MrMox -> Lock ups (9/27/2006 10:54:43 AM)
Just getting into TOAW III, I've had two lock ups in two days. 1) Finishing Arracourt 44, I select File->Exit, then press Close on the pop-up menu. Result: game locks up solid instead of exiting. Not the worst of moments but anyway... 2) Starting Road to Rimini, having finish the very first combat round, I select Inventory and replacement list. I keep the cursor pressed on the down arrow. As the list hits the bottom, the game area (map + side panel) goes black, and game locks up. Cursor is the hourglass, and CPU is at 100%. However, when I finally right click on the TOAW icon in the Windows Taskbar (in order to select Close) TOAW springs back to life, and I am able to continue. Using TOAW, XP Pro all patched up, PC above requirements, etc. Haven't tried the nosound option so far, but will give it a go (but I actually like the sound effects). Any ideas, or similar experiences??? [Come to think of it, when I got the game I played the Korea scenario a number of times, and didn't see any problems - can't remember if that was the or the unpatched ( version.]