Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> RE: What are you Thankful for? (11/26/2006 6:26:36 PM)
Makes ya wonder eh Sarge. Me, while not American (so technically I was thankful a while ago hehe), I would like to "attempt" to describe "why" I am thankful, and hopefully it comes out right. I am thankful that I have realized over time, that I am not beholding to any belief system's divine benefactor for the good in the world, which allows the flip side, I have been able to realize that there is no uncaring benefactor responsible for all that is unpleasant either. I am thankful that even though life can have a lot of really crummy things happen to a person, life is also about a lot of things that make it all worth while. In 93 my life seemed to end thanks to disability, but, I am thankful life has shown me that even that event, as bad as it was to endure, shaped and molded me so that in the end, I am today a better person than I was before it happened, even if I lost out on a few dreams. I am thankful that life gave me my son, so that no matter how depressed I might get over my condition, I could never really for very long, escape the fact that I truely have a purpose and am needed. I am thankful that I live in Canada, a country that continues to annoy the US by always seeming to be just a little better than they are at so many little things (we have better comedians because we're funnier :)). I am thankful for all the guys that make me cry on Rememberence Day (Nov11 in Canada), who will never grow old, and made it possible for me to live where the word "free" truely means something (as it does in the US too of course). I am thankful for all the books, the libraries, the documentaries I can take for granted. The newspapers with their attrocious spin, the free access to the internet. Because they make it possible for me to see it all, and reach my own conclusions. I am thankful I am not starved of credible information like some regions of our world are.