Real Infantry mod Now Available (Full Version)

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Andrew Williams -> Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/25/2007 12:50:00 PM)

This plugin includes the Real Infantry Grand Campaign by Comrade Blabsky. All other Historic Campaigns are playable as are the Historic Operations and Battles.

Access it via CSO Downloads in Command Centre

namzo6 -> RE: Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/25/2007 9:08:36 PM)

 Installed the mod,teams work fine,however the real inf offline camp appears to have the same 1st the regular grand camp,i.e.maps.Is the first op.the same?Anyone ?


Beeblebrox -> RE: Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/25/2007 9:29:07 PM)

Not sure if there is a disconnect here... just in case, the Real Infantry Mod will be for CoI Single Player (or Multiplayer if both players have the Mod installed), but has *nothing* to do with MMCCIII (well, at this stage...).

The first Op may well be the same as the Regular GC.  I don't know, but someone will [:)]

namzo6 -> RE: Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/25/2007 9:38:41 PM)

o.k. understood,wasn't sure with MMCCIII.I call it "offline"simply 'cause there's a single player camp and then there's a single player MMCCIII camp.

Comrade_Blabsky -> Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 3:54:20 AM)

IIRC, the modified Grand Campaign for Real Infantry was just the stock camp with points adjusted (downward) in the operations. Not sure if that is the one included in the CoI mod.

Without some point adjustment, using the stock camp will result in surplus points after midway through when the ops start building up for armor battles. Since both sides are affected equally, it just means full rosters of valuable units.

Custom campaigns, anyone?

Andrew Williams -> RE: Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 4:49:30 AM)

RI includes your Real Infantry Campaign.... cheers.

Also all other battles/ops/camps have been modifies to be playable but with the excess points.... thre's only 24 hours in a day , you know!

This is an enhancement over the orig RI plugin where trying to play most of the other battles/ops resulted in a crash to desktop.

Custom camps/ops/battles are welcome.

Knu -> RE: Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 7:42:38 AM)


How does this work with other mods, that are out there?

Say that I install the Finland-mod. Should I first remove the Real Infantry and install it again, on top of the Finland-mod?

Other thing: I noticed that I wasn't able to edit the operations after the installing the Real Infantry? I tried to adjust the rank for AI and myself, but for some reason the game kept the default ranks, even when I tried several times.

Andrew Williams -> RE: Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 9:23:01 AM)

Have only 1 mod installed at a time.

Uninstall 1 mod before installing another

When you edit an operation/battle it isplayable from your custom scenarios tab.

namzo6 -> RE: Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 3:39:48 PM)

 Hey Knu,the mod swap utility will not allow you to have multiple mods running at once.I think unless the mods and submods are from the same  "main" mod,i.e.Real red?At least that's pretty much how it works with CCIII.
I for one would like to be able to use Real Infantry with any mod without jumping through too many hoops.
I know one can tinker in the make camp alter teams and such,however I'm still learning how to tie my shoes all by myself,lol

Beeblebrox -> RE: Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 4:47:39 PM)

Page 14 of the ModSwap Guide:
"Multiple plugins may be installed, but be careful that any plugins installed after a plugin has been
installed is compatible, otherwise your game could be compromised, and CCModSwap may not
be able to uninstall correctly and return your game to the original state.
A plugin may include a validity check which prevents installation if it finds that another plugin has
been installed where files cannot be swapped without compromising the game. When you try to
install such a plugin, CCModSwap will inform you that the plugin cannot be installed until the
existing plugin has been uninstalled. However, this is entirely dependant on the author/creator of
a plugin providing the necessary validity checks.
If you are not sure if a plugin can be installed over another plugin, then we advise that you do not,
and find out if it will work before installation.  If you install a plugin that compromises a previously
installed plugin, you could compromise your game, and CCModSwap may not be able to return
you game to a stable state."

Andrew Williams -> RE: Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 9:14:51 PM)

So basically

Do not install more than 1 mod at a time , unless you are explicitly told to in the mods readme.

Tactics -> RE: Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 9:43:09 PM)

Im running Barbarossa and Real Infantry, at the same time. So far so good.

Andrew Williams -> RE: Campaign for Real Infantry (2/26/2007 10:55:55 PM)

Barbarossa is a new campaign so doesn't have any effect on data the way RI does.... so this should, he said with fingers crossed, be fine.

Comrade_Blabsky -> Each mod will have it's own sub(s) (2/27/2007 12:28:31 AM)

It all depends on what exactly is being modded. In some cases, the submods will have a "dependency" on the full mod. Some mods will have more than one submod that can be run at the same time.

The Real Infantry mod is replacement Teams.txt files, which depend on all the graphics etc that are in CoI. Those teams files will not work with another mod.

So each mod would need it's own sub-modded teams files like Real Infantry is for CoI.

What can be done with those submods is quite impressive. And ModSwap valid plugins will be able to replace one side at a time, if designed that way. (Solo play would enable the human to use the full availability, while restricting the AI---or vice versa.)

Campaigns will work with any mod, with the only requirement being the proper maps. (Some maps will not work with some mods, but that's a different story.)

Some of this is old hat to the vets, but confusing to the FNG's. Just listen carefully to your NCO's and you'll make it.

Llyranor -> RE: Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/27/2007 7:47:34 PM)

Just that we're clear, RI is really just providing a modification of the original CC3 campaign in such a way that infantry becomes the mainstay of battles, right? This sounds like my cup of tea.

How armor-heavy is the new Cross of Iron campaign? If the answer is 'very', is there a RI mod being worked on for that campaign as well? If it's fairly balanced, I can live with that.

namzo6 -> RE: Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/27/2007 9:56:21 PM)

Hey TACTICS,how'd you install Barbarossa?I don't see it being available for COI yet,got a trick up your sleeve you wanna share?

Tactics -> RE: Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/27/2007 10:25:58 PM)

It's  here:

Barbarossa! Grand Campaign for Cross of Iron (Plugin) 

This is a Revised Grand Campaign for Cross of Iron created by diegrinder

jukofyork -> RE: Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/28/2007 12:14:35 AM)

Thanks for this! [&o]

I still haven't been able to play any H2H games yet and have found myself totally pounding the tank-greedy AI. Hopefully the RI mod will make it more of a challenge vs the AI now.

Juk :)

namzo6 -> RE: Real Infantry mod Now Available (2/28/2007 1:29:15 AM)

Thanx Tactics,stupid me I go to the CSO website all the time,never thought to look under alt camps

Comrade_Blabsky -> Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (2/28/2007 3:09:41 AM)

If you are using Real Infantry, you may play any campaign and not see the armor-fest, although the points may be a little excessive in the later years.

mikul82 -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/2/2007 6:08:36 PM)

Anyone know if there's a way (preferably easy for someone as mod illiterate as I am) to mod this one to allow occasional heavy tanks and AT guns?  I don't like the vanilla game's setup of nothing but heavy tanks later in a campaign, but would like to have them in small amounts along with heavier AT and infantry guns.  Going up against an entire army of Tiger tanks is no fun, but having one rampaging around the map makes an interesting challenge.  I like the mod quite a bit but the battles kind of feel like they have a lack of variety, I miss having the "Oh ****!!!" moments of seeing a KV-2 driving point blank up to my MG position and blasting them....  T-60's and BT-7's just aren't all that terrifying... ;)

Llyranor -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/2/2007 6:32:06 PM)

As mlc82 is saying, the mod is nice, but not an 'optimal' solution for getting really balanced battles. It's one way or the other :( Though, if I have to choose, I'll pick the infantry side any day. So cheers for the mod.

It seems that that a major problems stems from how the AI chooses its units and how many requisition points are given. I was looking through the list of historical battles, and it doesn't seem to be much of a problem here. The team you're given seems more balanced (the occasional tank here and there, but not really enough RP's to go all-tank - depending on the map). Since the campaign is pretty linear in terms of putting you from one operation to the next - with no real outcome being affected aside from the units you keep and the RP's you retain (which seems to be largely the problem), I was wondering if I could expect a more balanced game (without being forced to go all-tank or all-infantry, ideally) by simply playing through all the Historical Operations instead.

Uncle_Joe -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/3/2007 10:45:16 AM)

Yep, as I said in the 'Too much armor' thread, this is my biggest disappointment with the game. I was hoping that they could strike a better balance between the armor and the infantry in the campaigns.

The funny thing is that playing the Real Infantry mod makes the game MUCH harder because the AI is forced to buy infantry en masse. And since it utterly misuses armor, losing the 6+ tanks actually makes the AI fight a lot better. I was actually driven off a few maps by the AI using Real Infantry, something that rarely happens with the stock game.

From what I can see, almost NOBODY enjoys the tank-fest that the campaigns vs the AI inevitable end up as. Isnt there SOME way to go in and patch the game so as to modify the AIs picks or points or something? Mods are great, but as was mentioned above, it would be nice to have occasional heavy armor, but just not the constant used car lot full of mish-mashed AFVs game after game.

Beeblebrox -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/3/2007 6:34:41 PM)


From what I can see, almost NOBODY enjoys the tank-fest that the campaigns vs the AI inevitable end up as.
I am not convinced about this.  Certainly when it comes to Grogsville, this is quite a common dissatisfaction, but the majority of players do not frequent the halls of the Community much.  They actually do enjoy Tank Fests and Heavy Weapons because they are fun to play with.  If CC were boiled down to a gritty infantry Sim (say a 'Band of Brothers' following an Infantry Company, whre the only replacements you ever get are infantry, I think many casual players would become bored quite quickly.

So, although I think you are wrong in general about this, you are right in particulars.  The solcution to me is obvious.  Deliver both!  Why it will probably not be done in the re-releases is because it is code intensive work, and therefore very costly.  However, if we don't get this sort ofthing in future releases, I may not even buy it myself....

Tactics -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/3/2007 7:23:17 PM)

Lets not forget where we come from. It's grogsville that has kept the CC name alive and kicking. It seems, for the most part, grogsville makes up the bulk of COI owners.  Not trying to sound snappy. I know BeetleJuice is the man; I just dont think COI should go to our heads. 

If this is a nitch game - so be it - let the masses play their band of heros or whatever, but let us keep CC.  Use this time to make CC the game you know it should be, not the game you think will sell.  If grogsville hates tank fests then lose the tank fest. Light armor and real infantry works for me.

Maybe we should re-release that old ass M-1 tank game for those roaring fast 486 machines.

But thats just what I think. [:)]

Llyranor -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/3/2007 7:27:02 PM)

Erm, that's precisely what he's saying. Wait for CC6. It won't happen with the rereleases given the amount of resources they'd need. Resources that should be spent on CC6.

And I wouldn't say CC is a niche game. I doubt the majority of those 1million+ copies sold were purchased by grogs.

Tactics -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/3/2007 7:34:59 PM)

Point taken. I just panic when I see things like ""Deliver both!""

Uncle_Joe -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/3/2007 10:06:59 PM)


I am not convinced about this.  Certainly when it comes to Grogsville, this is quite a common dissatisfaction, but the majority of players do not frequent the halls of the Community much. They actually do enjoy Tank Fests and Heavy Weapons because they are fun to play with. 

Its really got nothing to do with 'grogsville' at all IMO. Its simply where the game engine's strength lies. Tanks and heavy weapons can be fun, if they are used properly by the AI. But I cant imagine that ANYONE finds it 'fun' to watch the AI tanks spin in circles and drive headlong into ambushes and die in droves and simply easily win the game over and over again.

The armor-heavy bias simply cripples the AI since it makes poor use of said armor. On the other hand, when it has mass infantry, it is much more threatening. So, I cant fathom why the engine basically forces the AI to mass armor that it performs so poorly with.

Again, this is not strictly a preference for armor vs infantry (although I doubt there are anywhere NEAR as many people as you think who enjoy the tank-fest by this point in the game's life-cylce). Instead, its about what the game engine does best...and that is NOT tank-fests. Change the AI to pick predominantly infantry (with a few tanks in support) and the game will be far more challenging while still allowing for armor and heavy weapons to play their role.

Back when CC3 was first created, RTS games were all about the 'tank rush'. It was the industry standard from Total Annihilation through Command and Conquer/Red Alert etc. Since then, the market has changed. I dont think most people who are going to pick up THIS version of CC3 (CoI) are doing it to harken back to the old 'tank rush' though...

Bradley62 -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/3/2007 10:44:53 PM)

My preference is less "tank heavy" than it used to be. I am in the habit of choosing one "main battle tank" and one supporting vehicle, preferably 20mm mounted armor in many of my single battles. This aspect is a lot of fun as I do my best to put armor in spots where they can support infantry and stay out of harms way. This challenge fuels the tactical side of CC. Nothing like putting a sdKfc 232 in a sweet spot and letting it pound away on opposing infantry.

mikul82 -> RE: Real Infantry is what affects unit availability (3/4/2007 6:18:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: Beeblebrox


From what I can see, almost NOBODY enjoys the tank-fest that the campaigns vs the AI inevitable end up as.
I am not convinced about this.  Certainly when it comes to Grogsville, this is quite a common dissatisfaction, but the majority of players do not frequent the halls of the Community much.  They actually do enjoy Tank Fests and Heavy Weapons because they are fun to play with.  If CC were boiled down to a gritty infantry Sim (say a 'Band of Brothers' following an Infantry Company, whre the only replacements you ever get are infantry, I think many casual players would become bored quite quickly.

So, although I think you are wrong in general about this, you are right in particulars.  The solcution to me is obvious.  Deliver both!  Why it will probably not be done in the re-releases is because it is code intensive work, and therefore very costly.  However, if we don't get this sort ofthing in future releases, I may not even buy it myself....

Honestly, I seriously doubt many people will ever even know this game exists outside of the wargaming hardcore... I check this board constantly for updates on the old Talonsoft Campaign Series, and had never even noticed or heard of a CC remake until I saw a forum post about it on Wargamer. I would have been excited about this one also but had never heard one bit of hype about the game anywhere, and I check out all the wargaming stuff I can find...

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