christof139 -> RE: New Civil War Scenarios for Future Patches (3/24/2007 6:52:37 AM)
Soon after the update patch goes gold we're going to be turning to scenarios, and trying to provide several more during the spring and summer. Please remember to make suggestions for any scenarios not yet suggested here. Once you have all had a chance to make suggestions, I'll probably start a poll thread or two to get a sense of which ones are most in demand, and we'll take care of those first. Bragg and Kirby Smith's 1862 Kentucky-Tennessee Campaign, maybe to include the earlier Fts. Henry and Donelson Campaign, and the latter Murfreesboro Camapign, with accurate tactical maps. Since Matrix now has the rights to and is going to rerelease the old TalonSoft games, the TS Chicakamauga game has a good map of Murfreesboro, that wouldn't be hard to copy or convert to an FoF map, and also has maps of Prarie Grove and Wilson's Creek. Pea ridge has been modded for the TS engine, and a map of Pea Ridge is availble free for download at a couple of websites, but the map needs to have the Bentonville Detour road on the north side of Pea Ridge added so the CSA forces can actually make the forced march on that road on the computer screen, and the USA can attempt to stop that flanking movement if the USA player wants to or is aware of it, and in actuality USA forces did block that road with plenty of treefall, thereby slowing down the CSA forces and disrupting Van Dorn's plans. Also, the 1861 to end of 1862 campagns in Arkansas, Missouri, and Indian territory would be interesting, maybe to mid-1863 when on July 4th, I believe it was, the South was disastorously defeated attempting to recapture USA held and fortified Helena, AK. Battles in this time period are Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, Prarie Grove, Fort Smith and area, Arkansas Post/Fort Hindman, and Helena. Chris