Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: advanced squad leader (10/30/2006 4:12:06 PM)
ORIGINAL: Sarge I don’t know if that is indeed what the argument is Les, although we have argued the same thing over and over again. I still am not sure exactly what the RTS community is try to convey. On one hand the biggest qualifier is the use of continuous time implemented in the game engine. But on the other they have no concept or show evidence of time scale or better yet how and what scale is used in the engine, Is it real world ? I once beta team for a RTS title and ran a test . IIRC it was a 200 meter dash, the game engine did it in 15 seconds never mind the fact the troops showed no fatigue as it was not even modeled . But anyway the world record is something like 22 seconds, in running apparel , not 10-20 pounds of battle-rattle in combat boots clutching a rifle in tall grass. After posting my findings and calling them absurd , I received silence, not one of the designers replied. With the absences of real word physics in a continues time engine, how is any level of realism achieved. After all wouldn’t you think this element would take the lead in development on this so-called quest of realism. But as we see time after time, this small insignificant technicality is brushed aside in this repetitive debate. Substituted with a quick jab at the intelligence of the turn base player along with the denial that the whole foundation of the game engine is flawed in its most basic building block. Almost feel like filing this quote away when I feel like kicking around the deluded portion of the RTS crowd :) Myself, I often wonder, how much time is required to impregnate a female, raise the resulting male to military age, train in basic training with an army till qualified and then deploy to a unit. In the real world, that's about 18 years from start to finish (assuming the woman cooperates :)). In an RTS game, it takes about 20 seconds. Now granted, not all RTS games feature resource management, and unit production. Still your above example illustrates, that reality and some RTS games get along like oil and water. I know my turns are just turns. They're an expediant to reflect it's just a game of minds after all. I'm not deluded by notions of my game being "realistic". I much rather prefer the term "simulation" be kept in proper perspective. ASL is a game where each turn is mere slices of time. A full game, just a matter of a small slice of time as a whole. And everyone that has ever held a rifle and walked in the footsteps of an infantryman knows, war is a dulldrum of monotony, broken up by bursts of mere minutes of sheer hell and death.