mdiehl -> RE: Need some assistance... (11/28/2006 10:51:51 PM)
Now to remember what the factors mean. Been a long time. Basically I'm trying to get a handle on hourly aircraft launch/landing capacities of each CV Flat Top Plane Handling Rules in a nutshell Those are the turn by turn (hourly) normal/minimum number of aircraft factors that can be launched or recovered. The maximum launch, which is not printed on the card, is double the normal launch. Minimum launch - these aircraft can move a full move during the launch turn. You can launch more aircraft but the ones that exceed the minimum launch capacity must move at normal launch movement rates. Normal launch - these aircraft may only move half of their movement in the launch turn. You can launch yet more aircraft, but the ones that exceed the normal launch capacity must move at maximum launch movement rates. Maximum launch- these aircraft may not leave the launch hex in the turn they are launched. FT does not care about the order of events. So obviously you can use min and normal launch to launch and max launch to recover, should you need to do so. Ready factor - the number of airplane factors that may do one of the following in one game turn: move from the just landed to the readying box, move from the readying box to the ready box. Movement from the just landed to the readying box arms the airplane factor with (in FT) the ordnance of your choice as eligible by airplane type. For land installations there is also a "dispersed" box. So you can go from just landed to dispersed to just landed to readying to ready. Finally, in Flat Top, one airplane factor represents 2-4 aircraft, depending on airplane type and nationality.