General Quarters -> RE: Wish List (12/22/2006 9:50:50 PM)
End of Game: I just finished my first game, with a victory, and was shocked that it was immediately "game over" and exit. Two weeks of playing and two seconds of seeing that I had won. At a minimum, the player should be able to return to the game, to review his units and occupied territories and how many of his and that he had built, and what weapons, and so on and so forth. That is a very easy way of relishing a victory. More ideally, there would be a scroll or sequence of screens that reported on something like the ten largest battles in chronological order, so it's a bit of a history. Each should report the size of the armies (in inf, cav, art), the names of armies and corps involved, the generals commanding, the casualties. More info would be even better, e.g., the entire order of battle, weapons, all generals present, etc. Putting it in newspaper form is a nifty idea.