Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Tutorial #3 (10/21/2006 12:49:10 PM)
ORIGINAL: Froonp - General comment : In French, we learn when writing, not to write digits when we want to say a small number, but to write it with letters. I don't know if you are learnt the same in English, but that is bizarre to me te read a text with digits inside. I don't mean there should be no digit, but when you say "distance between 2 hexes", I've been learned to write "distance between two hexes". - About page 4 : All Sea hexsides are not necessarily between 2 land hexes. Those that are between 2 land hexes preven movement, but there are all sea hexside between a land hex and a sea hex. - About page 9 : You say "in most cases, naval units either start of end movement in a port". You can remove "In most cases", as Naval units always either start of end movement in a port. Sometimes both, but they never move from sea to sea (unless playing with the Leaders in Flames kit, where 2 leaders allow for that feat to be accomplished, but MwiF does not uses LiF Leaders). - About page 10 : The last paragraph gave me the impression that naval units based in Honolulu could be able to intercept enemy units passing in the adjacent sea areas. This is impossible, intercepting naval units have to be at sea to intercept, so you should maybe reformulate it "That would give it the ability to fight enemy units with a suprise advantage". I am tight on space and use numbers instead of words to save room. Sometimes later edits create extra room but going back and revising everything when that happens is a lot of bother. That all sea hexesides can be next to all sea hexes is indirectly covered in the mention about Dover having 4 all sea hexsides in a later page. I believe some naval units can move to a lower numbered sea area section inlieu of returning to port - or has that rule been changed? About Honolulu, the text is pretty clear that it is refering to the units once they are in "a high numbered section".