v1.804 Changes (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> War In The Pacific - Struggle Against Japan 1941 - 1945


dherche -> v1.804 Changes (2/27/2007 5:04:51 AM)

Is there a list of the fixes/enhancements for Version 1.804?


marky -> RE: v1.804 Changes (2/27/2007 5:16:39 AM)

i thougjht i saw 1 sumwhere but i forget wher

BlackSunshine -> RE: v1.804 Changes (2/27/2007 6:14:55 AM)

Here is just 1.804

Note that v1.8.0.4 incremental production release includes the following changes:

Item 1 - Correct LCU leader handling upon LCU divide. Was causing land_experience to be increased to invalid levels. Fixed.

Item 2 – Correct crash caused by invalid pointer upon player bringing up base display. Added pointer validation check.

Item 3 – Correct crash caused by invalid pointer upon player mouse-ing over enemy port. Added pointer validation check.

Check your main WITP folder for a file called "Whats new" that has all build notes in it.

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