GWsFBAStartOct292006 -> What is Your Guys' Opinions About The Performance Numbers Being Right There For All to See In Footba (11/3/2006 4:40:33 AM)
Football Gaming? Kind of like the idea of just providing the player's clips (filmed plays the player was involved in*) that show his positives-described in his label-ie Receiving TE**; to allow participants who have not Traded or not Signed the player. *-When I say clips I do not mean an entire play (like FBP '98 instant replay feature offered), I mean clipped parts of each play **showing just the players strengths, that the owner programmed that he or she wants to see. Remember, there are many clips in a whole play, a few whole plays per game times 20 to 21-games is a lot of clips. Thanks to further discussion on this idea. Thus I could add that it would be best if these improvements were to my idea and its communication: while the owners are playing their games (starting after first-week, towards the draft) and the future draftable players are playing their games (starting after first-week, towards the draft) each of the owners is given the option to do this. Sure, it could also become an all league vote on it, to make it fairer for those who just want to win and not be challenged. However; I would want the choice, of either all league owners vote or each league owner decide for themselves to be an option in its self. Not only just Clips and Descriptions used, also ranges from no more than 6 (out of at least 10-performance categories) -categories. Those ranges from no more than 6-Performance Numbers would be related to the description of the players, since all levels of Football have standards and evaluate players by those standards. The 10 (11)-Performance Categories would only measure (Plus A Category For Years In The League) Speed, Acceleration, Agility, Strength, Hands, Endurance, Injury, Intelligence, Discipline and Composure. Thus, those non-Real World FootBall/Joystick and Game Play Video/Computer Gamers would have Learn Enough About Real FootBall to put together a couple or more Categories to Find The Players to Fill Their Positions of Need or Want. Another words REALISM, BABY. By ranges I mean the real performance number (for each of the 10-categories, let alone the 6-categories that would replace the players' overall number) with at most 20-points add to it and at most 20-points subtracted from it. The variable that would keep one from knowing exact performance number is that there can be at one end of the range 1-point added to it and at the other end of range 1-point subtracted or that there can be at one end of the range 20-points added to it and at the other end of range 0-point subtracted. However, the more time spent looking at the players clips the more the participant can come closer to the players' all 10-categories' true performance numbers. For an owner to be successful player evaluator, he or she would need something along the lines of importance given to all three. 1. Clips* - 50% 2. Ranges of only 6 (out of at least 10-performance categories) -categories -related to the description of the players - 30% 3. Players' Descriptions - 25% *-Also tells you how many injuries and strength of competition he or she has had-cannot really be know any other way and can not be hidden. That is what happens in the real game, I would want it appear in Football Gaming for realism. One of the most successful modern franchises, The NY Giants' GM rarely drafts players outside of the big conferences just because of competition. I guess I should even mention that would also include the standard/useless information (I.e. the previous teams or Franchises or teams and franchises, physical characteristics and etc; just no correct listing of injuries and, obviously, true strength of competition).