General Quarters -> RE: Very impressed so far (12/22/2006 4:11:17 AM)
Some quick advice: 1. Do the little interface tutorial that is available along with the read-me. 2. Play the Basic Game first, at least for a time -- you don't have to finish it. 3. Start reading the manual, but skip the 50 pages of interface description for now (except for reference) and go to the next section, which is how to play the basic game. 4. On overall strategy, decide in general where you might want to attack and where you will mainly defend. 5. Organize your forces: assigning officers, deciding which brigades go in which divisions, and where you want them. 6. Start your economy by building some combination of mines, factories, horse farms, and mints. You have to figure out what things you want to build or produce to conduct the war, and then build the mix that will produce the necessary resources. For example, if you want a lot of diplomacy, you need money and therefore mints. For artillery, you need iron and therefore mines. To increase your generals, you will need academies and hence money and therefore mints. And so forth. 7. If you are playing the south, make sure you send raiders and smugglers each turn. 8. Look to upgrade your soldier's (and perhaps sailor's) weapons. 9. If you are playing defense, look to improve your forts. If you are playing offense, you may need engineering improvements and artillery or seige weapons to use against forts. 10. Read the model AAR between Gil and jchaisten (sp?). There's lot's more, of course, but those are some things to get started on.