Froonp -> RE: metric system??? (4/15/2008 6:19:56 PM)
ORIGINAL: composer99 Maybe avoiding punctuation marks for most number dividing (aside from the decimal) is the way to go (so for one million you write 1 000 000 instead of 1,000,000 or 1.000.000). For the decimal my own preference in unit write-ups would be for a period rather than a comma, if only because the game uses decimal points for all other fractions. Hey, people, this is a game made by a North American game company, and the game is all written in English. So it seems to me that the numbers should be written in the US American way, that is 1 million is 1,000,000.00. It the game is localized, and a crazy guy translates the writups, then the numbers will be fit to that localized translation, but since it is in American English, let's use American English way of writting numbers. For the above, I don't speak about units. For units I'd tend to propose that we use what is more commonly used in regards to the thing described : Planes : Engine output : hp seems pretty much common for me. Weapons caliber : for machineguns, .50 cal & .33 cal or 12.7 & 7.7 mm are both commonly used, so I say that we should stick with the habit from the plane described. For example, US & British planes can use .50 cal while Russians & German & French planes rather use the 12.7 mm. But for 20 mm cannons I never seen the .79 cal. Let's use mm for all cannons. Speeds : I'd propose that the speed is given in kmh with the mph in parenthesis, or the reverse, this is not a problem, even if that is not consistent through all the writups. Altitudes : I propose that feets are used, as this is the most current and even us Europeans are used to use feets for altitude. Bomb loads : I think that the lb are the most used, and we are all used to think about the bombloads in pounds. Rockets : I think that both the inch & mm are used, I'd stick with the habit of the country of the plane talked about. Inches for Typhoon's rockets, mm for Me262 rockets. We all know how to convert one from the other, no need for both to appear. Range : Km with miles in parenthesis or the reverse. Ships : Speeds : knots. Armor : Inches. Distances at sea (range or else) : Nautical miles. Artillery caliber : I'd go with mm, as I think all people see what a 406 mm gun looks like, but not all realise that it is a 16 inch gun. Maybe 16 inch is not enough "visual" for non english people. Or maybe both. Artillery range : I'd use meters, as yards are very restricted to US & English people, who also are familiar with meters.