ny59giants -> Australia - Has it ever been conquered?? (10/1/2006 4:16:23 PM)
I have been reading many of the AAR's, especially Admiral Laurent's and John 3rd, who have done well in a East Pacific first strategy that has had Hawaii taken. I haven't seen anyone invade and capture all of Australia. Why not??[&:] I have seen many Japanese players take Northern Australia along with Perth, but as far as my memory goes, I haven't read about the capture of east Australia and the drive down to Sydney/Melbourne. Is it because of the lack of significant oil/resources?? The triggering of LCU's when the Japanese get past Brisbane (I think)?? I see the capture of India and the conquest of China (except for the capture of Chungking [:D]). Why not the capture of Australia and New Zealand to push the Americans back to having to rely on CV's to support any invasions?? A defensive line of Midway, Johnson Island, Palmyra, Canton Island, and Pago Pago to cut off supplies and reinforcement and then the conquest begins. Is there something I'm missing when it come to this strategy??