puresimmer -> PureSim 2007 CE - Release 2 Available (2/27/2007 4:36:31 PM)
The PureSim CE Release 2 is ready for download! NOTE: You must have the final commercial version of PureSim baseball 2007 v1.51 (Published by Matrix Games) installed in order to apply any PureSim 2007 Community Edition updates. Have your serial number handy as well. The last official Matrix release of PureSim 2007 can be downloaded here: Download PureSim Baseball 2007 v1.51 Official release Once you have a CE release installed you can continue to apply free CE updates moving forward. The latest PureSim 2007 CE (Release 2) can be downloaded here: Download PureSim Baseball CE Release 2 (143mb) Donations to the ongoing development of PureSim CE can be made here: Donate to the PureSim Community Edition (Its all secure, through PayPal). Since I didn't post the changes and fixes for Release 1 here are the updated release notes for CE 1 and 2: PureSim Community Edition Release 2 - Features and Fixes Fix - If user did "Quick load" from the main game menu and was presented with the multiplayer login dialog, and then pressed cancel - PureSim was crashing Fix - Player right-click context menu was not being positioned properly when PureSim was running in windowed mode in a resolution greater than 1024x768 Tweak - If the user is doing a pure historical replay then PureSim will now automatically progress through the initial draft phase at high speed (since it's really just loading teams, not doing a draft) This way the user doesn't have to click "Run unil my pick..." in order to kick off the process Fix - CE release 1 introduced a bug where the team dropdown selector on the side menu was not working (the team names were in there but you couldn't pick a team) Fix - PureSim was not always respecting the options to enable/disable sounds New - Added new option to disable/enable the bat crack sound effect that plays when the user moves from screen to screen. This way the user can still have in game and ambient sounds when they only wanted to disable the menu sounds. New - Added new sample VB.NET project to the SDK\ folder that demonstrates how to read and write to PureSim association database files. This is for mod developers and is not a game "feature." PureSim Community Edition Release 1- Features and Fixes New - Removed DirectX 8.0a dependency. This gets us 100% compatibility with Windows Vista, with full support for ambient sounds, animated ball flight and UI effects. PureSim now can run on any system with DirectX 3.0 - 10.0. The only concession is I had to remove the fireworks display after a home run, but that was getting old anyway :) New - Completely revamped initial and amateur draft interface, much more information, much more interactivity, and quite a bit more immersive. New - "Quick Links" feature adds handy links (on every screen!) to Minor League Roster management, Major league roster management and team front office screens. New - Added standings for the human player's team's division on the main association screen in the team summary window New - Opened up database format. Previously, PureSim association databases were password protected. You can now open up any .PSA/.PSX file using Microsoft Access 2003 or later. This could prove useful for 3rd party mods and utilities. Please make BACKUPS of your associations before poking around. Due to time constraints I can't provide much more support than the comments you'll see in the database, so you may need to do a little trial and error in there. Hopefully at some point I can release some code that shows some simple examples of working with the database. Each association has a minimum of 2 databases with .PSA and .PSX extensions respectively. Association databases reside in the PSA\ subdirectory in whatever folder you installed PureSim to.