castor troy -> RE: New Feature Request (12/4/2006 6:54:09 PM)
ORIGINAL: Kid I would like to put fourth an argument for a new feature in WitP. I would like to see a “No Attack” flag for enemy bases. This would allow you to control your four engine bomber a lot better and do away with an unrealistic game exploit. I don’t have the game map in front of me so I’ll use generic names for my example. The Japanese have a large, well supplied, airfield at base X and have stations 100+ fighters on cap. This base has a lot of ship traffic coming and going. The Allie player has several air bases within 6 hexes that can support four engine bombers. If the Allie player places his four engine bombers on Naval Attack at max range in order to intercept the traffic coming in and out of base X, he will get his bombers slaughtered when they inevitably attack the ships docked at base X. So, in order to avoid this, the Allie player must restrict the range of his bomber to 5 hexes. The exploit is that the Japanese player can artificially protect a large area simply by concentrating his CAP at on base. If a player cold flag a base as “No Attack”, then the player could use his bomber to their full potential. I also think this is a very realistic option. In RL a general would order his flyers to avoid heavily defended bases until he was ready to take them on. Also, in RL a riad of 6 B-17s would never say, “oh lets go into base X and see if we can score a few hits, and to heck with the 100+ CAP”. In danger of being again called a JFB I just want to ask if this feature is an Allied feature only? [8|] I suppose not, only in your example as the Allied are probably having a better CAP than the Japanese with more durable 4E bombers than the fragile Japanese 2Es. So this feature would be even more useful for the Japanes (but then YOU will be called a JFB).