 671 guns, 81 vehicles, Assault Value = 3038
22nd, 26th, 36th, 37th, 40th, 41st, 60th & 110th Infantry Divisions, 15 Mixed Brigade,
13 Tank Rgt; 2, 8 & 27 Engineer Rgts, 1 Mortar Bn, 6 & 15 FA Rgts
Defending force 39792 troops, 14 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 993
2nd Provisional, 21st, 23rd, 37th & 79th Chinese Corps, HQ 9th War Area

Japanese max assault: 3050 - adjusted assault: 2858
Allied max defense: 879 - adjusted defense: 599
Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 2)
Japanese forces CAPTURE Hengchow base !!!

Japanese ground losses:
1750 casualties reported
Guns lost 13
Vehicles lost 4

Allied ground losses:
1998 casualties reported
Guns lost 7

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Ground combat at 44,35

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 65842 troops, 320 guns, 1 vehicles, Assault Value = 1516
32nd, 34th & 39th Infantry Division, 15 Tank Rgt, 2 Mountain Gun Rgt
Defending force 37712 troops, 103 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1211
29th, 42nd, 49th & 88th Chinese Corps; HQ 3 War Area

Allied ground losses:
18 casualties reported

Ground combat at Kanhsien

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 7085 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 85
Shanghai SNLF, 20 Mixed Brigade/B, 19 Engineer Rgt, 21 Mortar Bn
Defending force 4862 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 163
63rd Chinese Corps

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2
Japanese max assault: 51 - adjusted assault: 24
Allied max defense: 134 - adjusted defense: 45
Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese ground losses:
301 casualties reported

Allied ground losses:
48 casualties reported

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/26/42 (1/12/2008 6:49:47 PM)

Summary of Operations 10/26/42

Central Pacific: U.S. submarines near Kwajalein report no change in Jap air patrols from 10/25. Light patrol activity by B5N2 Kates continues at Canton Is and Pago Pago.

Unidentified Japanese TF detected by B-17 operating from Johnston Is on naval search. Excerpt from 10/26 Operational Report and situation map of Johnston Is area follow.

B-17E Fortress sighting report: 1 Japanese ship at 98,78 , Speed 0


wneumann -> RE: Summary of Operations 10/26/42 (1/12/2008 7:09:39 PM)

Summary of Operations 10/26/42 part deux

Central Pacific (continued): Jap recon flights continue over Penhryn. AK Loa Koeloe still unloading and appears to be still undetected.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight (H8K Emily) over Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports no CAP, 5 Jap LCU's (no change). Hudson I recon flight over Exmouth also reporting no change (A6M2 fighters on CAP, 5 Jap LCU's).

F-5A recon flight over Darwin reports 51 aircraft (no bombers), one unidentified TF, 3 LCU's (no change).

Jap air bombing attacks against 4 Australian Div and airfield facilities in Daly Waters - light casualties and damage.

Substantial numbers of Japanese ground forces detected advancing southward Katherine towards Daly Waters, including Jap movement to outflank Allied forces defending Daly Waters. Situation map follows.

Given the number of Allied units defending Daly Waters and detected progress of Japanese movements to bypass Daly Waters, orders have been issued to all Allied ground units in Daly Waters to move southward as quickly as possible to avoid encirclement. Priority is on preservation of Allied ground units in Daly Waters over holding Daly Waters itself. With the difficulty of sea communications between Australia and either the U.S. or India, defence of Australia is heavily dependent on forces locally available (already "on the ground") in Australia. Elimination of any Allied LCU's now in Australia (particularly combat units) would seriously degrade Allied ability to hold Australia.


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/26/42 (1/12/2008 7:17:25 PM)

Still more Operations from 10/26/42

India/Burma: Jap recon continues over Diamond Harbor (G3M Nell), Dacca, Dimapur, Imphal. Jap bombing raid on Dacca, fighter sweep against Imphal. AAR's for both follow.

Minesweeping ops continue at Diamond Harbor.

F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 3 Jap ships disbanded in port (a least one BB), port damage 5, three unidentified Jap TF's, 314 aircraft (168 bombers), airfield damage 34.

Day Air attack on Dacca , at 31,23

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 21
Ki-21-II Sally x 8
Ki-48-II Lily x 9

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-II Sally: 8 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 9 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 2 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
71 casualties reported
Guns lost 1
Vehicles lost 1

Airbase hits 6
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 7

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 16
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 12

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 1 damaged


China: Jap ground forces continue attacks at Kanhsien and hex 44,35. AAR's follow.

Ground combat at 44,35

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 65817 troops, 321 guns, 1 vehicles, Assault Value = 1513
32nd, 34th & 39th Infantry Division, 15 Tank Rgt, 2 Mountain Gun Rgt
Defending force 37700 troops, 102 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1217
29th, 42nd, 49th & 88th Chinese Corps; HQ 3 War Area

Allied ground losses:
4 casualties reported

Ground combat at Kanhsien

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 848 troops, 36 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 54
Shanghai SNLF, 20 Mixed Brigade/B, 19 Engineer Rgt, 21 Mortar Bn
Defending force 4827 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 158
63rd Chinese Corps

Allied ground losses:
54 casualties reported

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/27/42 (1/14/2008 6:02:05 AM)

Summary of Operations 10/27/42

Central Pacific: U.S. submarines in the Kwajalein area still reporting no contacts with Jap carrier aircraft. Either the KB is on silent running (not too likely) or it has sortied from Kwajalein undetected by U.S. subs.

AAR below appeared for a contact (sub attack) between SS Sturgeon and an unidentified Japanese TF. SS Sturgeon is on patrol 180 mi due E of Kwajalein.

Sub attack at 84,84

Allied Ships
SS Sturgeon


U.S. sub Grampus at Canton Is reports several contacts with B5N2 Kates. No Japanese air patrols reported at Pago Pago.

Japanese shore bombardment TF hits Johnston Is. AVD Avocet was caught by surprise in Johnston Is base by the Jap TF and sunk - Avocet was there providing aviation support to a PBY Catalina squadron. Two Marine CD units on Johnston returned fire on the Jap TF, damaging one Jap CA. AAR's and situation map follow. Light casualties and damage reported on Johnston Is. Jap bombardment TF was detected SW of Johnston Is moving on a W heading.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Johnston Island at 104,78

Japanese Ships
CA Maya
CL Sendai
CL Isuzu
CL Abukuma
DD Arashi
DD Kasumi
DD Matsukaze
DD Asanagi

Allied Ships
AVD Avocet, Shell hits 11, and is sunk

Naval bombardment of Johnston Island, at 104,78 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D Liberator: 1 destroyed

20 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
Japanese Ships
CL Abukuma
CL Isuzu
CL Sendai
CA Maya, Shell hits 8

Allied ground losses:
22 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 2
Port fuel hits 2
Port supply hits 1



wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/27/42 (1/14/2008 6:18:07 AM)

More Operations from 10/27/42

Central Pacific (continued): AK Loa Koeloe completed unloading at Penhryn and departed without being detected. Unloading ops in progress at Jarvis Is by several convoys bringing additional supply and engineer units.

South Pacific: Jap recon flights over Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports A6M2 & A6M3 fighters on CAP, 73 aircraft (17 bombers), five Jap LCU's (no change from previous reports). Hudson I recon over Exmouth reporting A6M2 fighters on CAP, otherwise no change in Jap activity.

F-5A recon over Darwin reports 48 aircraft (no bombers), 3 Jap LCU's (no change), no Jap TF's or ships disbanded in port.

Two Jap air bombing attacks against targets in the Daly Waters area - one attack on airfield facilties in Daly Waters itself, the second attack on 4 Australian Div now located just south of Daly Waters. Light casualties and damage reported.

Japanese ground forces are continuing their move to outflank Daly Waters and cut off Allied LCU's breaking out towards the south. 4 Australian Div is now just south of Daly Waters holding the way open for rear guard forces to escape. Current situation map follows.


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/27/42 (1/14/2008 6:26:01 AM)

Even More Operations from 10/27/42

India/Burma: Minesweeping ops continue at Diamond Harbor. Jap recon flights reported over Imphal, Dacca, Dimapur.

F-5A recon over Rangoon reports two Jap TF's, 3 ships disbanded in port (at least one BB), port damage 3, airfield damage 18, 312 aircraft (167 bombers), 7 Jap LCU's (-1 from previous report).

Also, one unidentified Jap LCU moving north (by land) from Rangoon towards Mandalay, Magwe, or Lashio. Chinese IL-4 bombers have been dispatched to execute a ground bombing attack on this unit to identify it and inflict whatever (few) casualties it can.

China. Ground bombardment attacks by Japanese forces against Chinese positions in Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No report of casualties on either side.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/28/42 (1/15/2008 4:54:06 AM)

Summary of Operations 10/28/42

Central Pacific: No contacts with Japanese carrier aircraft reported by U.S. subs at Pago Pago, Canton Is, or in the Kwajalein area. Pillager either has the KB rigged for silent running, it has sortied, or (very unlikely) it has left the area.

Another remote possibility is that KB task forces have disbanded into the port at Kwajalein - anchor map symbol in Kwajalein suggests many ships are at anchor there. All the above possibilties are unconfirmed as of this time.

Jap recon flight over Penhryn Is.

Jap TF still reported SW of Johnston Is as indicated in the entry below from the Operations Report. Situation map also follows.

B-17E Fortress sighting report: 8 Japanese ships at 96,83 , Speed 12 , Moving West


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/28/42 (1/15/2008 5:08:50 AM)

More Operations from 10/28/42

South Pacific: Jap recon flight over Norfolk Is. Otherwise all sectors quiet.

Australia: Japanese air attacks against airfield facilities in Daly Waters, also U.S. 131 Field Artillery Bn leaving Daly Waters towards the south. 131 Artillery Bn reports moderate casualties. Allied rear-guard units will be out of Daly Waters within the next 24 hrs (in WitP time). Situation map of Daly Waters area follows.

Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports A6M2 & A6M3 fighters on CAP, 5 Jap LCU (no change).
Hudson I recon over Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters on CAP, 5 Jap LCU (no change).

F-5A recon over Darwin reports A6M3 fighters on CAP, 47 aircraft (no bombers), 3 Jap LCU (no change), no Jap TF's or ships disbanded in port.

One Jap LCU Pillager has removed from NW Australia has been "tagged" in this entry from the 10/28 Sigint report - 1st Engineer Regiment is located at Soerabaja. Previous known location of 1 Engineer Rgt was Darwin as of 9/5/42.


wneumann -> RE: Summary of Operations 10/28/42 (1/15/2008 5:25:38 AM)

Summary of Operations 10/28/42 - Act Three...

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Diamond Harbor (still G3M Nells), Imphal, Dimapur, and Dacca.

RAF Vengence dive bombers attack Jap airfield facilities at Mandalay - AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 18
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 12
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 9

Allied aircraft
Vengeance I x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Vengeance I: 8 destroyed

Runway hits 2

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x Vengeance I bombing at 2000 feet


F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 7 Jap LCU's (no change), 333 aircraft (174 bombers), airfield damage 20, 2 Jap TF's, 5 ships disbanded in port (+2 from previous report), port damage 5.

A new LCU in the Japanese order of battle on the Burma front has been identified in this entry from the 10/28 Sigint report - 28th Engineer Regiment is located at Magwe. Previous known location of 28 Engineer Rgt was Soerbaja as of 8/2/42. The presence of assault engineers at Magwe could represent early warning of a possible Japanese ground movement overland from Magwe towards Allied positions in either the Imphal or Chittagong areas.

Minesweeping operations have completed at Diamond Harbor.

China: Jap recon flight over Chungking. Japanese ground bombardment attacks on Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No casualties reported on either side.

wneumann -> Question for readers... (1/15/2008 5:56:50 AM)

Game question for you readers...

Where to put HQ South Pacific... I removed this HQ from Auckland some time ago as there was (and likely to be for a very long time) nothing for this HQ to support from Auckland, given the overall Allied strategic situation in the South Pacific area. It saw it as more feasible relocating HQ South Pacific from Auckland in order to move it closer to its assigned air units and LCU's entering the game as reinforcements on the U.S. West Coast. I took this option rather than transporting air units and LCU's assigned to HQ South Pacific from the U.S. to Panama City and across the southern shipping route between Panama City and Wellington (NZ), elimininating the possibility of Japanese interception and attack while in transit.

HQ South Pacific is currently located in Los Angeles - it arrived there with all its support elements disrupted, these have recovered and HQ South Pacific is now fully operational.

As of now the plan is to move HQ South Pacific from the U.S. West Coast and position it to support future operations along the southern flank of the main U.S. front in the Central Pacific. Projected location for HQ South Pacific is somewhere in the Line Islands, possibly in a location where the entire Line Islands chain would be serviced inside its command radius (of 9). The Line Islands are projected as the main assembly area for air units and LCU's assigned to South Pacific command that began the game or entered as reinforcements on the U.S. West Coast.

The strategy here is for a side-by-side advance of Central and South Pacific commands westward once U.S. offensive ops start.

Any opinions on this plan as an effective deployment of HQ South Pacific?

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/29/42 (1/16/2008 6:35:57 AM)

Summary of Operations 10/29/42 Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 200 days

Central Pacific: Contact has been lost with Japanese surface task force SW of Johnston Is - possibly moved beyond range of U.S. land-based naval air search.

U.S. subs in the Kwajalein area still reporting no contacts with Jap carrier aircraft. However, a large number of E13A1 scout aircraft are flying patrol around Kwajalein. E13A1 aircraft known to operate from many Jap CA's, also CS.

Light patrol activity by Jap B5N2 Kates detected by U.S. subs at Pago Pago and Canton Is - these likely to be land-based aircraft.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight over Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: Japanese capture Daly Waters. Allied ground forces previously holding Daly Waters escaped the Japanese flanking movement. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Daly Waters

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 51631 troops, 359 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1035
2nd & 5th Infantry Divisions, 5 Engineer Bn, 18 Heavy FA Rgt, 3 Mountain Gun Rgt; 3, 5 & 14 Mortar Bns
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1
Japanese max assault: 1053 - adjusted assault: 1231
Allied max defense: 0 - adjusted defense: 1
Japanese assault odds: 1231 to 1 (fort level 1)
Japanese forces CAPTURE Daly Waters base !!!

Japanese units shown in the preceeding AAR represent the main force that had been advancing southward on Daly Waters along the rail line from Katherine. Identity of the two Jap LCU's that were bypassing Daly Waters on each flank remains unknown.

Hudson I recon on Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters still on CAP, otherwise detected no change in Jap forces.

F-5A recon on Darwin reported A6M3 fighters on CAP, 44 aircraft (no bombers), no Jap TF or disbanded ships in port, 3 Jap LCU's (no change).

Catalina I recon on Port Moresby reported A6M2 & A6M3 fighters still on CAP, otherwise no change in Jap forces detected.

India/Burma: Relatively quiet. Jap recon flights over Dacca, Imphal, and Dimapur.

F-5A recon on Rangoon reports 286 aircraft (82 bombers), airfield damage 35, two Jap TF's, 3 ships disbanded in port (-2 from previous report), port damage 6, 7 Jap LCU's (no change).

Chinese IL-4 bombers strike Jap 33rd Division/A moving into Moulmein. No losses or casualties reported on either side.

China: Jap recon flight over Chungking. Ground bombardment attacks by Japanese forces against Chinese positions in Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No significant casualties on either side reported.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/30/42 (1/18/2008 2:27:09 AM)

Summary of Operations 10/30/42 Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 199 days

Central Pacific: No contacts with Jap carrier aircraft reported by U.S. subs in the Kwajalein area. E13A1 scout aircraft continue to fly patrol around Kwajalein. U.S. subs at Canton Is and Pago Pago report a small number of contacts with patrolling B5N2 Kate aircraft, these probably land-based.

Jap recon flight (H8K Emily) reported at Penhryn Is. No Allied ships currently there.

South Pacific: All sectors reporting quiet.

Australia: Allied ground units withdrawing from Daly Waters continue moving southward toward Tennant Creek without interference from Jap air or ground forces. No Japanese air activity reported in Australia.

Four squadrons of U.S. B-17 bombers have transferred into the airbase in Tennant Creek - these bombers will start attacks on airfield facilities in Daly Waters to keep the airfield inoperable and prevent its use for Japanese air ops.

Allied recon flights over Exmouth and Port Moresby both report normal Japanese CAP (A6M2 at Exmouth, A6M2 & A6M3 at Port Moresby), no change in Jap forces detected at either location.

F-5A recon over Darwin reports 55 aircraft (no bombers), 3 Jap LCU's (no change), no Jap TF or disbanded ships in port.

India/Burma: Jap recon flights reported at Imphal, Dacca, and Dimapur. Japanese bombing attack and fighter sweep against Imphal.

Bombing attack and fighter sweep by U.S. and RAF aircraft on Jap airfield at Mandalay. RAF Liberators and U.S. B-24 bombers attack Japanese airfield in Rangoon. RAF fighters sweep Jap airbase at Magwe.

AAR's for all Allied and Jap air attacks follow.

Day Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29 (Allied attack)

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 62

No Allied losses

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33 (Allied attack)

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 12
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 14
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 10
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 15
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 13

Allied aircraft
Liberator III x 39
B-24D Liberator x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3 Zero: 5 damaged
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 8 damaged
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 1 destroyed, 8 damaged
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 damaged
Ki-61-Ib Tony: 1 destroyed, 6 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator III: 39 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 4 destroyed, 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
193 casualties reported
Guns lost 8

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 10

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
9 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29 (Allied attack)

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 61
P-40E Warhawk x 24

No Allied losses

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29 (Allied attack)

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 32
B-25C Mitchell x 29

Japanese aircraft losses
No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 4 damaged
B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
31 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 4

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
8 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
2 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26 (Jap attack)

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 7
Ki-49 Helen x 43

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-49 Helen: 28 damaged

Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 48

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
11 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
16 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26 (Jap attack)

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 18
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 10

No Japanese losses


F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 210 aircraft (59 bombers), airfield damage 35, two Jap TF's, 3 ships disbanded in port, port damage 6, 7 Jap LCU's (no change). Jap bombers detected in Rangoon include G3M Nell and G4M Betty.

China: Jap ground bombardment attacks continue at hex 44,35 and Kanhsien - no significant casualties reported. No new Japanese ground units detected at either Kanhsien or hex 44,35.

Jap recon flight over Chungking reported.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/30/42 (1/18/2008 2:29:47 AM)

Addendum to 10/30/42 report:

Results of airfield attack on Mandalay - airfield damage 23. Also reported was 90 Jap aircraft (39 bombers) based in Mandalay.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 10/31/42 (1/18/2008 4:45:09 AM)

Summary of Operations 10/31/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 198 days

Central Pacific: U.S. subs in the Kwajalein area report Jap carrier aircraft (Vals & Kates) patrols have resumed, patrols by E13A1 planes in the Kwajalein area continue as well. Several contacts with B5N2 Kates flying on patrol also reported at Pago Pago. No air patrol activity detected at Canton Is.

Jap recon flight over Penhryn Is.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight over Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: Night bombing attack by Jap G5N Liz bombers on Cooktown - no damage or casualties. G5N bombers that hit Cooktown originated from Port Moresby.

Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports one unidentified Jap TF, no fighters on CAP, otherwise no detected change in Jap forces.

U.S. B-17 bombers strike airfield in Daly Waters. AAR follows. Information reported on Daly Waters following the air strike - airfield damage 91, 102 Jap aircraft (57 fighters, no bombers), 9 Jap LCU's.

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 24
B-17E Fortress x 21

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
331 casualties reported
Guns lost 7

Airbase hits 4
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 38

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
9 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
9 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
4 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
2 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet


F-5A recon over Darwin reports 12 aircraft (all auxiliary), 3 Jap LCU's (no change), 6 ships disbanded in port (+6 from previous recon), no TF.

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Chittagong and Dimapur. Two Japanese air bombing raids on Imphal airfield - AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 23
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 22
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 14
Ki-48-II Lily x 37

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 30

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 2 destroyed, 7 damaged
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 3 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 1 destroyed, 26 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 10 destroyed, 10 damaged

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 20

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
6 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
7 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 2
G5N Liz x 20

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 19

Japanese aircraft losses
G5N Liz: 14 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 3 destroyed, 1 damaged

Runway hits 3

Aircraft Attacking:
17 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet
3 x G5N Liz bombing at 15000 feet


Japanese 53 Construction Bn detected and attacked by Chinese IL-4 bombers outside of Rangoon. This is the first report of 53 Construction Bn within Burma - was previously located in Malaya.

F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 4 Jap TF's, 4 disbanded ships in port (includes 2 BB), port damage 6, 177 aircraft (54 bombers), airfield damage 34.

Japanese AP Arizona Maru torpedoed in Rangoon by Dutch sub O-24. Arizona Maru heavily damaged and on fire.

China: Jap recon continues over Chungking. Also continuing Japanese ground bombardment attacks in Kanhsien and hex 44,35 - light casulties to Chinese forces reported.

wneumann -> View of the Big Picture #4 (1/18/2008 6:22:31 AM)

View of the Big Picture #4: Allied Carrier forces – organization and doctrine

U.S. Navy: A reorganization of U.S. carrier forces is underway, this being done in conjunction with the 10/42 ship upgrade in progress for all U.S. CV’s and escorts.

All six U.S. carriers are fully operational at this time. Four of them (Hornet, Yorktown, Enterprise, Saratoga) have already completed 10/42 upgrade as of 10/31/42. The other two CV’s (Lexington & Wasp) are enroute to the U.S. west coast to begin their 10/42 upgrade.

All warships that will be escorting U.S. carriers are also undergoing the 10/42 ship upgrade, many of these ships already completing it.

Completion of the 10/42 ship upgrade is one of two remaining steps prior to taking on the IJN in early 1943. Finishing this upgrade will maximize the radar and flak equipment of ships in U.S. carrier TF’s.

The second remaining step before the IJN is taken on in 1943 is going through the torpedo dud rate change which provides some increase in effectiveness of U.S. torpedoes. The torpedo dud rate change will (1) improve attack ability of TBF Avenger torpedo bombers operating from the carriers, and (2) many U.S. subs now become an effective weapon for the first time with the capability to effectively support U.S. carrier ops.

U.S. carrier task forces are being reorganized as ships complete the 10/42 upgrade. Each carrier TF will contain the optimum number of 15 ships with basic organization of each task force as follows. Exact numbers of each ship type in a TF will vary, however at least 9-10 DD will be in each task force.

1 fleet CV
1 Washington or South Dakota BB - with impending arrival of BB Indiana, five of the six carrier TF’s will contain a BB
2-3 CA
1-2 CL or CLAA
9-10 DD

U.S. carrier task forces will operate together as a stack – this in keeping with the idea that CAP over all TF’s mutually support each other in this formation. With Pillager showing a tendency to operate Japanese carriers as a “death star”, this appears to be the best I can do to match it.

CAP percentage of fighters over U.S. carriers has not yet been determined, though I am leaning towards giving a bit more fighters to escort the attack.

Priority of U.S. carrier doctrine in 1943 is to sink or inflict maximum damage on Japanese carriers, this priority taking precedence over preservation of U.S. carriers. With the approaching arrival of Independence class CVL’s and Essex CV’s beginning in mid-1943, any U.S. carriers lost will be replaced relatively quickly. Not to mention any sunk U.S. carriers return by mid to late-1944 given the anticipated time frame.

Rules of Engagement…or how to get the KB out and into battle at a time and place of my choosing rather than Pillager’s? Yet to be a good answer for that question. More on that later, maybe.

Other resources to possibly support U.S. carrier operations –

Four Omaha class CL’s are now earmarked to operate individually as “hit and run” scouts. With each Omaha CL equipped with two SOC-3 Seagull spotter planes (extended range = 3), the plan is for the Omaha to approach a Japanese base or TF at full speed, get within range of its SOC-3 Seagull planes, launch one or both SOC-3’s on a recon or naval patrol mission (as appropriate for the target of the scouting mission), then “get out of Dodge”.

U.S. submarines. With improved torpedoes and radar, these will become a factor for screening and possible (effective) torpedo attack on any Jap ships or carriers they may encounter.

Another more far-fetched possibility… decoys. I am looking through my available transport shipping to determine what (if any) of these ships can be used to form a dummy amphibious TF. If this idea is even feasible, this dummy TF could be sent out with all its ships empty to (1) divert attention from a real amphibious TF that is launching a real assault at the same time elsewhere, and/or (2) bait for the KB. Throw a little “chum” into the water… good to do when out fishing.

British carrier forces: With the loss of two CV’s (Formidable & Indomitable) off NW Australia in 5/42, Royal Navy carrier strength in the game currently consists of CV Illustrious and CVL Hermes. This not providing much of a challenge to the IJN.

CV Victorious is due to arrive as a reinforcement some time in 2/43 (102 days from 10/31/42). However, the Victorious is due to arrive in Panama City. No plans at this time have been made as to what CV Victorious will do and where once it arrives in the game. One possibility is to team it up with BB Prince of Wales and escorts (now in Australia) and form a TF to prowl the South Pacific.

I am not expecting to do much with the British carriers at least as long as the KB remains at large and is effective. My intent at this time is to keep British carrier forces mainly in the Indian Ocean area.

racndoc -> RE: View of the Big Picture #4 (1/18/2008 4:57:53 PM)

Nice work on the carrier TF reorganization. Just a couple of thoughts.....

If Pillager has all his IJN CVs in a Death Star and you have too few British CVs to be effective, Id consider combining the British CVs with the USN CVs when you go over to the offensive.....might allow you to get your offensive started a bit earlier.

Also, when attempting to get 6 USN Air Combat TFs to stay together, it works best to have one slower air combat TF(put CVE Long Island or a slow BB in it) and set all other air combat Tfs to follow it. Otherwise you might have the nasty situation of the air combat TFs splitting up when doing high speed manuevers.

You are in Nov. 1942, your P-38G production is ramping up and soon you will be able to neutralize Pillager's forward airfields thus creating a favorable environment for using your CVs......good luck!

wneumann -> RE: View of the Big Picture #4 (a) (1/20/2008 12:49:50 AM)

View of the Big Picture #4 (a)

1) I had not looked at combining RN and USN carriers up to this point, though it could be feasible at least in the case of CV Victorius. In order to include CV Victorius in a U.S. carrier order-of-battle I would have to either double it up in a TF with one of my U.S. carriers or bring over RN ships (BB Prince of Wales and escorts) across from Australia to escort the Victorius in its own Air Combat TF. Once the U.S. carrier TF reorg is completed, I do not anticipate there being enough USN escorts (CA, CL, DD) to effectively form a seventh Air Combat TF around CV Victorius.

As it is... nearly all (if not all) USN fast BB's, cruisers (CA's, CL's except Omaha class, CLAA's), and DD's will be allocated to escorting USN fleet carriers in Air Combat TF's. Not for lack of having them... but all my old BB's are staying home (where they no doubt belong at this stage of the war) until I absolutely need them for shore bombardment.

2) At this point there are no plans to deploy CVE's for carrier-vs-carrier combat. CVE Long Island is projected to continue as an transport. I have three other CVE's (one I believe has a replenishment air squadron on board), my plans for these being either in a replenishment TF or to provide close CAP and air support for amphibious TF's.

3) Plans for at sea movement of U.S. carrier TF's as a group is to assign the slowest TF as the "lead TF" and set all other TF's to follow it. Movement of the carrier TF "stack" will be monitored each game turn, if another TF in the stack is slower than the current "lead TF", that TF will be reassigned as the new "lead TF" and all other TF's assigned to follow it. This practice will be implemented to maintain formation of carrier TF's operating as a "stack".       

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/1/42 (1/20/2008 1:41:46 AM)

Summary of Operations 11/1/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 197 days

Central Pacific: Continuing contacts with Jap carrier aircraft reported by U.S. subs in the Kwajalein, also E13A1 scout planes and Ki-49 Helen bombers. Several contacts with B5N2 Kates flying on patrol reported by U.S. subs at Pago Pago. No air patrol activity detected at Canton Is.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight (H8K Emily) over Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: Another Jap night bombing attack on Cooktown by G5N Liz bombers based at Port Moresby. No Allied casualties or damage to Cooktown base.

Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports A6M2 & A6M3 fighters on CAP, otherwise no detected change in Jap forces.

Bombing attack by U.S. B-17 bombers against airfield facilities in Daly Waters. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
A6M3 Zero x 18

Allied aircraft
B-17D Fortress x 19
B-17E Fortress x 22

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed, 16 damaged
A6M3 Zero: 11 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-17D Fortress: 14 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 3 destroyed, 16 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
565 casualties reported
Guns lost 9

Airbase hits 2
Runway hits 37

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
4 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
5 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
8 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
2 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
2 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
2 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet

Reported status of Jap airbase in Daly Waters - airfield damage 92; 45 aircraft (22 fighters, no bombers).


Hudson I recon over Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters on CAP, 4 Jap LCU (-1 from last report).

F-5A recon flight over Darwin reports 4 Jap ships disbanded in port (-2 from last report), 6 aircraft (all auxiliary), 3 Jap LCU's (no change).

India/Burma: Dutch submarine O-24 torpedoes second Japanese ships in two days - AR Suzuya Maru. Suzuya Maru reported on fire. Pillager trying to bring in an AR to fix his battleships.

Jap recon flight reported over Dimapur. Japanese air bombing attack on Chittagong, fighter sweep against Imphal. AAR's for both follow.

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 24
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 14

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 3 destroyed, 6 damaged

Day Air attack on Chittagong , at 31,25

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 22
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 30
Ki-21-II Sally x 19
Ki-49 Helen x 41
Ki-48-II Lily x 59

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 damaged
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 9 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 1 destroyed, 15 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 10 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
52 casualties reported

Airbase hits 9
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 59

Aircraft Attacking:
13 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
13 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
9 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
5 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
14 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet


RAF Blenheim bombers strike Jap airfield facilities at Magwe - AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 39

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed, 14 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
112 casualties reported

Airbase hits 5
Runway hits 7

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
4 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
2 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet


Chinese IL-4 bombers strike Jap ground unit detected outside Magwe - this unit now identified as 33rd Division/C which is moving out of Magwe (based on its last known location being in Magwe). No losses reported on either side.

A successful reconnaisance-in-force was carried out by a Chinese infantry division (55th Provisional) to identify Japanese forces occupying Mandalay and determine the extent of any Jap build-up in Mandalay. AAR follows.

Ground combat at Mandalay

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 23378 troops, 74 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 397
55th Infantry Division, 41 & 44 Heavy AA Bns, 18 Aviation Rgt, 124 IJA Base Force
Defending force 1889 troops, 4 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 64
55th Provisional Chinese Division

Japanese max assault: 395 - adjusted assault: 797
Allied max defense: 47 - adjusted defense: 1
Japanese assault odds: 797 to 1

Allied ground losses:
786 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Defeated Allied Units Melting Back into the Jungle!

China: Jap recon flight over Chungking. Japanese ground forces bombard Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No casualties reported on either side.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/2/42 (1/20/2008 5:36:09 PM)

Summary of Operations 11/2/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 196 days

Central Pacific: Central Pacific: Contacts continue between Jap carrier aircraft (both Kates and Vals) and U.S. subs around Kwajalein - these are a smaller number of contacts than occured previously and could indicate that only part of the KB is at Kwajalein. A large number of E13A1 scout plane flights continue in the Kwajalein area along with a few Ki-49 Helen bombers.

Contacts still reported with B5N2 Kates flying on patrol by U.S. subs at Pago Pago. Still no air patrol activity detected at Canton Is.

Status of base construction on Jarvis Is - Port = 0 (no construction underway), AF = 0 (25%), Fort = 5 (40%). Should be noted that Jarvis Is is a dot (beach) hex. 14K of supply is on hand, an additional 15K in process of unloading from a convoy (3 AK) just arriving at Jarvis. Four ENG units are working at Jarvis Is (1st, 2nd, 10th, 14th Seabees) covered by two INF units (one RCF and a USMC Para Bn). Command on Jarvis reports Tiki bars will be completed and operational in time for Xmas.

Dutch AK Sigli has arrived at Penhryn Is and unloading 3K more supply into the "stash". Penhryn is currently unoccupied but is the next stop on the southward march once Jarvis Is is sufficiently operational.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight again over Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: No Jap bombing attack on Cooktown. Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports no detected change in Jap forces.

This entry appeared in the 11/2 Sigint report - 2nd Tank Regiment is located at Milne Bay. Previous known location of 2 Tank Rgt was Darwin.

Latest status on Jap base in Daly Waters - Airfield damage 75, 38 aircraft (15 fighters). Two U.S. A-20 squadrons have transferred into Tennant Creek to reinforce the B-17 squadrons bombing Daly Waters.

F-5A recon over Darwin reports unidentified Jap TF, 5 ships disbanded in port (+1 from last report), 8 aircraft (all auxiliary), 3 Jap LCU's (no change).

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Dimapur and Chittagong. Jap bombing attack and fighter sweep over Imphal - Pillager seems to be concentrating on this base somewhat.

My planes have been rotating in and out of Imphal and other airfieids. With the large number of damaged (Allied) planes returning from sweeps and bombing raids, I found that it was useful to transfer an entire squadron out (by rail) from its front-line airfield to a rear-area base (Delhi, Bombay, several others) beyond the range of Jap aircraft. The squadron repairs its damaged planes and rests it pilots without interference from Jap attacks, then transfers back into the front line to hit again.

F-5A recon flight over Rangoon reports 217 aircraft (83 bombers), airfield damage 41, port damage 7, four Jap TF's, 8 ships disbanded in port (including 3 BB's, +1 from last report).

Dutch submarine O-24 strikes again in Rangoon harbor! Three torpedoes, three days, three Jap ships. O-24 torpedoed AK Tatsuno Maru - reported on fire. The O-24 has exhausted its bow torpedoes, still has ammo in the stern ones. A relief for the O-24 is now enroute.

British sub Rover appoaching the Malacca Straits reports detecting a D3A2 Val dive bomber flying patrol off the coast of Thailand near the western entrance to the straits. Jap carrier???

RAF Blenheim bombers hit Japanese airfield at Magwe. AAR for this action and Jap attacks on Imphal follow.

Day Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 20

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-49 Helen: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 2 destroyed, 12 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
49 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 5

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
5 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 7000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 9
Ki-21-II Sally x 5
Ki-49 Helen x 26
Ki-48-II Lily x 15

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-II Sally: 4 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 1 destroyed, 17 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 2 destroyed, 10 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 1 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
41 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 1

Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 46

Aircraft Attacking:
5 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
5 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 20
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 12

No Japanese losses


China: Jap recon flights continue over Chungking. Japanese ground forces again bombard Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No significant casualties reported.

wneumann -> View of the Big Picture #4 (1/27/2008 5:04:26 PM)

View of the Big Picture #4 (b)

While on the subject of carrier force reorganization... I found a thread with a good amount of information on operating multiple TF's in a "stack" formation - the thread is "Coordinating an Armada. How to keep multiple TFs together" which one can find in 'List of Must Read Threads". The subject matter covered in this thread includes but applies to more than carrier TF's operating together - i.e. forming and launching amphibious assaults.  

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/3/42 (1/27/2008 5:45:23 PM)

Summary of Operations 11/3/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 195 days. Progress of 10/42 ship upgrades has moved along considerably - four CV's done, along with most of the surface warships (CA, CL, CLAA, DD) being earmarked as escorts in Air Combat TF's. Also many subs done.

Central Pacific: A slight increase in contacts continue between Jap carrier aircraft (both Kates and Vals) and U.S. subs around Kwajalein, also many patrols by E13A1 scout planes and the occasional Ki-49 Helen. U.S. sub S-38 attacked near Kwajalein by a Val DB, S-38 hit with heavy damage. S-38 now returning to Pearl Harbor for repairs.

U.S. subs at Pago Pago continue reporting patrols by Kates. Patrols by E13A1 Jake scout planes now being reported at Pago Pago - indicates Jap surface warships possibly at Pago Pago.

E8N Dave scout plane reported detecting Dutch AK Sigli unloading at Penhryn Is - possibly Jap surface TF in the area (one or more CA, possible Kongo BB). Jap recon flight by H8K Emily over Penhryn as well.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight over Norfolk Is, otherwise all sectors reporting quiet.

Australia: No air or ground attacks by either Allied or Jap forces. Current information on Jap forces occupying Daly Waters includes 9 LCU's, 118 aircraft (74 bombers), airfield damage 55.

Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports A6M2 & A6M3 fighters on CAP, otherwise no detected change in Jap forces.
Hudson I recon over Exmouth reports 4 Jap LCU's (-1 from last report).

F-5A recon over Darwin reports no detected change in Jap forces. Current Jap forces in Darwin include a TF, 5 disbanded ships in port, 11 aircraft (all auxiliary), 5 Jap LCU's.

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Imphal, Dimapur, Chittagong. RAF Blenheims bomb Mandalay, Japanese bombers hit Dacca. AAR's for both follow.

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 18
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 9

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 33

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 5 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 8 destroyed, 17 damaged

Runway hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
10 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
1 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Dacca , at 31,23

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 24
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 12
Ki-21-II Sally x 12
Ki-49 Helen x 14
Ki-48-II Lily x 10

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 5
Hurricane IID/IV x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
Ki-21-II Sally: 7 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 1 destroyed, 12 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 10 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 3 destroyed
Hurricane IID/IV: 3 damaged
Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
30 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Airbase hits 8
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 30

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
5 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
9 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet


F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 10 ships in port (+2 from last report, includes 2 BB), port damage 5, 241 aircraft (74 bombers), airfield damage 31, 9 Jap LCU (no change). Dutch sub O-24 reporting Jap ASW attack in Rangoon.

Chinese IL-4 bombers find and strike Jap 33rd Division/C which is now near Mandalay. Appears that Pillager is reinforcing Jap ground forces in Mandalay in response to the reconnaisance-in-force carried out there on 11/1. Movement of this part of Japanese 33rd Division does not seem to indicate a Jap ground offensive from Mandalay towards either Myitkyina or Imphal, given the number and type of Jap LCU's already known in Mandalay.

China: Jap recon flight over Chungking. Japanese ground forces bombard Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No casualties reported on either side. Same report as yesterday.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/4/42 (1/27/2008 8:22:55 PM)

Summary of Operations 11/4/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 194 days.

Central Pacific: U.S. subs in the Kwajalein area report no contacts with Jap carrier aircraft - contacts with E13A1 scout planes around Kwajalein continue. Reports of air patrols by Kate TB's and E13A1 scouts continue from U.S. subs at Pago Pago. No Japanese air patrols detected at Canton Is over the past several (game) days.

E8N Dave scout plane again detects Dutch AK Sigli unloading at Penhryn Is. Also report of recon flight by Jap H8K Emily over Penhryn.

South Pacific: All sectors reporting quiet.

Australia: U.S. bombers strike Japanese base at Daly Waters. AAR follows. Current known status of Jap base at Daly Waters - airfield damage 53, 82 aircraft (19 fighters, 31 bombers), 12 Jap LCU's (+3 from last report).

Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports no detected change in Jap forces. Allied recon flights over Darwin and Exmouth did not fly (grounded due to weather?).

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 6

Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 15
A-20B Boston x 35
B-17E Fortress x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 4 destroyed
A6M3 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
A-20B Boston: 3 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
212 casualties reported
Guns lost 6

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 19

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x A-20B Boston bombing at 10000 feet
6 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
13 x A-20B Boston bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x A-20B Boston bombing at 10000 feet
3 x A-20B Boston bombing at 10000 feet
2 x A-20B Boston bombing at 10000 feet
2 x A-20B Boston bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet


India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Imphal and Chittagong. Jap air bombing raid against airfield at Dimapur, RAF Blenheims strike Jap air base at Mandalay. AAR's for both follow.

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 12
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 15

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 2 damaged
Ki-61-Ib Tony: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 6 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
7 casualties reported

Runway hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet
1 x Blenheim IV bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Dimapur , at 35,25

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 32
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 4
Ki-48-II Lily x 28

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-48-II Lily: 16 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Vengeance I: 1 destroyed

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 11

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
12 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet


F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 2 Jap TF's, 4 ships disbanded in port (-6 from last report, still 2 BB), port damage 6, 259 aircraft (69 bombers), airfield damage 12, 9 Jap LCU's (no change). Jap bomber aircraft detected in Rangoon include G3M Nell and G5N Liz.

China: Jap recon flight over Chungking. Japanese ground forces bombard Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No casualties reported on either side. Same report as yesterday.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/5/42 (1/27/2008 9:04:53 PM)

Summary of Operations 11/5/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 193 days.

Central Pacific: U.S. subs in the Kwajalein area again report no contacts with Jap carrier aircraft - contacts with E13A1 scout planes around Kwajalein continue. Air patrols by Kate TB's and E13A1 scouts continue against U.S. subs at Pago Pago. No Japanese air patrols detected at Canton Is.

Unidentified Jap TF arrives at Penhryn Is. Dutch AK Sigli still at Penhryn and was again detected by E8N Dave scout plane. AK Sigli was not engaged by the Jap TF - it now undocked and is leaving Penhryn Is. Jap recon flight by H8K Emily also reported over Penhryn.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight over Norfolk Is. Otherwise quiet.

Australia: Catalina I recon over Port Moresby again reports no detected change in Jap forces.

A handful of U.S. B-17 bombers hit Jap airfield facilities in Daly Waters. I had meant to stand down this squadron that flown this mission to rest pilots and recover its damaged aircraft, still not bad damage for only three planes. Current status of Jap base at Daly Waters - airfield damage 29, 102 aircraft (30 fighters, 30 bombers), 12 Jap LCU's (no change).

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 8
A6M3 Zero x 3

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 2 damaged
A6M3 Zero: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
111 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Runway hits 4

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet


F-5A recon over Darwin reports one Jap TF, 5 ships disbanded in port (no change), 10 aircraft (all auxiliary), 2 Jap LCU's (-1 from last report). No Allied recon flight was flown over Exmouth.

Sigint report from 11/5 included this entry - 17th Hvy Field Artillery Regiment is located at Koepang. Previous known location of 17 Artillery Rgt was Darwin (as of 8/42). Another LCU Pillager reported to be removing from NW Australia.

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Imphal, Chittagong, Dimapur. RAF Liberator III bombers hit Jap port facilities in Rangoon, U.S. B-25 bombers strike Jap airfield in Mandalay. AAR's of both attacks follow.

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 14
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 6
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 12
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 10
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 6

Allied aircraft
Liberator III x 46

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3 Zero: 6 damaged
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 6 damaged
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 3 damaged
Ki-61-Ib Tony: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator III: 3 destroyed, 40 damaged

Japanese Ships
AR Suzuya Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Japanese ground losses:
657 casualties reported
Guns lost 15

Port hits 3
Port supply hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
5 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
4 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
2 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet
3 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 9
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 8
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 10

Allied aircraft
B-25C Mitchell x 28

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged
Ki-61-Ib Tony: 3 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed, 18 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
26 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 5

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
7 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
4 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet
2 x B-25C Mitchell bombing at 10000 feet


F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 3 Jap TF's (+1 from last report), 3 ships disbanded in port (-1 from last report, port damage 8), 246 aircraft (54 fighters, 79 bombers), airfield damage 1, 9 Jap LCU's (no change). Jap G4M Betty bombers detected in Rangoon along with G3M and G5N. Dutch submarine O-24 still in Rangoon and reports an ASW attack by Jap surface ships (5 DD).

China: Jap recon flight over Chungking. Japanese ground forces bombard Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No casualties reported on either side. Again, the same report as yesterday.

Pillager appears for now to be resting (if not rebuilding) Jap ground units that had been engaged in combat at Hengchow. Given the length of time it took for Jap forces to capture Hengchow and the reported Jap casualties, the battle for Hengchow itself along with re-fitting and building Jap ground units engaged at Hengchow could be consuming a significant portion of Japanese supply stockpiles in China.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/6/42 (1/29/2008 1:57:59 AM)

Summary of Operations 11/6/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 192 days.

North Pacific: Japanese surface TF in a night attack bombarded U.S. base at Attu, also sank AK Fort Norman that had been unloading supply in Attu. No significant damage to the base and light casualties reported. AAR's follow.

Watching the surface combat display, it was observed that two of the Jap ships in the TF (CA Kumano, DD Tanikaze) were trailing smoke although no hits had been scored on them either from AK Fort Norman or from base defenses on shore. Appears that Pillager had sent these two ships on the mission to Attu with light to moderate damage (estimate 10-20 system) - any significance to this, who knows.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Attu Island at 91,35

Japanese Ships
CA Atago
CA Kumano
DD Urakaze
DD Tanikaze
DD Asashio
DD Yamagumo

Allied Ships
AK Fort Norman, Shell hits 17, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Naval bombardment of Attu Island, at 91,35

Japanese Ships
CA Kumano
CA Atago

Allied ground losses:
27 casualties reported
Guns lost 1


Central Pacific: U.S. subs around Kwajalein report no contacts with Jap carrier aircraft. Numerous patrols by E13A1 scout planes reported by U.S. subs at both Kwajalein and Pago Pago.

Japanese TF remains at Penhryn Is - apparently contains 4 ships (?), no ships in the TF identified. AK Sigli departed from Penhryn unmolested by Jap forces and now heading for the Line Islands. Jap recon flight (H8K Emily) continues over Penhryn.

Appears my recent activity there has drawn Pillager's curiosity. I had intended to slowly build up a stockpile of supply on Penhryn, with the idea of keeping Penhryn looking "deserted" until the last possible moment. Then drop a full garrison of INF, engineer, and base force LCU's all at once with supply for them "pre-positioned'. Current stockpile of supply on Penhryn is 10-11K. No LCU's are on the island at this time.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight over Norfolk, otherwise quiet.

Australia: Allied and Japanese air forces trade air raids - U.S. B-17 bombers striking airfield facilities in Daly Waters, a Japanese attack on Tennant Creek. AAR's for both follow.

Current reported status of Jap base at Daly Waters - airfield damage 34, 65 aircraft (12 fighters, 15 bombers), 12 Jap LCU's (no change).

Day Air attack on Daly Waters , at 35,90

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 8
A6M3 Zero x 6

Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 7
B-17D Fortress x 24
B-17E Fortress x 7

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed, 4 damaged
A6M3 Zero: 2 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
B-17D Fortress: 5 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
205 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 7

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
6 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
4 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17E Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-17D Fortress bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Tennant Creek , at 34,95

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 6
A6M3 Zero x 9
Ki-49 Helen x 21

Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 14

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-49 Helen: 3 destroyed, 14 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-40E Warhawk: 3 damaged
F-5A Lightning: 1 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
12 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 7

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
6 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet


Hudson I recon over Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters on CAP, 6 LCU. No recon flight over Port Moresby.

F-5A recon over Darwin reports one Jap TF, 6 ships disbanded in port (+1 from last report), 2 Jap LCU's (no change), 5 aircraft (all auxiliary).

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Imphal, Dimapur, Chittagong. Small Allied air raids by RAF Liberator III bombers against Rangoon airfield, Vengeance I bomber on Jap airfield at Mandalay. AAR's follow.

Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,33

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 11
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 9
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 6
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 9
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 6

Allied aircraft
Liberator III x 19

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M3 Zero: 2 damaged
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 3 damaged
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 1 damaged
Ki-61-Ib Tony: 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator III: 13 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x Liberator III bombing at 10000 feet

Day Air attack on Mandalay , at 33,29

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 9
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 12
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 6

Allied aircraft
Vengeance I x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Vengeance I: 1 destroyed, 10 damaged

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x Vengeance I bombing at 2000 feet


Dutch submarine K-X reached Rangoon, relieving O-24 (out of torpedoes). The K-X reported an ASW attack by Jap surface ships (5 APD Patrol Boats).

China: Jap recon flight over Chungking. Japanese ground forces bombard Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No casualties reported on either side. Same report as yesterday - it's good for me. (cut and paste is wonderful...)

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/7/42 (1/29/2008 3:07:00 AM)

Summary of Operations 11/7/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 191 days.

Central Pacific: The KB has sorted or once again on "silent running".

No contacts with Jap carrier aircraft from U.S. subs in the Kwajalein area - numerous contracts with E13A1 Jake scout planes, also several contacts with G4M Bettys. U.S. subs at Pago Pago reporting contacts with B5N Kates (possibly land-based?), also E13A1 Jake and F1M2 Pete scout planes.

No contacts between Jap air patrols and U.S. subs reported at Canton Is.

Jap recon flight over Penhryn continues. Japanese TF has left Penhryn (no longer detected).

South Pacific: Jap recon flight again over Norfolk Is, otherwise quiet.

Australia: Jap air bombing raid against Allied airfield in Tennant Creek, light damage and casualties reported. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Tennant Creek , at 34,95

Japanese aircraft
A6M3 Zero x 6
Ki-49 Helen x 4

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-49 Helen: 3 damaged

Allied aircraft losses

Runway hits 4

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet


Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports A6M2 & A6M3 fighters on CAP, one Jap TF, 4 Jap LCU's (-1 from last report).
Hudson I recon over Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters on CAP, 3 Jap LCU's.

F-5A recon over Darwin reports Jap TF, 4 ships disbanded in port (-1 from last report), 8 aircraft (all auxiliary), 2 Jap LCU's (no change).

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Chittagong and Dimapur. Jap air bombing attacks against Allied air bases at Imphal and Asansol - first ever Jap bombing raid on Asansol. Reported damage to base in Asansol (17 service damage, 3 runway) and Imphal (13 service damage, 14 runway). Many Allied air units are now resting and re-fitting in rear area bases.

Day Air attack on Asansol , at 30,22

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
Ki-21-II Sally x 21
Ki-49 Helen x 42

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-II Sally: 17 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 2 destroyed, 34 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 2 destroyed
B-25C Mitchell: 2 destroyed
Dakota I: 3 destroyed
Hurricane IIb: 1 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
30 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 13
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 25

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
13 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
9 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
6 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
4 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-21-II Sally bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-49 Helen bombing at 6000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 19
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 6
Ki-61-Ib Tony x 9
Ki-48-II Lily x 45

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 3 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 4 destroyed, 30 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 2 destroyed, 5 damaged

Allied ground losses:
14 casualties reported

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 14

Aircraft Attacking:
5 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
7 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
12 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
2 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet

Day Air attack on Imphal , at 34,26

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 7
Ki-48-II Lily x 19

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-48-II Lily: 1 destroyed, 13 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 2 destroyed

Airbase hits 4
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 10

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet
6 x Ki-48-II Lily bombing at 6000 feet


F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 3 Jap TF, 4 disbanded ships in port (-2 from last report, includes 2 BB), 281 aircraft (84 fighters, 71 bombers), 9 Jap LCU's (no change), no detected port or airfield damage information.

Dutch sub K-X attacked by Ki-51 Sonia - the K-X received moderate damage.

Unidentified Japanese sub detected at Akyab. Akyab remains in Allied hands though it has been vacated by Allied forces and has been left as "no man's land" as holding Akyab in force would only create a salient for Pillager to cut off. Allied forward defense lines in the coastal area are at Cox's Bazar, main Allied defenses at Chittagong.

China: Another triumph of "cut and paste"... Jap recon flight over Chungking. Japanese ground forces bombard Kanhsien and hex 44,35. No casualties reported on either side.

However, movement by Japanese ground forces from Hengchow has been detected so "cut and paste in China" continues for only a limited time.

wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/8/42 (1/30/2008 2:52:13 AM)

Summary of Operations 11/8/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 190 days. All U.S. carriers and heavy surface ships (BB, CA, CL, CLAA) already finished or are now completing 10/42 ship upgrades. All but a few U.S. DD's have finished this upgrade as well, most remaining DD's are in the upgrade now or soon to begin upgrading. Projected completion date of the 10/42 upgrade for all U.S. carriers and escorts is mid-Dec 42. Final stages of assembly and reorganization of U.S. carrier forces will complete shortly after that.

Central Pacific: The KB remains silent - no detected contacts with Jap carrier aircraft. U.S. subs at Pago Pago and in the Kwajalein area report numerous contracts with E13A1 Jake scout planes, several contacts with (probably land-based) B5N2 Kates at Pago Pago.

No reports of Jap recon flights or detected naval activity at Penhryn Is.

South Pacific: All sectors reporting quiet.

Australia: Jap air bombing raid on airfield at Tennant Creek - no casualties, light damage (quickly repaired). Allied forces at Tennant Creek include sizeable numbers of engineers and base force LCU's, plus 25-30K + supply. Several AA ground units are moving to Tennant Creek. Pillager just found the hornets' nest.

F-5A recon over Darwin reports 2 Jap TF, 7 disbanded ships in port (+3 from last report), 2 Jap LCU's (no change), 8 aircraft (all auxiliary).

Hudson I recon over Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters on CAP, 4 Jap LCU's (+1 from last report).
Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports A6M2 & A6M3 fighters on CAP, no detected change in Jap forces.

India/Burma: Jap recon flights reported over Imphal, Chittagong, Dimapur. F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 4 Jap TF (+1 from last report), 3 ships disbanded in port (-1 from last report), 331 aircraft (112 fighters, 81 bombers), no detected port or airfield damage.

U.S. B-24 Liberators hit Jap airfield at Magwe - AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 16
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 4

Allied aircraft
B-24D Liberator x 22

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 5 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 1 destroyed
Ki-48-II Lily: 2 destroyed
Ki-21-II Sally: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D Liberator: 22 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
42 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 2
Runway hits 3

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
9 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet


China: Jap recon flights over Chungking and Pakhoi (new target).

Japanese ground offensive against Chinese forces in hex 43,37. Bombardment attacks by Jap ground forces continue at Kanhsien and hex 44,35. AAR's and current situation map follow.

Ground combat at 43,37

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 71328 troops, 316 guns, 83 vehicles, Assault Value = 2321
26th, 36th, 40th, 41st & 110th Infantry Divisions; 13 Tank Rgt, 2 & 8 Engineer Rgts, 1 Mortar Bn, 6 FA Regiment
Defending force 19090 troops, 17 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 285
21st, 23rd & 37th Chinese Corps, HQ 1 & 2 Group Armies

Japanese max assault: 2748 - adjusted assault: 1790
Allied max defense: 276 - adjusted defense: 29
Japanese assault odds: 61 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
506 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Allied ground losses:
544 casualties reported
Guns lost 9

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Ground combat at 44,35

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1124 troops, 24 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1537
32nd, 34th & 39th Infantry Division, 15 Tank Rgt, 2 Mountain Gun Rgt
Defending force 50926 troops, 146 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1631
25th, 29th, 42nd, 49th, 58th & 88th Chinese Corps; HQ 3 War Area

Ground combat at Kanhsien

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 860 troops, 35 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 81
Shanghai SNLF, 20 Mixed Brigade/B, 19 Engineer Rgt, 21 Mortar Bn
Defending force 4731 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 162
63rd Chinese Corps


wneumann -> Summary of Operations 11/9/42 (1/31/2008 1:01:01 AM)

Summary of Operations 11/9/42

Countdown to CV Essex arrival: 189 days. All but a few U.S. submarines eligible for upgrade in 10/42 already finished or now completing the 10/42 upgrade - a few of these subs were kept in front line service for the time being to maintain ongoing patrol activity in the Central and South Pacific theaters.

Central Pacific: Jap carrier aircraft patrols once again active in the Kwajalein area. U.S. sub Stingray near Kwajalein attacked and hit by a D3A2 Val - the Stingray is returning to Pearl for repairs with moderate damage. U.S. subs at Pago Pago and around Kwajalein report numerous contracts with E13A1 Jake & E8N Dave scout planes, also several contacts with B5N2 Kates at Pago Pago.

Jap recon flight (H8K Emily) over Penhryn Is. No report of any Jap TF's detected at Penhryn.

South Pacific: Jap recon flight over Norfolk Is, otherwise quiet.

Australia: Jap air bombing raid on airfield at Tennant Creek - light damage to airfield (repaired), two planes destroyed on the ground.

Status of Japanese base at Daly Waters - 63 aircraft (24 fighters, 10 bombers), no report of airfield damage. F-5A recon over Darwin reports 3 Jap TF's, 4 ships disbanded in port (-3 from last report), 2 Jap LCU's (no change), 13 aircraft (all auxiliary).

Hudson I recon over Exmouth reports A6M2 fighters on CAP, 5 Jap LCU's (+1 from last report).

Air base at Cooktown hit by Japanese bombing raid. Jap planes hitting Cooktown originated in Port Moresby. AAR follows.

Day Air attack on Cooktown , at 48,100

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 17
G5N Liz x 16 (Liz bombers believed previously based in NW Australia)

Allied aircraft
Kittyhawk I x 4
P-40E Warhawk x 4

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
G5N Liz: 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Kittyhawk I: 2 damaged
P-40E Warhawk: 1 damaged

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 3

Aircraft Attacking:
13 x G5N Liz bombing at 10000 feet
3 x G5N Liz bombing at 10000 feet


Catalina I recon over Port Moresby reports A6M2 & A6M3 fighters on CAP, 5 Jap LCU's (+1 from last report).

India/Burma: Jap recon flights over Chittagong, Imphal, Dimapur. Unidentified Jap submarine detected at Akyab.

F-5A recon over Rangoon reports 4 Jap TF's, 3 ships disbanded in port (no change), 9 Jap LCU's (no change), 297 aircraft (95 fighters, 72 bombers). Dutch sub K-X in Rangoon reported ASW attack by 5 Jap DD's - no hits or damage.

RAF Blenheim and U.S. B-24 bombers strike Jap airfield at Magwe. AAR's follow. Difficult to maintain continuous Allied bombing attacks on Jap bases in Burma - air missions nearly always result in heavy pilot fatigue and most aircraft that fly in a mission return damaged - necessary to rest pilots and repair aircraft between missions.

Day Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 5

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb x 7
Blenheim IV x 55

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 5 damaged
Ki-48-II Lily: 2 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb: 4 destroyed
Blenheim IV: 3 destroyed, 29 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
69 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Airbase hits 3
Runway hits 8

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
5 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
7 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
4 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
6 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 8000 feet

Day Air attack on Magwe , at 31,29

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 5

Allied aircraft
B-24D Liberator x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 2 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 2 destroyed
Ki-48-II Lily: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D Liberator: 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
18 casualties reported

Airbase hits 2
Runway hits 7

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
3 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet
2 x B-24D Liberator bombing at 10000 feet


Jap air bombing raid by G5N Liz bombers on Calcutta - no report of damage in Calcutta. Most of the 25 Liz bombers participating in the raid were damaged.

China: Jap recon flights over Chungking and Tuyun (new target). Ground bombardment attacks by Jap forces continue at Kanhsien and hex 44,35 - no reported casualties.

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