Army,Navy,Air Force (Full Version)

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yegor21 -> Army,Navy,Air Force (7/30/2000 12:22:00 PM)

Im 17 and i was thinking of going the Army. I just wanted to ask people who were there to tell me how its like...My Father was a lutanent in the German Army but he dousnt wont to talk about it and his telling me not to go so plase if you can tell me how the army is and what you have to go through...

Leibstandarte -> (7/30/2000 1:34:00 PM)

Having just recently been discharged from the Army (honorable) I feel I must leave this question along except to say the following. I love my country and my regiment dearly but the last 8 years have seen massive changes in the Army. Evaluate what you seek to accomplish and then talk to all the recruiters to see who can best help you reach that goal. Now speaking purely with my ego go CAVALRY! First Team! Mustangs!

Greg McCarty -> (7/30/2000 10:58:00 PM)

I did a 4 year enlistment in the Navy from 1966-1970. Spent the better part of two years in Tonkin Gulf. The military is a mixed bag. I remember it being a frustrating combination of adventure, danger, maddening BS, and just plain hard work. The plus side of it was that I came home shed of all the trivial teen-age head baggage, got some useful tech training, and had a real good perspective on what I wanted in life, and how to get it. In spite of how difficult it sometimes was, I've never regretted the enlistment. The experience probably enabled me to achieve more in life than I otherwise would have. That's my take on it.

Originally posted by yegor21: Im 17 and i was thinking of going the Army. I just wanted to ask people who were there to tell me how its like...My Father was a lutanent in the German Army but he dousnt wont to talk about it and his telling me not to go so plase if you can tell me how the army is and what you have to go through...

Pack Rat -> (7/31/2000 2:18:00 AM)

The military can be like any other job in peace time, you will get out of it what you put in. It is large, by that I mean there is much to it other than front line type personal, hence many job types. I would advise waiting a while and sample some other things first, it may give you a direction to go if you still feel the same way. Never ever forget however the true purpose of the military, if you go, study hard it may mean your life. When I got drafted they asked me if I wanted radio school. I said no, because all I could think of at that moment was slugging a pack radio through some swamp in the Mekong Delta. Little did I know at the time [img][/img] Oh one last thing if you go in and want to be left alone walk fast and carry a tool and no one will come near you [img][/img]

yegor21 -> (7/31/2000 9:52:00 AM)

Thank you [img][/img]

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