Nikademus -> (8/9/2000 2:32:00 AM)
Bill, i could kiss you!.....hell, i could kiss the whole Matrix team!!!
(arn't you glad your safely insulated behind your desks and monitors??!!)
cant wait for it to come or not, i'll GLADLY pay money for a more accurate version of SP:II
Cant tell you how many hours of research and fiddling i've done with the OOB's to make them more accurate. (the T-72 MBT has to be the most confusing tank ever created)
on a side note, i noticed a very odd thing with SP:II. After having done my lastest mods to the OOB's for some of the AFV's I noticed that it produced very odd effects in the 'canned' scenerios.
For a little background i had upped the armor ratings on some of the early MBT's a little since after some homework and was surprised to see that some/most of the AFV's featured in the canned scenerios displayed the new stats. However after trudging thru the Israel/Arab wars I noticed that the 'new' tanks (especially T-54/55/62) had become highly resistant to even HEAT rounds fired by 105mm equiped tanks. I was starting to think that i'd boo-booed when i discovered the quirk.
I'd been modifying the IS OOB gun selection for the M60 since it was using an older version of the 105 gun and created a test 'battle' using it and a few M48's as a control. Well low and behold, even with the 'new' stats given the Soviet tanks, the HEAT rounds being fired by the Isreal tanks perforated them left and right!!
After that i loaded in an old test scenerio i'd created to test the 'HEAT' armor factor rating, putting some tanks side by side with a armor rating of '40' (0 for HEAT) and tanks with an armor rating of '40' ('40' for HEAT) and threw some SAGGERS at them.
Again was surprised at the results, even with such high kinetic armor factors, (the AT-3 SAGGER has a max HEAT pen rating of '40' (400mm of armor)) more often than not KO'd the tanks without HEAT protection but dinged the ones that did.
Quite a revelation, going once more back to the 'canned' scenerios once more saw 80% of all rounds (HEAT/SABOT/AP) 'dinging' off the armored hides of the tanks....**even the thinner side armor!!**
So if anyone is still playing SP:II out there and likes to fiddle with OOB's like yours truely, a word to the wise, DONT test your work on the canned scenerios!.