Move All Units Key (Full Version)

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SAMWolf -> Move All Units Key (7/30/2000 10:42:00 PM)

I am running version 2.3 and have not been able to get the "All Units" move function to work. I will select a unit, press "a" but when I select a hex to move the units to, the cursor just moves to that hex and none of the units move. Am I doing something wrong?

Drake666 -> (7/30/2000 11:00:00 PM)

Only works when C&C is off.

SAMWolf -> (7/31/2000 2:33:00 AM)


Originally posted by Drake666: Only works when C&C is off.
I tried with C&C off. Still doesn't work. Thanks for the reply.

Beantown -> (7/31/2000 3:31:00 AM)

I don't know this for sure, but it seems that the all-move command will not work (with or without C&C) if there is an inkling of a chance of opportunity fire occurring. This also holds true if there are minefields, etc. If there is absoulutely no chance of ANYTHING happening to a unit, then it seems to work.....

Paul Vebber -> (7/31/2000 5:14:00 AM)

There is a thread a while back with instructions on how to get it to work. Basically you have to have C2 ON (Not off - it won't work with C2 off) and the unit must be assigned an objective. It works for me that way...but only if you try to move in such a way that the untis are all moving toward the objective. [This message has been edited by Paul Vebber (edited July 30, 2000).]

Don -> (7/31/2000 5:17:00 AM)

Check out Wild Bill's post of July 8th named "Formation Movement in SPWAW". It addresses how to use the "all move" key with C&C on. [img][/img] With C&C off, Beantown may be right because I find it works great at times and not at all sometimes. [img][/img] Don

Wild Bill -> (7/31/2000 10:27:00 AM)

Thanks Don, I was getting ready to look that up [img][/img]. All formation move is really only useful when you have a way to go to get to the battlefield. Once you are close to the action, you DON'T want to use it. When you do, you'll have tanks running where they shouldn't, infantry marching into ambushes, it just does not work well in combat. Only getting to the battle. From bitter experience [img][/img] I know this to be true. It has a place and a time to be used wisely. Otherwise it can help toward your demise in battle. Use it carefully. Wild Bill

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