nepomuceno -> A problem with the IA (10/25/2006 10:14:36 PM)
A Greeting, So alone I want to reflect some situations that have happened me during the phases of battle of the game and that I think that they would have to be corrected in future patch. the first one is that in countless occasions the battle begins with a charge of the cavalry of the IA against my artillery without I can make anything to avoid it, believe me it is frustrating to begin this way a battle.[:@][:@][:@][:@] and the second are that when I need to carry out a cavalry charge against an unit of artillery of the IA, the IA puts much care in that the artillery this adjacent one to another unit invalidating the charge, but when it happens to the you review although I place several units protecting the artillery the IA he/she doesn't have any problem in to carry out the charge and to smash the artillery......[:@][:@][:@][:@] although it seems them that this doesn't have importance I believe that they should correct it.........