CHS AB Ext. Map Opponent sought... (Full Version)

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Przemcio231 -> CHS AB Ext. Map Opponent sought... (3/17/2007 6:06:00 PM)

Hi im looking for some one to play CHS on AB ext. Map me as Allies. I can do 1 turn a day most the time. Maybe 2 at the Weekends Im looking for some one to play it all the way[;)] As for the Rules i propose :

Dec 7th Suprise: On
Historical 1st turn : On
Reinforcements: Fixed
PDU's : On

As for the House Rules:
-After first PH attack the KB must winthraw to any Port in Japan before comencing any other ops (2CV's can be send to Wake)
- Stacking Limit : 50* AF level and 500 CV planes on a sea hex.
- Japanese China Exp. Force and Kwantung Area Army must stay in their designated Area Chinise Exp in China and Kwantung in Manchuria until PP's are paid to change command.
- Allies may not send Combat units to china ( base forces and av rgts do not count ) and the only Chinise units can leave China only after PP's are spend to change the command.
- No Strategic Bombing until 4/42
- No Strategic Bombin in China and out of China.
- Pt Stacking Limit 6 PT's per TF and 1 TF per port size 0-3 2 TF's port size 4 and more
- No submarine Invasion's
- Both Players Can't use pursue option as its totaly screwed.
- 4E bombers min Alt. 10k for Naval and 8k for Land Attacks
- Until Manila , Singapore and all resource or oil bases in the DEI are captured Japan can only invade Gilberts , Wake , New Britain and New Ireland , DEI , Malaya and Philippines ( i realy hate japs landing everywhere on the map on the 1st month knowing that i can't do anything to interfere.
- Japanese ships may not enter Waterways leading into ADEN and PANAMA
- No Gamy Tricks: like high level Kamis , 1 ship invasions or lots of 1 ship decoy's on one hex , 1 ship invasions or droping fragments of Para units to block movement.

patrice strasbourg -> RE: CHS AB Ext. Map Opponent sought... (3/18/2007 1:22:28 PM)


I could be interest
+I have already installed C+H-S and AB extension on my PC
Contact me to discuss about rules ( i don t undestand every thing you propose... )

Halsey -> RE: CHS AB Ext. Map Opponent sought... (3/18/2007 4:04:33 PM)

Good set of houserules.[;)]

If it's CHS, you might add the India Command PP cost also.
Playing both sides, I've found that it's way too easy to move every India Command LCU into Burma.

India Command units must change it's HQ to move out of India, unless that unit already starts in Burma.
It is then exempt from this rule.

Good gaming!

denisonh -> RE: CHS AB Ext. Map Opponent sought... (3/18/2007 11:53:25 PM)

They are good house rules.

I look forward to the AAR


Good set of houserules.[;)]

If it's CHS, you might add the India Command PP cost also.
Playing both sides, I've found that it's way too easy to move every India Command LCU into Burma.

India Command units must change it's HQ to move out of India, unless that unit already starts in Burma.
It is then exempt from this rule.

Good gaming!

Przemcio231 -> RE: CHS AB Ext. Map Opponent sought... (3/19/2007 8:44:39 PM)

Ok topic closed it look's like i will be playing ageainst Subchaser[:D] i plan to do Cuttlefish HIBIKI style AAR focusing on CA HOUSTON[;)]

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