Weird waste problem (Full Version)

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cedric -> Weird waste problem (9/18/2006 12:23:16 PM)

My CoG has a big problem with the waste,the economy advisor and economy report always show the waste is 0,even if I control 54 provinces,but the waste penalty did work[:(].I think it's my computer system's problem,I have did my best to solve it,but failed,please help me[:(]
ps:my version is 1.225

cambronne -> RE: Weird waste problem (9/18/2006 5:37:29 PM)

You know, my economic advisor shows waste as 0 as well.
I have to believe that I should have some waste given the numbers of provinces that I controlled.

NA97 -> RE: Weird waste problem (9/18/2006 10:18:44 PM)

Waste show up on the economy report (from clicking on the tab near the bottom of the screen). There is a section of that report that tells you the number of provinces contributing to waste and the percentage of waste. In my current game I have 2 provinces contributing to waste for an average waste of 6%. The Economic Advisor screen does show zero in the waste columns. So, either I'm not wasting any money, just 6% of my other resources or this is a small bug left over from the process of changing the way waste works. (As I understand it, it used to be based on the amount of production in each province, not on the total number of provinces).
So, check the economy report to see the waste amounts and keep building courts to control it.

Mr. Z -> RE: Weird waste problem (9/25/2006 4:40:30 AM)

Yes, in .26, Waste may not in fact happen. This may be a bug introduced with this patch. We unfortunately are preoccupied with other projects right now and so won't be able to fix it until we turn our attention back to CoG, hopefully within the next few weeks.

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