jchastain -> PBEM AAR - Long Live the Union! (11/9/2006 7:54:28 AM)
Gil and I are firing up a new PBEM game, so we thought we would share it with everyone. PBEM games are strictly strategic games, so this will focus on the strategic elements of the game. As is often done on Matrix forums, we'll have 2 separate threads - one for each side. We will not be reading the other's thread, so while we welcome comments on our approaches and blunders please do not discuss what you read in the other thread. And with that brief intro, let's proceed to the game... Here are the options we'll be using. It is a fairly advanced game, though we'll be using the historical generals that we know and love. quote:
As this AAR was complete prerelease and the game has seen tremendous updates since, the comments below are taken from Gil's thread. Please check there for additional potential updates. EDIT OF NOV. 30: Now that the game is available there is a new sub-forum devoted to AAR's. Inside you will find my detailed battle AAR "Battle in the Wilderness," which has some interesting screenshots (http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=1289320). In addition, it would be worth visiting at least one of the detailed battle AAR threads started by Hard Sarge -- "AAR III" (http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=1286095) or "AAR II" (http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=1280248). (The second features some unfinished graphics, since it was composed during a stage of beta-testing when not all of the graphics had been added.) EDIT OF APRIL 19: It should be pointed out that this AAR was played using a pre-release beta version of the game, and that countless changes (improvements all) have been made to the game via patch since then. So, while this AAR accurately reflects the game in general, the current version of "Forge of Freedom" has changed greatly. EDIT OF OCTOBER 29: While reading this AAR between myself and jchastain is certainly recommended, be sure to look at the magnificent AAR that Grey Hunter has been putting together (which has the added virtue of being played on a patched-up version of FOF, rather than a pre-release beta version). Go here: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=1472699&mpage=1&key= [image]local://upfiles/9706/2B927E72560741819F2181BB7A2311FB.jpg[/image]