MrQuiet -> RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) (3/15/2007 2:52:08 PM)
ORIGINAL: christian brown Gents (that means YOU Avatar47) I just realized my new platform (MAC) doesn't support AWD, please log loss reports for me and take 2 decisives. I apologize for this tardy response, I just switched continents (moving Transatlantic unexpectedly kinda sucks) and now the computer won't back me up in my quest to ummmm, participate. Christian has bowed out of the tournament due to changeing computer platforms. MikeMcMann and Haudrauf1962 both replied with interest in replacing him. I rolled some online dice which emailed the results to Mike and Haudrauf and after 2 tie rolls Haudrauf1962 has won a second chance in the tournament. Ok all the games from round1 are wrapped up now. Please have a look at your scores and make sure I have not made any mistakes. All Games for Round2 Should Be starting now. -MrQuiet