christof139 -> RE: Wish List (3/12/2007 10:20:42 AM)
Thanks a lot Chris, Goodbye 21st Century constipated computer guys, Hello 19th Century Serious blokes with Bad Beards (What was it with the ACW? They impress all the barbers or something? ) Ha ha ha!!! I guess!!! I think beards and moustaches were also popular in Europe at the time, however, bald heads were never popular, just ask Gen. Burnside and he will tell you it is why he grew his ridiculous Sideburns. Burnside really wasn't an idiot, and did some good Amphibious Ops. early in the war along the east coast, and he also had a sense of humor or humour. At Antietam or Sharpsburg, after his troops had crossed the Lower Bridge, Burnside was having a chat with a couple of Union Infantrymen when a CSA Arty. projectile and/or some minie balls went Whooshing!!, Phhhtttting!!, and Bzzzzing!! by. So, Burnside says to the Infantry fellows something akin to this, "Well boys, it's getting a little hot here for Gen. Burnside and I think I will be on my way now." Something like that he said, and the Infantrymen just shook their heads and laughed etc. It's good to have a sense of humor and it can help through bad times. CSA Gens. 'Old Baldy' Ewell, 'Grumble' Jones, and 'Old Jube' Early were also VERY eccentric. Jones was half-nuts, maybe three-quarters, while Early was the only person in the ANV that Lee allowed to cuss and curse in front of him. Lee made some humorous remarks about this and 'Old Jube'. All Lee could do was shake his head, half-smile and chuckle and pray for Early's salvation. All three of these Gens. were good as you may very well now, but 'Old Jube' was very good, and he was considered for Corps and possibly Army command. Lee put a lot of trust in Early, and that is why Early was put in command of CSA forces during the 1864 Valley Campaign. Overall, Early did very well in that camapign. Gen. Evans of South Carolina always had one of his aides carrying a small keg of whiskey for him, as the story goes, and it seems to be true. We had a Lt. Col., our Bn. CO in the Army, 'Mad Marvin' as I invented the nickname and most everyone ended-up referring to him as, that was quite a character. Take care over there across 'The Pond' in 'Old Blighty'. Mercy me on the Merseyside it is getting late, or Early !!! Chris in Detroit