Protagonist -> Some things a WaW Veteran Might Want To Know About AWD (11/14/2006 10:31:02 AM)
There are key differences in A World Divided that even a World at War Veteran needs to know about. I thought I would share some of those changes here. UPDATE: I mistakenly wrote supply when I meant movement for the rule about surface fleets and have changed it. I also corrected a mistake I made on Submarine Fleet attack rules. - Flak no longer fires on aircraft overflying the region on the way to a target. Only fighters will fire on aircraft overflying the region. Flak of course fires when the region is the target and nothing fires on egress from the target. - Each Flak can fire on two aircraft. Flak will go through non-fighters before getting to the fighters. If there are more Flak than aircraft, Flak get a +2 to attack for every extra (one will get +2 if there is one extra, two will get +2 if there are 2 extra, etc.). - Only Air and Naval units suffer from the -1 Evasion Fired Upon penalty. This penalty does not count during Op-Fire. - Non-transport surface naval units that move into a sea region that does not contain a friendly island or coastal region expend an extra movement point to enter. - You can spend up to 1 research in any tech line until 1941, and 2 research in any tech line thereafter until the following condition is met: Germany or Japan is at war with Russia or the US. - Atomic Bomb capacity is Land Attack 9 instead of Land Attack 10 for Heavy Bombers. If a Heavy Bomber with Land Attack 9 attacks a Factory and scores two hits (damage x 2), one Population Center and one Population Point in the Pool are removed from the region. - Only Heavy Bombers have unadjusted Infrastructure Attacks. Tactical Bombers and Carrier Airgroups have their Land Attack reduced by 1 die for Rail Attacks. Tactical Bombers, Carrier Airgroups, and Fighters have their Land Attack reduced by 3 die for Factory and Resource Attacks. Fighters have their Land Attack increased by 1 die for Airfield Attacks. You can no longer attack an already dead Infrastructure target (you can commit to the attack, but not fire on the target). - Submarine Fleets only fire on Surface Fleets (besides Transports) 33% of the time they have an opportunity to fire during normal combat. A Submarine Fleet that has been fired at, will not Op-Fire that current player turn (so it would allow transports to unload without molestation for instance) because that Submarine Fleet is considered to have been driven deep after the first contact with ASW. Submarine Fleets, when they are not the phasing player (they are not the attack initiator), gives a penalty to the unit firing on it depending on the number of Submarines in the region (-3 if 1, -2 if 2, -1 if 3, 0 if 4 or more). This modifier is combined with the Veteran/Elite and SIGINT modifier and then the Modifier Limit is applied. All attacks to/from a Submarine Fleet are direct attack and are not doubled. - The amount of Suppression needed to damage a unit is its Durability times five. The amount of Suppression that a unit takes is your roll plus your modifier (doubled), divided by Random(modified Evasion). A unit can never be destroyed through Suppression, only damaged. Artillery, Aircraft vs Land, Anti-Aircraft, Op-Fire, and Naval Bombardment are examples of Suppression Attacks. Normal Attacks also can accrue Suppression. Half the normal attack (with modifiers doubled) rounded down is divided by the modified Evasion. The result rounded down is the Suppression applied - Units amphibiously attacking must begin their turn either in a coastal or island region. You can no longer move into a second enemy region after you have moved into the first region, even if it was empty. This necessitates Transport chains from the beginning to the end for each unit being brought to the battle (since hopping is no longer possible). Also, there are limits to the amount of units that can amphibiously invade. You can invade with 3 units if your amphibious capacity is 3, 4 if it is 4, 5 if it is 5, and an unlimited amount if it is 6. Armor units count as 2 units. You can still bring in more units after the region is taken using Transport capacity. - Japan can convert any aircraft to/from Kamikaze status starting in Spring 1944. The benefits of Kamikaze status are an increase Ship Attack to 5 for Fighters and 6 for Heavy Bombers, Tactical Bombers, and Carrier Aircraft (from 1, 4, 3, and 5 respectively). The disadvantages include not being able to participate in Air-to-Air combat, being destroyed after the battle with a Fleet, and no Torpedo attack. Feel free to add any others you think might help WaW players.