robpost3 -> RE: State Defense Forces (12/1/2006 6:19:05 PM)
I am not exactly sure but it could be a CDC (civil defense corp) offshoot kinda thing, I know here in Westfield MA we have a Citizens Police force which does train you well in small arms, hand to hand, restraining, offensive driving(yep thats right offensive driving) etc. its 4 full weekends for 3 months, I have been on the waiting list for about 6 months and they do a very extensive background check because you do indeed become a "arm" of the law or at least a thumb. I also remeber vaugly from school that a citizen can execute a binding "citizens arrest". Total sidenote: there is a chain of stores called Ocean State Job Lot here, who three years ago had a sale on fortified C-Rations--chipped beef on toast: Sh*t on a shingle!(they sell everything from tools to mixed nuts to dainties to kids toys-dirt cheap) Im set! Gimme my Slim Jim, trustee side arm and point me to da dirty commies!!!