Mike Scholl -> RE: OT: How many of you have heard about... (12/9/2006 4:42:41 PM)
ORIGINAL: Przemcio231 Well but the "potato head" won the election saying they will bring polish politics to higher moral standart's... and now we have a nazi as miniter of education , some farmer and a criminal as miniester of agriculture (His the head of Samoobrona) , forgein minister without any idea how should she work , and of course the "potato head" PM who can't even dress properly and lives with his momy through his whole life[:D][:D][:D] not to mention he probably can't wash his heair[:D][:D][:D] and have no aparition... once they were making fun of him asking his fellow party members would they take him to meet some chicks[:D][:D] they did not answer[:D] Ah.., the wonders of "Democracy in Action". At least now you get the fun of electing your own choice of worthless, embarrassing, moronic twit instead of having him forced on you by a one-party system. I hope you voted for someone else so that you can play the "Don't blame me" game. What they never tell you about democracy until it's too late is that far too often your "choice" ends up being between two or three people who are ALL worthless, embarrassing, moronic twits.