RE: Stock Data Base Update (Full Version)

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Reg -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/6/2006 9:45:32 AM)


Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use the correct names for the RAAF and RNZAF squadrons.

The same format as the RCAF squadrons would be nice but the format used in CHS would be better!!

BTW In Commonwealth airforces, the 'No.' prefix designates the squadron as 'Number 75 Squadron' rather than '75th Squadron'. The Dominion is then appended on the end of the designation.

michaelm75au -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/7/2006 2:02:17 PM)

Scenario #10
Air group#1460

It shows the number of ready planes as 42, even though the max size is 16 and designation is Squadron.
Other scenarios show this group with 16 or less ready planes.

Wallymanowar -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/7/2006 10:35:32 PM)

Fourth Installment

678: Bikini - Change name to Bikini Atoll - the more commonly understood name.
695: Apamama - Change name to Abemama - spelling
702: Siador - change name to Saidor - spelling
705: Finshafen - change name to Finshhafen - spelling
710: Gili Gili - Change name to Milne Bay - Gili Gili is just one of the locations on Milne Bay where the Allies built an airstrips and a wharf, there were at least two other airstrips built in this area. Also, Milne Bay was the common name used at this time.
718: Sag Sag - Change name to Cape Gloucester - The common name for the airstrip at this site.
730: Panggoe - change name to Choiseul Island - The name of the large island at this location.
735: Goodenough island - change name to Goodenough Island - capitize the I in island.
740: Sura'iro - change name to Malaita Island - the name of the large island at this location.

Just a short installment while I compile some more data for my mod.

Wallymanowar -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/9/2006 5:12:14 AM)

Fifth Installment:

772: Charter Towers - change name to Charters Towers - spelling
783: Ouv'ea - change name to Ouvea - The apostrophe is someone's attempt to put an accent on the e which is not possible unless you use French text with the proper accents - besides the fact that they missed the e and put it on the v.
785: Mare' - Change to Mare - Another attemt to put an accent on the e which can't be done properly withou using French text with the proper accents.
791: Aoba island - change to Aoba Island - capitalize the I in island
795: Vanikolo - change to Vanikoro - spelling
797: Ndini - change to Ndeni - spelling
798: Reef island - change to Reef Island - capitalize the I
806: Nanomea Atoll - change to Nanumea Atoll - spelling
807: Nukufetau island - change to Nukufetau Island - capitalize the I
808: Funafuti island - change to Funafuti Island - capitalize the I
811: Ha'apai Island - change to Ha'apai - this is a group of islands organized into a district of Tonga
812: Tongatapu Island - change to Tongatapu - this is a group of islands organized into a district of Tonga
816: Upolu - change to Apia - Apia is the largest town on Upolu island and also the capital of Western Samoa
834: Midway - change to Midway Island - more correct form of its name.
838: Lihu - Change to Lihu'e - spelling
840: Moloaki - change to Molokai - spelling
841: Lokai - change to Lanai - spelling

This installment concludes my assesment of changes that need to be done to the Base names in the stock database - next I will begin the corrections needed for the unit names and their initial deployments.

Mike Dixon -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/15/2006 5:38:19 PM)

Oscars need to be upgunned, they are hopeless in the game after a month or so but IRL (according to Bloody Shambles vol III anyway) they were still in extensive use in 1943.


RevRick -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/16/2006 5:11:11 PM)

-Since I haven't seen it, Pry (which could be the result of a very nasty cold so generously shared by the members of my son's rock band), are you perchance going to address the question of drop tanks for allied fighters. I have read a lot about P-40s, P-38s, P-47s, and P-51s for the USAAF and the F4F-4, F6F, F4U-1, F4U-1D, and F4U-4 all having the capacity for drop tanks. Also, IIRC, the later Hurricanes were also plumbed for drop tanks. The P-40E could carry a 147 Imp. Gal drop tank which would increase its range to 1400 miles (which would equate to about 5 hex standard, 7 hex extended range). The F4F-4 was carrying 2 58 gal drop tanks in fighter mode, which ought to work out to a 4 normal, 5 extended range. P-38 could easily carry two 110 gal tanks, and some of the carried a 300 gal tank and a 2000# bomb. Lots of data out there to show that the USAAF and USN fighter where more long-legged than the game allows in standard mode.

Rev. Rick

Mike Dixon -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/16/2006 8:07:40 PM)

Bloody Shambles vol III also states Spitfires were not introduced into SE Asia till mid '43 - in my game with Spence he has hordes of the little buggers in India and its only Aug 42


Andy Mac -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/16/2006 8:22:50 PM)

Thats fine Mike as long as we get the Fighter variant of the Hurricane instead....

USN Pilot pool rate needs to be lifted and Hellcat day fighter production should be 250 - 300 not 144 Night Fighter variant should be 30 not 144

ckk -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/17/2006 6:02:14 AM)


Terminus -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/17/2006 4:19:33 PM)




ORIGINAL: buzzz123

How about including the Avro Anson - worthless as far as game play, but was certainly there historically. Australia, UK, Canada, Netherlands, etc all used them.

We've been here (and several other places) before. How the Anson (even as a representative of utility aircraft filling 2nd line roles) never made the cut of CHS is beyond me. However, since the guys put in the work of creating such a massive Mod, they should be allowed to include what they feel is appropriate (with our input of course).

That argument could be made for a lot of other aircraft, the L-4 and the Auster coming to mind.

Wallymanowar -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/18/2006 12:19:18 AM)

My latest database correction recommendations. Because of the fact that for my mod I am cataloging all my changes with sources, my updates to the stock database are progressing slower than I had initially thought. Here goes the latest:

002: Home Defense Force should actually be named the General Defence Command, but since it is a command formation and some hard-coded issues may arise, I don't recommend changing its name.
003: Kwantung Army - change Leader form 1384 (Yamada, O.) to 1345 (Umezu, Y.) - General Yshijiro Umezu commanded the Kwantung Army from September 7th, 1939 until July 18th, 1945.
005: Northern Area Force - This is a difficult one since it never existed as such - The Northern Area Force was actually the name of the Task Force created to occupy Attu and Kiska. There are two actual units which can represent this one for the game. One is the North Japan Army, which was part of the General Defense Command (Home Defense Force), and the Northeastern Area Fleet, which was formed in August 1943. I recommend no change for the stock database.
006: North China Area Army - change Leader from 1063 (Shimomura, S.) to 0915 (Okamura, Y.) - General Yasuji Okamura commanded the North China Area Army from July, 1941 until August, 1944
010: 2nd Area Army - change its loc (x,y) to 63,28, its Delay from 420915 to 420701, and its HQ from 0004 (Southern Area) to 0003 (Kwantung Army). This unit was formed in Manchuria on July 1st, 1942 as part of the Kwantung Army. It later moved to take command of Western New Guinea and the Eastern DEI. It also has the wrong leader, but I don't think that makes any difference since it is a reinforcement unit.
011: 8th Area Army - change Delay from 421118 to 421109 - a small date change that just reflects historical accuracy.
012: 10th Area Army - change loc (x,y) to 48,44, its Delay from 430115 to 440922 and HQ from 0003 (Kwantung) to 0004 (Southern) - This unit was formed in Taiwan on September 22, 1944 to command forces on Taiwan.
013: 14th Area Army - change loc (X,y) to 43,52 and Delay from 430315 to 440729. This unit was formed in Manila on July 29th, 1944 to replace the 14th Army.
014: 17th Area Army - change loc (x,y) to 59,36, Delay from 430615 to 450201, and HQ from 0004 (Southern) to 0003 (Kwantung) - This unit was formed in Seoul on February 1st, 1945 to take command of all forces in Chosen (Korea)
020: 4th Fleet - change Leader from 7064 (Yoshinaka, A.) to 2676 (Inouye, S.) - Admiral Shigeyoshi Inouye was commanding the 4th Fleet on December 7th 1941.
021: 5th Fleet - change leader from 3432 (Kishii, G.) to 2460 (Hosogaya, B.) - Vice Admiral Boshiro Hosogaya commanded the 5th Fleet on December 7th, 1941.
023: Southern Fleet - change leader from 5083 (Ozawa, M.) to 5083 (Ozawa, J.) - this involves editing the Leader database.

5083: Ozawa, M. - change name to Ozawa, J. and Rank from 019 (CPT) to 021 (VADM) - Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa commanded the Southern Fleet, he wasn't a Captain.

I'll stop here for now. One further note: The Burma Area Army (008) should also have its delay changed since it wasn't formed until March 18th, 1943 - whether changing a Command HQ's delay has any hard-coded issues or not I don't know.

Bibs -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/18/2006 12:26:44 AM)

Don't know if this is a database issue or coding, but when the composition of the US CV airgroups changes, the Wasp ends up with 90 planes vs. a capacity of 76

Andy Mac -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/18/2006 1:01:27 AM)

Slim should arrive with BUR CORPS in March NOT with 14th Army in 44

bradfordkay -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/18/2006 5:39:52 AM)

" 705: Finshafen - change name to Finshhafen - spelling "

Hmmm... I thought that it was Finschafen.

Andrew Brown -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/18/2006 9:47:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: bradfordkay

" 705: Finshafen - change name to Finshhafen - spelling "

Hmmm... I thought that it was Finschafen.

I use "Finschhafen", although I think "Finshafen" (which I believe is a mis-spelling) was used as well.


Wallymanowar -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/18/2006 6:00:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Andrew Brown


ORIGINAL: bradfordkay

" 705: Finshafen - change name to Finshhafen - spelling "

Hmmm... I thought that it was Finschafen.

I use "Finschhafen", although I think "Finshafen" (which I believe is a mis-spelling) was used as well.


[:o]I spelled it wrong[:o] I use Andrew's version which is the correct spelling. (It just goes to show how easy it is to make spelling mistakes in the database)

The original and correct way to spell it is Finschhafen - it was originally colonized by Germans when they owned that area prior to WWI. Finshafen and Finshhafen are also commonly used spellings but they aren't the correct spelling.

Andy Mac -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/20/2006 12:56:29 AM)

Pry seriously in one of my games I have in excess of 3200 carrier aircraft and am recieving 60 pilots a month - NO way was the USN training that few pilots in 43/44

Please FIX this

afspret -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/20/2006 7:29:43 AM)

Just found some errors with the armament on the Commencment Bay class CVE, at least in Scen 15. It has both 5/38s as being rear mounted and no bow or stern 40mm mounts.

According to the Squadron Signal book on US CVEs, this class should have one 5/38 aft on each side, 2 quad 40mm mounts on the stern and one quad mount on the bow.

Mike Dixon -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/20/2006 2:14:10 PM)



Thats fine Mike as long as we get the Fighter variant of the Hurricane instead....

USN Pilot pool rate needs to be lifted and Hellcat day fighter production should be 250 - 300 not 144 Night Fighter variant should be 30 not 144

Bloody Shambles vol III, pg 12:- June 42 supplies of Hurricanes IIc finally arrived. Are these the fighter version? Not sure I've played Jap so long now. 8th Nov '43 (pg 110), was the first Spitfire victory, a certain Flt Lt P.G. Louis, DFC, DFM. Goodness only knows how many Spitfire aces Spence has in our game - early Aug '42.

The book does seem to be the definitive tome on the SE Asia air war.


Hipper -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/20/2006 8:41:40 PM)


The spitfires you are seeing are the ones that were sent to Australia in the second half of 1942 to defend Darwin...
Re Hurricanes   the Mk 1s Mk II a's & Bs'   and indeed C's were all fighters   however from the Mk II b on the hurricane could take 2 bombs under the wings   & were used as fighter bombers in late 43 & 44    ( mostly mk iv's by then I think)

Mike Dixon -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/22/2006 2:22:02 PM)




The spitfires you are seeing are the ones that were sent to Australia in the second half of 1942 to defend Darwin...
Re Hurricanes   the Mk 1s Mk II a's & Bs'   and indeed C's were all fighters   however from the Mk II b on the hurricane could take 2 bombs under the wings   & were used as fighter bombers in late 43 & 44    ( mostly mk iv's by then I think)

I bow to your superior knowledge Hipper. I should have realised that Churchill would funnel the best equipment to Oz leaving the poor Brits and Indians in SE Asia with, shall we say, less effective equipment.


RevRick -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/22/2006 3:22:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Dixon




The spitfires you are seeing are the ones that were sent to Australia in the second half of 1942 to defend Darwin...
Re Hurricanes the Mk 1s Mk II a's & Bs' and indeed C's were all fighters however from the Mk II b on the hurricane could take 2 bombs under the wings & were used as fighter bombers in late 43 & 44 ( mostly mk iv's by then I think)

I bow to your superior knowledge Hipper. I should have realised that Churchill would funnel the best equipment to Oz leaving the poor Brits and Indians in SE Asia with, shall we say, less effective equipment.


He had to do something to keep those Australian divisions in the Eighth Army.

Hipper: Somewhere in the dim past on one of these forums the comment was made about the Hurri also being plumbed for a drop tank, which supposedly gave them a big increase in range. Do you have any data supporting that?

Oliver Heindorf -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/27/2006 12:21:04 AM)

please see other thread regarding P-51B - it seems that no figher unit upgrades to P51B and it seems to be impossible to select P 51B as an upgrade option for a unit

Halsey -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/27/2006 12:27:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Oliver Heindorf

please see other thread regarding P-51B - it seems that no figher unit upgrades to P51B and it seems to be impossible to select P 51B as an upgrade option for a unit

Fix this for the poor sods still playing stock games.[;)]

RevRick -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/27/2006 5:08:18 AM)

seems to me that a lot of P-51s wound up flying in China, which formerly had a lot of P-40s. Anyone who flew Warhawks against the Japanese should be able to upgrade to a Mustang when it becomes available. 'Twould be a simple fix.

AU Tiger_MatrixForum -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/27/2006 5:44:07 AM)



seems to me that a lot of P-51s wound up flying in China, which formerly had a lot of P-40s. Anyone who flew Warhawks against the Japanese should be able to upgrade to a Mustang when it becomes available. 'Twould be a simple fix.

I met one of those guys a couple of months ago. He told me a week after transitioning into P-51's he was shot down and spent 9 months as a POW.

Speedysteve -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/27/2006 10:41:09 PM)

Yup as mentioned i've discovered in stock no units can upgrade to P51B's. P51S's are FINE but not P51B's.

Main reason being of course is that no reinforcements appear with P51B's.

Also the Mossie B XXVI has a replacement rate of 0. Surely this can't be right?

Terminus -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/28/2006 12:28:25 AM)

What scenario are you looking at? In stock 15, I'm seeing a build rate of 50...

Speedysteve -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/28/2006 9:05:03 PM)

Strange. I'll check my next turn from Faber. It's the 42A Campaign

Terminus -> RE: Stock Data Base Update (11/28/2006 9:49:42 PM)

And in that particular scenario, it is indeed build rate 0.

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