Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (Full Version)

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Martiallaw -> Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 5:37:55 PM)


I am very worried about a matter about WWII which is bothering me too much. I have seen many photographs of Hilter and it seems he used to have a shave daily. But in some photos it seems that he had not shaved that day; may be he used to shave not daily but with a one day gap. Also what is bothering me is if Hitler used to shave himself or had he kept a barber for this. Please inform. Thanks[:)]

Terminus -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 5:59:22 PM)

You're kidding, right?

Knuckles_85 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 6:34:38 PM)

Germany was having trouble
What a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore
Its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that man be?
We looked around and then we found
The man for you and me
And now it's...
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Deutschland is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace
Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Rhineland's a fine land once more!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Watch out, Europe
We're going on tour!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany...
Look, it's springtime
Winter for Poland and France
Springtime for Hitler and Germany!
Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!
Come on, Germans
Go into your dance!
I was born in Dusseldorf und that is why they call me Rolf.
Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party!
The Fuhrer is coming, the Fuhrer is coming, the Fuhrer is coming!
Heil Hitler!
Heil Hitler!
Heil Hitler!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Heil Hitler!
Heil myself
Heil to me
I'm the kraut
Who's out to change our history
Heil myself
Raise your hand
There's no greater
Dictator in the land!
Everything I do, I do for you!
Yes, you do!
If you're looking for a war, here's World War Two!
Heil myself
Raise your beer
Ev'ry hotsy-totsy Nazi stand and cheer
Ev'ry hotsy-totsy Nazi...
Heil myself!
Ev'ry hotsy-totsy Nazi...
Heil myself!
Ev'ry hotsy-totsy Nazi...
...stand and cheer!
The Fuhrer is causing a furor!
He's got those Russians on the run
You gotta love that wacky hun!
The Fuhrer is causing a furor
They can't say "no" to his demands
They're freaking out in foreign lands
He's got the whole world in his hands
The Fuhrer is causing a furor!
I was just a paper hanger
No one more obscurer
Got a phone call from the Reichstag
Told me I was Fuhrer
Germany was blue
What, oh, what to do?
Hitched up my pants
And conquered France
Now Deutschland's smiling through!
But it wasn't always so easy...
It was 1932. Hindenburg was working the Big Room and I...
I was playing the lounge. And then I got my big break.
Somebody burned down the Reichstag. And, would you believe it?
They made me Chancellor. Chancellor!
It ain't no myst'ry
If it's politics or hist'ry
The thing you gotta know is
Ev'rything is show biz
Heil myself
Watch my show
I'm the German Ethel Merman
Dontcha know
We are crossing borders
The new world order is here
Make a great big smile
Ev'ryone sieg heil to me
Wonderful me!
And now it's...
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Goose-step's the new step today

Bombs falling from the skies again
Deutschland is on the rise again
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
U-boats are sailing once more
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Means that...
Soon we'll be going...
We've got to be going...
You know we'll be going....
You bet we'll be going...
You know we'll be going to war!!

shunwick -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 6:50:37 PM)

All I want is a little peace. A little peace.

A little piece of Poland a litlle piece of France ...

Best wishes,

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 6:51:55 PM)

I think it was hormonial depending on which profile (i.e. left side or right) the picture was taken: the hair would grow quicker on a daily basis; the right un-testiculated side would grow a softer more woman-like downy coat whereas the right bollickey side would have a coarser more man like bristle so he would actually have to shave bi-polar like 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 times a day also, the moons phase had a lot to do frequency and bristle per pore accumulation! I think he had a small ministry of shaving employed full-time using the latest Krupps dual retracting blade technology...

Zero Mostel[sm=Cool-049.gif]

shunwick -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 7:01:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: robpost3

Zero Mostel[sm=Cool-049.gif]

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is the funniest film in the universe. I always watch it when it's on and it cracks me up every time.

Best wishes,

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 7:35:04 PM)

Truly funny...I have not seen that in a while...

Doggie -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 10:04:20 PM)

Did Eva shave her pits?  And did the carpet match the drapes?  That's the important question here.

Procrustes -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 10:13:55 PM)

Hitler, has only got one ball
Goering, has two, but very small
Himmler, has something similar
And Dr. Goebbels
Has no balls
At all

Tankerace -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/18/2007 11:17:02 PM)

Soldiers for Tomania! Soldiers for Hynkel!

Brought to you by the Sons of the Double Cross.

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/19/2007 2:07:37 AM)

Lead Tenor Stormtrooper[:D]
Boy thats rich...
Makes me wanna get a band together again...
The singing STuGs or maybe Hermanns von Hermits.

Zap -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/19/2007 3:47:43 AM)

Talking about music groups., who will be the first to put in a rock song the virtues of a strategic wargamer. They have sung about everything under the sun but Startegy wargamers not a song.

I have been thinking of some lyrics alas, but I,m not a prolific song writer.

shunwick -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/19/2007 3:56:19 AM)


Not quite what you had in mind in that strategy wargamers nowhere in sight but ...

We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow. Hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands. Valhalla I am coming...

Should be easy enough to identify the group.

Best wishes,

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/19/2007 4:15:51 AM)

Get the words together and I'll do the music!!!

Witness the birth of....drum roll please.....
Zap and the Flaming Hexagons![sm=Cool-049.gif]

Makes ya kinda tremble and weep at the same time...I can see the panties a flinging toward the stage(more probably rotting veggies and beer bottles), let the new gods of Rock be born!

Hey can you sing, and do you know any drummers who are not alcholics?

Sarge -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/19/2007 4:44:24 AM)

Sorry boys, Iron Madden has the market cornerd

The Trooper

Youll take my life but Ill take yours too
Youll fire you musket but Ill run you through
So when your waiting for the next attack
Youd better stand theres no turning back

The bugle sounds as the charge begins
But on this battlefield no one wins
The smell of arcrid smoke and horses breath
As you plunge into a certain death

The horse he sweats with fear we break to run
The mighty roar of the russian guns
And as we race towards the human wall
The screams of pain as my comrades fall

We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
And the russians fire another round
We get so near yet so far away
We wont live to fight another day

We get so close near enough to fight
When a russian gets me in his sights
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
A burst of rounds take my horse below

And as I lay there gazing at the sky
My bodys numb and my throat is dry
And as I lay forgotten and alone
Without a tear I draw my parting groan

And better yet

Aces High

There goes the siren that warns of the air raid
Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak
Out for the scramble weve got to get airborne
Got to get up for the coming attack.

Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines
Remove all the wheelblocks theres no time to waste
Gathering speed as we head down the runway
Gotta get airborne before its too late.

Running, scrambling, flying
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live. aces high.

Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombers
Let off a sharp burst and then turn away
Roll over, spin round and come in behind them
Move to their blindsides and firing again.

Bandits at 8 oclock move in behind us
Ten me-109s out of the sun
Ascending and turning our spitfires to face them
Heading straight for them I press down my guns

Rolling, turning, diving
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live, aces high.

Now back to the shaving topic , it was just starting to get good ,

stay focused troop [sm=nono.gif]

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/19/2007 5:41:23 AM)

Sorry Sirrah!!!
Here I was about to quit my day-job...[sm=sad-1361.gif]

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/19/2007 5:51:07 AM)

Back to the subject in earnest; here is a classic example of Hitler during his homeless period testing the left side of his face for stubble...(this is in fact at a Krupps rally for thier new improved dual retracting razor)


Zap -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/20/2007 8:45:02 AM)

robpost, I was getting a natural high from your visions for our future together as the most popular band in the world. And then Sarge had to burst our bubble[:)]

Sarge you go that far back? the Iron Madden WoW!

Oh and I apologize for sidetraking this thread I was sure that everything about Hitlers shaving had been said but I was wrong.

old man of the sea -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/20/2007 5:28:08 PM)

all the right wing neo-nazi talk in here is sure to get this thread a pad lock.

lets see,

Hitler only shaved when his communist barber, Hieme Faust, was in town. He used the same guy that Stalin used, but all the back and forth work drove the poor guy crazy, so he went to england to work on Churchill. But Churchill had such a baby face that he had to go work in the USA for Roosevelt. But the USA had big problems with his polotics so he had to hide out with a couple named Rosenburg. Together they formed a plot to install a barber union in all the shops on the east coast, but that was discovered and the Rosenburgs where executed for it. Faust escaped and went on to be a minor poet on the earth based relgion set and died in 2001.


Tex Vindictive -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/21/2007 3:13:11 AM)

Thank you Knuckles_85. That's my 2nd favorite movie. 

Knuckles_85 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/21/2007 4:43:31 AM)

I've seen both versions like 20 times.

Tex Vindictive -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/21/2007 5:53:53 PM)

I didn't see the 2nd movie. Just didn't care to see Naten Lane replace Zero. Saw the play on Broadway two months after it came out. I ordered tickets 3 days after it came out and that was the first show available. Just remember Hitler could paint. He could paint a whole apartment in one day. 2 coats!

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/22/2007 1:10:53 AM)

What about a "Barber" Shop Quartet[:D]

Knuckles_85 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/22/2007 4:31:29 PM)

Since poltics and such are discouraged I have one question. What does this have to do with wargaming?

tc237 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/22/2007 5:09:16 PM)

Hitler, or at least the German High command during WW2, is in tons of games.
It helps to "get into character", when playing a game.

ezzler -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/23/2007 1:29:36 AM)

from wikepedia...

It's well known that Churchill was concerned at the allies lack of facial hair vis a vis the Axis.

Pre war spending cuts and lack of R&D development had allowed the Nazis to build a technical superiority in a short length 'Blitz' type comedy 'Chaplin' pushbroom that was by the mid 1930's already being used successfully instead of the old 1919  'Kaiser' model.

More importantly Stalin had a truly stupendous walrus hair moustache that promised Samson like properties and no western leader could hope to match its size { although much of its quality was rumoured to be sub - standard and workmanship was rudimentary at best .Barbering techniques in the Sovit union were not as good as in the west.}

Mussolini knew his countries poor industrial base and agrarian economy could not compete in the HAIR race of the 1930/1940 s .So he adopted a Total Facial hair ban including the entire head shorn of ALL HAIR!
Although initially worrying to the Allies Dr R V Jones  remarked 'Il Duce looks like the Dali Lama in profile ' and the 'Baldie' approach was soon to be considered an irrelevance.

De Gaulle was working on a Goatee,  but his stylist in sedan was overrun early in the war and nothing much was heard of it until the project began again in france in the mid 1960's when the entire country adopted the 'Goatee beard ' or 'petit chevaux '.

The japanese war department working on blueprints supplied by the Nazis during their 'Pact of Scissors' developed an amazingly long ranged , high endurance and manouverable 'charlie Chan' style tash.
Called the MOUTAKI it created fear in the Allies hierarchy throughout 1941/1942.
Frightening to behold {MacArthur was rumored to have told aides to glue shoelaces to his upper lip in a feeble counter measure that did little to inspire anyone}the Moutaki's weakness was it's terribly frail construction.
the Emporer never left the forbidden city bedroom throughout the entire war lest it 'blow away  in a freak gust.
By 1943 the MOUTAKI Menace was being tonsured back relenlesly on all fronts{ and back and sides}.

So,the Allies had spent their pre war budgets in a new 'facial hair replacement strategy'.
Convinced that     'The razor will always cut through'  the commenwealth and the United States had largely abandoned facial hair and were persuing smoking gestures and accoutremonts instead. { Pipes originally but moving onto strategic cigarettes; filter tips , snuff and of course Sir Winston Churchill's famous Supermarine Cigar}

By the time of the fall of France Churchills comb-over was looking very threadbare and FDR's thinning top was a serious worry for the free world.
Early english and Australian attempts at sideburns promised much but Churchill knew neither he nor montgomery would ever grow them in time, even with new hairdressing appliances and creams from the US.

{Eventually of course it was SGT ELVIS who combined sideburns and quiffs and revolutionised the US during the COLD WAR}

Himmler , Goring and Goebells all had luxuriant hair and were equally capable of growing sideburns and or beards faster than the somewhat more tired and more folically challenged Commenwealth. { although attempting to do so on two sides at once had long been counsoled against by the barbers shop general staff }

Ike Eisenhower after careful studying of german stormtroopers nordic hairstyles decided that Facial hair didn't matter anyway.

He reasoned correctly that although Hitler had a superior moustache he would never have more than one .
And  so Ike countered with the ALLIED OWN  CREW CUT. thousands of men all totally clean shaven.
And with Uncle Joe's top lip slopper mopping up millions in the steppes the myth of the tiny mustaccio dominating the world was debased forever.

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/23/2007 4:16:16 AM)

Yes, yes I can see where you are coming from...alot of this became postwar atrocities and resulted in the "Rollie Fingers" reactionary movement toward handlbarism.


Zap -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/23/2007 4:41:03 AM)

I like the dress suits they wear but na, as a Qaurtet! we could'nt make enough money to buy our next meal

tc237 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/23/2007 5:12:35 AM)

hmm... looking through the archives it seems that german scientists invented Nair: NazihAirInstantischRemovigebung
Might be a cule right there. Have to do more research on this...

robpost3 -> RE: Did Hitler use to shave himself and daily? (1/23/2007 3:08:49 PM)

Well I fear it's nothing less than Hair Metal[sm=Cool-609.gif]we would have to spend most our profits on Dippity Do unfortunatly. (by the gods of power chords this is ghastly!)


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