mldtchdog -> RE: Bibliographies (9/2/2007 1:40:20 AM)
The USA arsenal contains 29 corps sized units that are non-historical: 5 inf, 1 cav, 2 para, 1 mtn, 5 garr, 5 mot, 3 mech, 3 arm and also the ambigious 5 militia. Or roughly half of all the corps available. Other than simply saying that these units did not exist I've been thinking that I would concentrate on the pre-war/ early war strategic planning and mlitary development of the United States. i.e the development of American armored forces, ect... examples: [2020][XXXIX] .T The XXXIX Corps was never activated. .P The Victory Plan, created by General Wedemeyer of the War Plans Department in September 1941as an estimate of rescource and industrial production needs, predicted that the Army of the United States would need 54 triangular style infantry divisions to fight and win a global war. A triangular division consists of 3 regiments instead of the 4 regiment, or square, divisions of WWI. 66 infantry divisions were activated for WWII. .P To get a realistic loook at material needs Wedemeyer had to theorize about the forces America would need to fight the coming war. Forces allocated included the Brazilian Task Force, a smallish corps to counter-attack and German assault into South America, the Columbia-Peru-Ecudor Task Force, most likely to be used to reinfoce the defense of Panama, and 3 field armies for fighting in Europe. He also planned for 2 more armies to defend North America. [2060][LVI GARR] .T The LVI Corps was never formed although, in game terms, it could easily represent the Caribbean Defense Command. .P The Caribbean Defense Command was activated in in February 1941. Of greatest concern to the USA in terms of threat to the western hemisphere was an Axis invasion of Brazil from Dakur in Africa. Available forces were identified and organized under the Caribbean Defense Command in preperation to prevent this. Basically, what I'm asking what do you think to this approach. Other ideas? I turned in preliminary ones to Capitan for his input but I thought I'd post here to see what anyone else thinks