RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (Full Version)

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ravinhood -> RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (12/14/2006 6:20:26 AM)

Funny you should bring that up I just defragged mine about a week or so ago. I used to do it often, but, now I just do it if I notice my system being kind of sluggish. It's probably good to do it every 3 months though I have seen reccomendations to do it once per month. You can usually start it before going to bed and on mine it's done by the time I wake up.

Terminus -> RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (12/14/2006 1:58:34 PM)

Was wondering where this thread had gone. Guess it's not OT anymore...[:D]

Hertston -> RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (12/14/2006 2:11:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus

How often do people de-fragment their hard drives? I keep forgetting to do it, so it takes forever when I finally get around to it...

I keep forgetting it too, so it gets done maybe every three to six months. I think the main reason is that I don't really notice much of a performance drop any more.. five years ago, say, with obviously older hardware I seemed to be struggling for every last drop of performance as every game seemed to be written for PC hardware that wouldn't be released until sometime AFTER the game. Things are still moving, but nowhere near as first. The PC I bought 18 months ago still breezes everything thrown at it, and it was hardly 'top end' then.

KG Erwin -> RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (12/15/2006 1:58:39 AM)

VERY often -- at least once a week, sometimes twice. On my system, which is just a 40GB primary HD, plus a self-installed 10GB secondary drive from my old PC, it takes less than 10 minutes.

I also frequently test my PC on PC Pitstop. It usually rates above 100% in performance categories for comparable systems.

For the record, I have a Dell Dimension 2400C, with 512MB of RAM (I added a 256 module). I also added an Altec Lansing speaker/subwoofer system.

It runs my favorite game, SPWaW (a notorious memory hog) flawlessly, and the weapons/explosions sound great. I did the upgrades for two purposes : (1) to run SPWaW and (B) to listen to music. [;)]

Goblin -> RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (12/15/2006 1:59:34 AM)

Once a month, takes about half an hour.


Poolmick -> RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (12/15/2006 7:07:47 AM)

1 a week

IandMe -> RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (12/19/2006 5:56:10 AM)

Reading this i realized i haven't defragmented my hard drive in about 8 months.The analysis reported that it didn't need to be run at this time since fragmentation is only 4%.

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