vertical -> Japanese player wanted (12/31/2006 2:43:01 AM)
Stock 1.804, scenario 15, historical 1st turn off. House rules/settings negotioable with the exception of 1) No Japanese naval movement past Singapore until it falls. 2) No moving Chinese units out of China unless PPs paid. 3) No taking Karachi unless rest of India has already been taken. 4) No 4E naval strikes. 5) Auto sub ops off. 5) ASW TF 6 units max. 6) No moving BBs out of PH on turn 1. 7) Before a division and above sized amphibious landing can commence, all units must have at least 14 planning points. 8) No 2E naval strikes below 6K until 1/43. Time zone close to PST preferred. Circa 6 turns a week average, usually more.