AutoMineSweep() Routine (Full Version)

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Mike Wood -> AutoMineSweep() Routine (1/6/2007 7:41:07 AM)


Some one on the forum inquired how he might sweep mines at the base where a minesweeping task force in based.

The rule says you need to put the task force on "Stay on Patrol", as in:

if(gTaskForce[t].mission==TFM_MINE && gTaskForce[t].onPatrol==SSI_TRUE && SameHex(t,gTaskForce[t].destination))

Hope this Helps...

Michael Wood

jwilkerson -> RE: AutoMineSweep() Routine (1/6/2007 7:05:08 PM)

Thanks Michael. Not I sure knew this myself! At least I know I didn't know I knew it! [:)]

Terminus -> RE: AutoMineSweep() Routine (1/6/2007 7:22:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: jwilkerson

Thanks Michael. Not I sure knew this myself! At least I know I didn't know I knew it! [:)]

You know?[;)]

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