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Twotribes -> Looking for a board (1/22/2007 4:39:59 PM)

Matrix, being a buisness, has no wish for certain topics to be discussed here. I appreciate that.

I am looking for a board that will meet my other needs besides Games, weapons, military tactics ect.

I was hoping members of this forum could help me find a new home to post at. On these other topics.

I would like to find one that allows all spectrums of views, on many taboo subjects here. One that the Admins and Moderators try to be fair and where they make an honest effort to follow the policies and rules they post for their board and forums.

Goblin -> RE: Looking for a board (1/22/2007 4:49:42 PM)


Smead -> RE: Looking for a board (1/22/2007 7:12:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Twotribes

Matrix, being a buisness, has no wish for certain topics to be discussed here. I appreciate that.

I am looking for a board that will meet my other needs besides Games, weapons, military tactics ect.

I was hoping members of this forum could help me find a new home to post at. On these other topics.

I would like to find one that allows all spectrums of views, on many taboo subjects here. One that the Admins and Moderators try to be fair and where they make an honest effort to follow the policies and rules they post for their board and forums.

There's Political Crossfire:


But you should know about that meat grinder.

Good luck; expect a ban in about 5 minutes.

tc237 -> RE: Looking for a board (1/22/2007 7:26:51 PM)

You could try Wargamer.com's Religion and Politics sub-forum.
I think it requires a seperate registration. Might be too many of the same old, self-important, god's gift to wargaming types there though. (haven't looked)
Or you can try any danish board, there are usually more intelligent and enlightened people there.
Also the Google war.historical group doesn't have any mods and threads do not get locked, so that might be your cup of tea, although, sadly, that fact does limit the number of intellectuals willing to post there.
As for myself, I usually stick to game discussions only.

good luck, and god bless.

BAL -> RE: Looking for a board (1/22/2007 8:05:14 PM)

TankNet (www.tank-net.org) has sub-forums for AFV's, general military, games & politics (plus a few others).  The knowledge level of "some" is quite high.  Others just talk out their a$$.  The political forum (FFZ) leans conservative.  I don't visit much there anymore because, IMO, it's gone downhill quite a bit in the last 2 or 3 years but you may get something out of it.

sterckxe -> RE: Looking for a board (1/22/2007 9:11:30 PM)


Also the Google war.historical group doesn't have any mods and threads do not get locked, so that might be your cup of tea, although, sadly, that fact does limit the number of intellectuals willing to post there.


Who needs intellewhotsits if you're looking for good ol' flamewars ? [:D]

2 syllable words only please


Eddy Sterckx

Reiryc -> RE: Looking for a board (1/22/2007 9:12:21 PM)

armchair general should meet your needs...

Doggie -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 12:16:47 AM)



armchair general should meet your needs...

Absolutely. A place where "aries" is worshipped like the deity and protected like the crown jewels is just the place you want to be.[8|]

Sarge -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 1:59:59 AM)





armchair general should meet your needs...

Absolutely. A place where "aries" is worshipped like the deity and protected like the crown jewels is just the place you want to be.[8|]

Don’t forget the “REPUTATION” scam over at ACG, cross Les and expect to have a negative count with in seconds if your not out-right banned. [;)]

Knuckles_85 -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 2:42:05 AM)

Yeah my stay in AGO wasn't long. try close combat's free fire zone


Reiryc -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 3:04:05 AM)





armchair general should meet your needs...

Absolutely. A place where "aries" is worshipped like the deity and protected like the crown jewels is just the place you want to be.[8|]

I rarely see les in any of the threads over there... I think most of his time is spent at extreme gamer.

.50Kerry -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 4:17:57 AM)







armchair general should meet your needs...

Absolutely. A place where "aries" is worshipped like the deity and protected like the crown jewels is just the place you want to be.[8|]

Don’t forget the “REPUTATION” scam over at ACG, cross Les and expect to have a negative count with in seconds if your not out-right banned. [;)]

Icon, Icon I say!

IronDuke_slith -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 5:56:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Twotribes

Matrix, being a buisness, has no wish for certain topics to be discussed here. I appreciate that.

I am looking for a board that will meet my other needs besides Games, weapons, military tactics ect.

I was hoping members of this forum could help me find a new home to post at. On these other topics.

I would like to find one that allows all spectrums of views, on many taboo subjects here. One that the Admins and Moderators try to be fair and where they make an honest effort to follow the policies and rules they post for their board and forums.

Have you tried the steakhouse?

Twotribes -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 6:33:20 PM)

Any answer I give to that could be taken as an attack. Lets just leave it at, I have no intention of posting at Mad Cows.

IronDuke_slith -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 6:55:08 PM)


Twotribes -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 7:07:23 PM)

No, I plan now to never return to Mad Cows.

Goblin -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 7:28:00 PM)

Almost any board posted at will require that posters heed warnings from a Moderator. I hope you find something though. Best of luck. [:)]


Twotribes -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 7:34:14 PM)

Sniping is unwelcome, I suggest if your attempting to get a response, you stop.

One can safely make assumptions, based on my posted criteria, why I would not want to post at some specific board.

Goblin -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 7:40:32 PM)

I was making an observation, not intending to take a shot at you, and the wish for luck was sincere, 2T. I do hope you find somewhere you are comfortable with.


Knuckles_85 -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 8:03:04 PM)

I agree with Goblin and wish you luck. If you ever dcide to come back I'd welcome you back just as the prodigal son was

Smead -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 8:15:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Twotribes

No, I plan now to never return to Mad Cows.

Farewell then, but I bet you a buck that after your suspension is over; the urge will be irresitable.

Twotribes -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 8:30:12 PM)

I have had permission to post in at least one forum for awhile now, maybe you could check how many posts I have made there since last Wednesday?

As long as the board has no intention of following its own stated policies and the posters there dont mind, I have no need to waste my time discussing things with people that have no sense of integrity or honor, or that feel doing the right thing is not important.

There now one of you can complain to a board moderator and have this shut down.

UndercoverNotChickenSalad -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 8:35:17 PM)

Well 2T you did pinch a few nougats on d00g, I bet you'll be welcomed into Dave's cluster. Or you and Les can become good buds. There's lots of places for ppl to post even though they've become reviled within the entire gaming community [8D]

Twotribes -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 8:44:21 PM)

I suggest you troll elsewhere, please.

Smead -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 9:02:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Twotribes

I have had permission to post in at least one forum for awhile now, maybe you could check how many posts I have made there since last Wednesday?

As long as the board has no intention of following its own stated policies and the posters there dont mind, I have no need to waste my time discussing things with people that have no sense of integrity or honor, or that feel doing the right thing is not important.

There now one of you can complain to a board moderator and have this shut down.

Except that you were in violation, ignored repeated warnings, became vulgar and ugly which led to your suspension from the Steakhouse and then got suspended from the Saloon because you started spamming every thread with complaints about your treatment even though a thread was provided for these complaints.

The evidence of Forum consensus is clear:


    Has Two Tribes been unfairly treated?

    Two Tribes literally begged for the bum's rush
    52% [ 10 ]

    Dog is a Son of a Bitch
    5% [ 1 ]

    Dog should ban a liberal just to be "fair"
    10% [ 2 ]

    Who cares?
    31% [ 6 ]

sterckxe -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 9:52:14 PM)


Almost any board posted at will require that posters heed warnings from a Moderator.

Every board but one : http://groups.google.com/group/comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical

Wargames and political BS all mixed into one forum.

Years ago there was talk of going moderated but most of the regulars - including me - objected.


Eddy Sterckx

Twotribes -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 10:04:54 PM)




ORIGINAL: Twotribes

I have had permission to post in at least one forum for awhile now, maybe you could check how many posts I have made there since last Wednesday?

As long as the board has no intention of following its own stated policies and the posters there dont mind, I have no need to waste my time discussing things with people that have no sense of integrity or honor, or that feel doing the right thing is not important.

There now one of you can complain to a board moderator and have this shut down.

Except that you were in violation, ignored repeated warnings, became vulgar and ugly which led to your suspension from the Steakhouse and then got suspended from the Saloon because you started spamming every thread with complaints about your treatment even though a thread was provided for these complaints.

The evidence of Forum consensus is clear:


    Has Two Tribes been unfairly treated?

    Two Tribes literally begged for the bum's rush
    52% [ 10 ]

    Dog is a Son of a Bitch
    5% [ 1 ]

    Dog should ban a liberal just to be "fair"
    10% [ 2 ]

    Who cares?
    31% [ 6 ]

Absolute lie.

In fact such a big lie that the only defense one can argue is that I didnt "shut up" after being told too. I will add the whole point being I never should have been told to, to begin with.

It really isnt hard to actually go to madcows and ask for specific posts that show that I was a) vulgar. B) violated any posted rules C) did any trolling D did any baiting, e) any thing that actually involved requiring that I be told to "shut up" that I be "suspended" from first the Steakhouse and second the Board completely.

I challange ANYONE to actually provide links to specific violations or to ANY post at all where I was vulgar in the Steakhouse or to Doggie at ANYTIME in the process.

I will repeat, before this is locked by trolls like Smead and Chicken, I am only responding to outright lies that I did not bring up intitally. This thread is and was about finding a new home. Except that certain people cant let go and feel they MUST make bald face lies and personal attacks here as well as MAd Cows.

You will find several different threads with my name in the title, what you need to be aware of is A) I did not start those threads , doggie seperated posts from the appropriate threads, one could assume that he did so so that later he could make the claim I created numerous threads.B) I made EXACLY one thread to complain ( which by the rules is ALLOWED in the salloon)and ask exactly what I did to violate these rules that Smead and others have claimed I violated. They cant actually post any thing that I posted that violates ANY rule. But that didnt stop them from conducting said poll and agreeing with Doggie. That too would be my point.

To be specific I was banned ( sorry suspeneded) for the affront of going into a thread entitled "Nominations for Commie of the Year" and nominating Doggie, with an explanation why I nominated him for such an odd title.

Unless he has moved or deleted these threads and or my posts one can EASILY find them.

Terminus -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 10:23:15 PM)

Why would anybody on this forum care about the why's and wherefores of somebody else getting banned from ANOTHER forum?[sm=crazy.gif]

Twotribes -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 10:40:29 PM)

Believe me, they care. so much so that they are making statements here designed to provoke a response. I have had at least 2 private tells from members of another board to stop dragging their dirty laundry here. And while I know it is against policy here to do whats being done in this thread I will not simply allow these people to lie about me here and not respond.

Smead -> RE: Looking for a board (1/23/2007 10:48:51 PM)

Twotribes Wrote:


Absolute lie.

In fact such a big lie that the only defense one can argue is that I didnt "shut up" after being told too. I will add the whole point being I never should have been told to, to begin with.

It really isnt hard to actually go to madcows and ask for specific posts that show that I was a) vulgar. B) violated any posted rules C) did any trolling D did any baiting, e) any thing that actually involved requiring that I be told to "shut up" that I be "suspended" from first the Steakhouse and second the Board completely.

I challange ANYONE to actually provide links to specific violations or to ANY post at all where I was vulgar in the Steakhouse or to Doggie at ANYTIME in the process.

I will repeat, before this is locked by trolls like Smead and Chicken, I am only responding to outright lies that I did not bring up intitally. This thread is and was about finding a new home. Except that certain people cant let go and feel they MUST make bald face lies and personal attacks here as well as MAd Cows.

You will find several different threads with my name in the title, what you need to be aware of is A) I did not start those threads , doggie seperated posts from the appropriate threads, one could assume that he did so so that later he could make the claim I created numerous threads.B) I made EXACLY one thread to complain ( which by the rules is ALLOWED in the salloon)and ask exactly what I did to violate these rules that Smead and others have claimed I violated. They cant actually post any thing that I posted that violates ANY rule. But that didnt stop them from conducting said poll and agreeing with Doggie. That too would be my point.

To be specific I was banned ( sorry suspeneded) for the affront of going into a thread entitled "Nominations for Commie of the Year" and nominating Doggie, with an explanation why I nominated him for such an odd title.

Unless he has moved or deleted these threads and or my posts one can EASILY find them.

No posts have been ever deleted by Admin in nearly 3 years as far as I am aware of; a poster can delete his own posts though.

Here's what got you suspended from the Saloon.



Doggie Wrote:


You want to get thrown out of here, too?

I told you I aint having this **** on every thread in the house.

Another Thread, again Saloon related:


Note Culiacan Mexico's Post:


Forum policy.

"Please try to avoid posting multiple threads on the same topic. For instance, there does not need to be 4 active Intifadah threads going at once. If this happens and becomes a problem, the excess threads will be locked or moved."

"Amendment I (12.20.04): Constant and consistant violation of this policy by continually abusive posting or disregarding of warnings could lead to MCSH posting priviledges being suspended. This means the offender would still be able to post on any other open forum and could still read MCSH threads, but will not be able to post in the MCSH forum. I don't expect to ever have to use this option and I certainly hope it never gets to this. If everyone treats everyone with a basic amount of respect there should not be any problems."

Now the incident getting you suspended from the Steakhouse.

With Your Meltdown leading to suspension from the Saloon.


Previous to this act, You, 11B10 and I were all told to tone down the nastiness demonstrated in multiple threads in both the Steakhouse and Saloon.

To ask why you were suspended for what happened in only one thread is disingenous.

Then you freaked out.

Though if anyone wants to do a thorough study of your "style"; your 8000+ posts can be viewed at the investigator's leisure.

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