Are Your ERA's Too High? (Full Version)

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mikeregan -> Are Your ERA's Too High? (11/30/2006 12:20:06 AM)

Just finished a few seasons and my earned run averages are just too darn high. I had Sandy Koufax AND Don Drysdale for 3 season (in their prime) and neither had an ERA under 4.00. The Dodger teams I were managing had excellent talent but an ERA of about 6.0 for most of the year. How bout you??

sposfan -> RE: Are Your ERA's Too High? (11/30/2006 12:51:46 AM)

Are you playing in the default parks? That might be it. I make sure to change to the actual parks before starting an association.

mikeregan -> RE: Are Your ERA's Too High? (11/30/2006 6:48:12 AM)

Thanks, I didn't think of it. Now that I'm in a Association that I created several seasons ago, how do I assign ballparks to ALL the teams like you suggested?

sposfan -> RE: Are Your ERA's Too High? (11/30/2006 7:01:43 AM)

Sorry, only the first answer was free, $5 for every subsequent one! [;)]

It's a bit of a process, you have to go team by team and edit the ballpark. From each teams frontpage/home page, select ballpark from the menu on the left. The ballpark screen should open up. click the modify ballpark button on the top of the diagram. On the next screen the button on the far right should be Select A Prebuilt Park. Click it and select the park you want. you can also add the proper picture from Padrefan's site (link is in the locker room section of forum).  If you're not sure which park a team was in at which time, this is a great site:

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