rtrapasso -> RE: Can this game be Saved? (12/8/2006 2:57:32 PM)
ORIGINAL: Sardaukar Sounds bad... But I have to ask, were those units marked with "/1" or "/2" for example behind their names ? That means they were not parent units and not egilible to rebuild. That might explain their dissapearance and reappearance in reinforcement bases. Fragment units (/1, /2, etc.) do not rebuild, I think. They can receive reinforcements (at least in my games they have) - and they shouldn't disappear unless something very new and different was implemented in the latest patches. Units CAN disappear (through bug) if the parent unit is destroyed at sea on a transport*, or if you try moving the parent fragment by air (or at least in the past this happens) - but they should NOT reappear as reinforcements (on the list) unless they are HQ units. * i.e. - A unit has fragments in bases on land, but parent fragment is being transported by ship, and the ship is torpedoed and the parent fragment is lost. All fragments will then vanish, including the ones on land - or at least in patches prior to 1.8 they have behaved this way. This can be a real pain if you are transporting an entire division, and the one ship carrying the parent fragment is torpedoed. Suddenly, there are a bunch of ships carrying no troops anymore... [X(]