billiard -> RE: Impression (2/19/2007 8:38:59 PM)
As a long time player of CCII through CCV, I've been anxiously awaiting COI since I first googled up the game after (yet another) return to the CC series and playing through both CCII and CCIII again. After going through each of those two probably every year, I long for more repeat playability, and COI seems to hold that promise. (CCIV and CCV suffer from the same disease, namely those "locked" teams AND those worse than useless command cars that you have to have, but wish you could ditch). I truly loved CCII, with the ability to strategically reinforce certain operations over others and certain battles over others, depending on situation. I missed that layer in CCIII, but loved the ability to create my own campaigns. Unfortunately, I was (and still am) handicapped in the latter by my back-woods status (dial up only out here in the sticks), and downloading new maps takes forever. And probably 10% of the maps I did download were crap (the on screen visual topography in no way resembles the LOS the game engine actually uses). But, nonetheless, by shifting around the original CCIII maps and about as many again downloaded maps, I was able to put together some nice Russian and German alternate grand campaigns. Then I'd mess with the start and end periods, in order to have different equipment at either the beginning and/or end of the campaigns. My fave is to stop upgrades in 1943, in order to have the Tiger I as the top tank on the field - some serious medals and promotions for the Tiger gunners in those campaigns. So thanks to dial-up, and only a moderate level of interest in "modding" per se, I thought COI would be perfect - new maps, maybe some new equipment and teams available. However, I'm holding off on a $50 purchase right now (I'm a luddite, and must have the actual box and disc - I've had to reload various games quite a few times in the past and don't trust having the game only on the computer hard drive itself) while I sort out the various comments on these forums. This seemed a good one to ask for a few answers regarding differences between COI and CCIII: 1. What, if any, are the new teams available to each side? This is primary in my mind, so a listing of (or link to) the new teams and their capabilities is a very important factor in my purchase decision. 2. Is the updgrade path for the Germans any different now? (in CCIII, I'd love it as the Russians, in that I could eventually upgrade every tank to, eventually, a JSII or III). But when you start out with medium tanks as the Germans, you lose the experience of those teams when you must retire them in order to get the heavy tanks. Also, you could upgrade SOME tank destroyer teams to the Jadgtiger, but specifically not the Elefant). 3. Is the only visual change the tank skins mod that was available as a download a few years back? I have that one plugged in and appreciate the improved look of the tanks (and the change in camo paint on the snow maps), but I didn't know if there are other visual improvements in COI. As for the AI, I know that is improved, but that seems hard to quantify up front except to say that from what I've read on these forums the AI is much tougher now. Hopefully no "cheats" in the AI (Paradox EU series keeps getting mentioned here, and I hated all the cheats the AI used to make up for its less than stellar "I"). So I won't even ask after this topic; 1 and 2 above are greater factors up front. So in summary, I am one of those who applaud Matrix for bringing new life into the CC series, but am a bit price sensitive at $50. At $20, you've sold me even without the above questions being answered, but I'm holding out from more information at $50. Note that I'm a firm capitalist, and if you can get $100 per game, more power to you but while I consider a $20 game suitable for an impulse buy, I'm much more selective at $50. As an aside about future games, regarding 3D versus sprites - STAY WITH SPRITES! I'll still play AOEII AOC (again, a huge customized campaign that I'll still dust off and add to occassionally), but didn't spring for AOEIII and my copies of Empires DOTM and Empire Earth stay buried in my file cabinet drawer. Codename Panzers likewise is still in a drawer, after a series of mapmaking excercises. I'd rather have a clear, sharp, wide field top down view than fuzzy waving palm trees and a near field view that makes me feel like I've got blinders on. I can't figure out why 3D is considered such a must have, when the monitor is 2D! BTW, Oleg needs to change his avatar - my wife was passing behind me and probably thinks I'm on some online dating website (or worse).