freeboy -> HELP AIR? (2/8/2007 9:12:09 AM)
ok, I posted a while back about ths issue, and was told that when you get your moving units attacked.. behind your lines in Fite for example, the enemy units doingthe attacking, air of course , are on combat support. IS this or is this not corect? I just watched in HORRER as my German air units sat on the ground as division after division of Red army troops rolled, all the while I have LOTS of planes sitting on the ground in combat support, nice day out hinze, JHA Frits, lets fly out and match all those nice trains pas us by!.. what pissses me, REALLLY is I know my other fite games my troops re getting all shot to hell and back so WTF? I may just have to sa FT and ask my oponenent to restart.. so is it Combat support.. is there something ellse they need to be? They are in supply, and many where used already, during my attack phase in my Gemran turn, but really not ONE ATTACK? please help!