KG Erwin -> RE: Heavily OT: A small unscientific poll... (12/15/2006 1:58:39 AM)
VERY often -- at least once a week, sometimes twice. On my system, which is just a 40GB primary HD, plus a self-installed 10GB secondary drive from my old PC, it takes less than 10 minutes. I also frequently test my PC on PC Pitstop. It usually rates above 100% in performance categories for comparable systems. For the record, I have a Dell Dimension 2400C, with 512MB of RAM (I added a 256 module). I also added an Altec Lansing speaker/subwoofer system. It runs my favorite game, SPWaW (a notorious memory hog) flawlessly, and the weapons/explosions sound great. I did the upgrades for two purposes : (1) to run SPWaW and (B) to listen to music. [;)]