Oldguard -> AARs (10/16/2006 10:48:16 PM)
While I haven't had any time at all to lend at hand on the general bios, that doesn't mean I haven't been mulling things over in my head in eager anticipation. In other games I've played, writing an AAR and reading those of others has always been something I've enjoyed greatly. I intend to do something along this line with FoF, but I'm unsure right now which tack I'll take. * Historical timeline. Less personal, possibly less interesting but faster to write it would involve detailing the movements of corps & armies, battle results and political events. If there's a good chance of anomalous outcomes that contradict history these can still be interesting. * Personal memoirs. My own inclination is toward this option. I'm a fair writer and have done some work on the American Indian Wars before, and it's always interesting trying to put myself into the viewpoint of a 19th century general. I could see this including snippets of the Historical Timeline approach but with much more personal embellishment. Going days without sleep in order to outmarch your enemy, then braving the musket volleys and walls of bayonets to achieve your objective --- that's the stuff of great fiction if crafted well. Have any of you given thought to AARs you might be interested in writing? While I'm on the topic, is there any chance of us seeing some beta AARs when the NDA comes off? I'll be devouring the manual but I would think that the gameplay experiences of the testers would be invaluable to inspiring us and also informing us as to what works and what doesn't.