rokohn -> RE: Looking for Feedback (11/8/2006 9:08:40 PM)
Fantasy is a relative term. When the Yamatos were laid down, no one had any REAL idea how effective carrier based aircraft would be. Hindsight is always 20-20. Try this for a Fantasy mod: Decrease all airplane ship attack values by a factor of 10 so and increase AA also by a factor of 10. Now the battleship admirals that were responsible for the Japanese and American BB programs of the late 30's are correct. Now carriers are useless and battleships rule the seas. You would really miss the Yamatos then. Granted, my idea goes from fantasy to just plain stupid, but the point is that it wasn't stupid in the late 30's. (Hector Bywater would love it though). I wonder what the US Navy in 1938 would think if they got a hold of the WiTP board game, with the obviously outrageous aircraft values. Sort of a variation on the "Final Countdown" movie. They would have laughed at it unless they were CONVINCED it was an accurate presentation of future history. Only then would battleships be scrapped. While you are at it, the British assumed they had the submarine menace beat in the late 30s also. Granted they were wrong. Assume they were right. Increase ASW values and experience by a huge value. Now, you have too many DD's. And once again you miss the Yamato. A battleship has to be built long before you need it, unlike most escort classes. It is easier to switch from battleships to escorts if you need to, it is impossible to switch from escorts to battleships if you missplanned. Remember that the Japanese never really came to grips with the speed of American production (Yamamoto being the obvious exception) and assumed a year or so construction time for escorts, not the 3 months or so that the Americans could do during war-time.