Warhorse -> (8/4/2000 2:17:00 AM)
Originally posted by Skotty:
After reading a few threads regarding OOB's, unit icons, map and terrain issues,etc, some members of the SP community has compared SPWAW and SP2WW2v3 to each other, including myself.
What I would like to know has there ever been a plan or serious consideration of the the two camps working together? I know as far as the code nuts and bolts, the builds of the games are on SP2 and SP3 respectively, so those aspects are very different, but the actual game designs could be applied to either build.
I just start to see a duplication of effort and a possible overlooking of resources. SPWW2v3 OOB's have been refered to as "more mature" than SPWAW's. Paul mentioned that Matrix didn't want to compare notes with SP Camo's OOB's. Why not? This is a historically based game and this seems just another resource to be looked into.
The SPWW2v3 maps have much more dynamic map levels at a higher resolution which works very well.
On the other hand, SPWAW has superior armor VS ballistics, superior graphics, superior sound and it's Win98 native code.
I honestly believe that a cross pollination of both camps would produce great benefits to the entire SP community! [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
In a side bar, I see Wild Bill gets around a bit. I was happy to see his presence in the scen design of Combat Mission when I first fired it up last week. It was a great feeling of familiarity, making me say to myself, " Rite the f### on, you go Bill!!!"
I feel the CM definately benefits from WB's input.
I LOVE both games(SPWW2v3 & SPWAW), and play both in about equal dose's. I often say to myself in the heat of battle" Wow, the dir fire from my PZIVc whacked 3 guys in an inf squad on the first shot, then nothing for the next 2 shots, meaning the hit the dirt, wish SPWAW dir fire did that. But I sure wish the ballistics model from SPWAW was in effect when my PZII got killed from a 15mm MG shot. And sound... wow..... etc..etc..etc"
Thanks again to ALL the folks making the wargame genre better. [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
Hello, while on the surface it would appear to make sense, it goes much deeper than that, and is a 'political' issue I guess. I won't go into it any more than that, unfortunately it is not meant to be;-( I've got no beef with them myself, but I guess everyone can't always see eye to eye as it were!
Mike Amos
Meine Ehre Heisst Treue