Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (Full Version)

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Alby -> Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/18/2007 2:55:56 AM)

These are the errors found so far in Enhanced DV (and DVRN)...We have posted instructions on how to "correct" them yourself, using the spwaw OOB editor....someday if we get enough, we may post an "official" patch.
maybe if we reach 100.
We are posting this for your benefit if you wanna fixx things on your own.

Here's what wrong and what to do to fix it.

1. Czech OOB: Captured Russian tanks missing their MGs. Need weapons #171 and #129 from Soviet OOB, copied to Czech weapon list.
2. Both Spains still using Spanish language in DVRN version. Needs translated back to English. not necessary though
3. USA OOB: Unit #34 is missing the "f" in "Rifle Sqd".
4. Adding the 'EN" on the end of German units is not correct. I.E."Jaegeren" change to "Jaegers".
5. Finland OOB: T34 m42 using different gun as opposed to same tank in Soviet OOB. Should be using weapon #67 - 76.2mm F34/L41 gun.
6. Netherlands OOB: CTLS-4TAY tank, needs these stats:
Speed - 26
Size - 2
Radio - 32
Survive - 1
Carry - 4
Weight - 226
ROF - 9
RgF - 2
FC - 4
Cost - 30
7. Germany: The FlaK18 AT version of the '88' somehow got classed as Heavy Flak, so it isn't showing up in the AT gun formations. Needs reclassed to "AT GUN".
8. India OOB: Mech Recce Trp formation - most of the assigned units are "missing" need a '1' put in where is now '0' in formation menu.
9. M3 SMG using rifle sound, plus stats were different in Yugoslavia than they were in USA. Yugoslav needs stats changed to USA stats, sound file assigned to #408 in both OOBs.
10. USA OOB: Ranger AT Sec date did not match unit date. Also Rifle Sqd #135 date does not match date of M1 Bazooka; this unit carries one. Needs date changed to Oct 42 in both cases.
11. German OOB: Cost of SP guns (units 62, 63, and 65 only) needs increased, they are too cheap. Doubling them is suggested.
12. German OOB: Rarity code of sIG auf PzII needs changed to 2 instead of 1.
13. German OOB: Cavalry formation does not match dates of Cavalry units, formation date of Jan 1930. Unit has date of Sept 39. Unit date needs changed to Jan 1930.
14. Nat Spain OOB: Unit #108 has an MG42 LMG in 1936, needs changed to MG34.
15. German OOB: MMG formations start date did not match unit date, unit date is Sept 34, formation is Sept 38, formation date needs changed to match unit #172. (Sept 34) This also kept them from showing up in Infantry 'Company' formations. SS MMG formation also wrong date, should be Aug 38, SS MMG unit with MG34 should also be Aug 38.(#174)
16. Italian OOB: Unit #204 Askari Squadra has Grenades and LMG in opposite weapon slots of what they should be.
17. Nat Spain OOB: IT Destroyer (#211) uses wrong Icon. Change from Icon241 to Icon640.
18. German OOB: Barge Carrier uses wrong Icon. Switch from Icon546 to Icon756. 546 is an Allied truck icon
19. Yugoslavia OOB: Unit #84 FT-17M has wrong weapon and name. Should use Wpn #217 37mm SA18 Gun with 80 HE/25 AP. Cost changes to 30.
20. Yugoslavia OOB: Lt Tank Co (#1036) uses wrong subformations. Switch subs #1002 with subs #1035.

ADDED Mar 1:

21. Corrected some Spelling Errors in Italian oob. Platone to Plotone, Alpini Ski Sqd to Alpini Sciatori, Patigiani to Partigiani, Militia to Milizia, Paratroops in DVRN to Paracadutisti (Italian OOB uses Italian names in both versions)
22. The picture for a "Wagon" is wrong in these oobs:
It is showing a tank picture:
both Spains, Belgium, Italy, Norway, Bulgaria, India, and Poland.
Change LMB# to 7044 to use standard wagon picture.
23. Nat Spain MG42LMG using wrong sound, change weapon sound to 552
24. Unit #26 in Rep Spain change name...take the "LIG" off the front of name,

Added Mar 4:

25. Yugoslavia OOB: Command Post uses wrong LBM. Change to LBM#8104.
26. Greek bayonet using an AA gun sound, change to sound file #725
27. Free France weapon #235 (M3 SMG) needs sound file changed to 408 same for belgian weapon #228. ( copy weapon #001 from USA paste into these oobs, to ensure all stats are the same as well)
28. Units 24 and 25 (Lig Cabelleria) in REP Spain, using wrong LBM change # to 19705


29. GERMAN OOB: This is not an "error" but, Changed date of unit 158 to august 42, renamed their FjG42 rifle(weapon #90) to FjG42-1 (reduced accuracy to eight) then created new weapon, FjG42-2 (weapon slot #97) issued to unit 159 (date of Nov 44)kept original accuracy of 12. (just copied stats of weapon 90 before reducing accuracy.)
30. Reduced HE Kill of Italian Vehicle flamethrower (Weapon 108) to 35, to be more in line with evry other nation, Italys was way above every other nation before.
31. Italian OOB: weapons 119 and 122 need sound changed from 427 to 426, it is using sounds between 2 different weapons with 427 assigned.
do same for greece weapon #119
32. Nat Spain: 7.92(2)TMG (weap #154) change sound to 324 to match other nations.


33. Both Chinas: Many NC and CC Chinese Rifle/SMG units, plt leaders, Scouts, pioneers (engineers) and CO Hq units, using Soviet or USA Infantry LBMs, change all rifle/SMG squads LBM numbers to 8412, change all Plt leaders to 8408 (unless 7514 is assigned, this one is ok), CO HQ, change to 8404, pioneers and Engineers to 8413
34. Many units in both Chinas still have weapons arranged in the "old" order. Grenades should be in slot 2 where possible, unless unit is armed with AT weapon such as Zook or AT Rifle or unit is an engineer unit.

Nat China:

35. Weapon 235 needs sound file 408 assigned.
36. Schwarlose HMG stats and sound differ from other nations, Weapon 009 need stats copied from another OOB (romania is fine weapon 100) and pasted into slot009 in Nat China.
37. unit 80 needs HE ammo for Molotov reduced to 2.
38. Unit #36 KMT Infantry has HE ammo for Bazooka, Remove HE ammo. Price changes to 32. (swap weapons 2 and 3)
39.Weapon 107 needs copied to slot 108, then reclassed as "secondary infantry", then unit 124 needs 4th weapon changed from 107 to 108.
40. Weapon 150 (45mm Brixia) needs to be copied to weapon slot 152, then reclassed as "secondary infantry" then unit 125 needs 4th weapon changed from 150 to 152.
41. Weapon 40 needs copied from slot 40 to 41, reclassed a'secondary infantry', then unit 126 needs 4th weapon changed from 40 to 41.
unit 127 needs 4th weapon changed to 41 also.
42. Weapon 106 (.50cal M2HB) stats wrong, need copied from USA weapon 106 and pasted into Nat china slot 106.
43. Weapon 140 (.50cal AA) stats wrong, needs copied from USA oob (#140) and pasted into Nat China oob wepaon slot 140.
44. Units 22, 23,using USA mortar squad pictures, change lbm to #s to 57, also units 83, 84 and 85 also using a US mortar Squad LBM, change LBM number to 317.
45. Units 38 and 39 (LMG teams) using soviet Rifle unit LBM, change LBM # to 8416.

Comm China:

46. Unit #27 misnamed SO MMG Sqd, Change name to "Chinese MMG",
47. Unit 28 ATR team using Bazooka LBM change to #70
48 Unit 83 using USA Lbm, change to #317
49. Unit 84 change LBM to 8404
50. Unit 81 needs HE ammo for Molotov reduced to 2


51. Germany: Sturmtiger price wrong, should be 98, not 72.
this unit has always been manually priced.
52. Rep Spain: 'Milicianos' now coded for Second Line troops (place a 20 in Plt formations, 21 for CO formation), 'International Brigades' coded for "Average" troops.(0 in Plt formations, 1 in CO formation)
53. Italian OOB: to improve IT force mixes for generated games, swap
Formation 1043-Bersaglieri Co with Formation 1122-Bersaglieri Gruppo,
and swap Formation 1044-Tankette Co with Formation 1067-Infantry
Gruppo. This will give more Medium Tanks than Tankettes, which are
over-represented in the AI Purchase Mix now.
54. Italian OOB: Early Lt tank formations dates did not match unit. Change dates to April 41 instead of FEB 41.

Added Mar 12

55. Hungary OOB (DVRN version only): units 63, 64 65, and 121.
change name from "Hvy Rifle Brig" to "SMG Brigad"
56. Italy: No. #165 Autocannone 75 (Wheeled ATG) should switch icons with #131 Autocannone 65 (Wheeled ATG).
57. India OOB - Fix formations #1170, Prime Mover Sec, & #1173, Prime Mover Platoon, by replacing the Guy FBAX unit with the Morris FAT Quad unit. Guy FBAX is a Heavy Truck, not a Prime Mover. Also change dates of those to formations to start date of June41
58. All Flamehthrowers (vehicle and Infantry types) have had the HE kill number reduced...They were TOO effective, in some cases wiping out entire squads with one shot.
HE Kill of 20 for vehicle and 15 for Infantry types. some nations (soviets for one) have 2 types of Vehicle flamethrowers. we made earlier type have 18 HE kill, later type 20 HE Kill.
(Just FYI, Italys flamerthrowers had HE Kill of 50, next close was USA at 40, other nations had anywhere from 25-35)


59. Addition to #7 code of Flak 18 AT, must be changed from 83 to 82
60. Bugaria unit 52, 75mm AA Gun showing Tank LBM, change LBM # to 7277


61. Weapon #234 in Yugoslavia needs sound file changed from 543 to 453, it is mistakenly using the MG34 sound.
looks like the first 2 numbers got reversed.


Czech OOB:
62. Units 172 and 173 Remove "SK" from front of name. Change weapon 2
#117 to weapon #087
63. Unit 149 Change start date to Jan 39. End date to "end of 44."
Change weapon 2 #117 to #087
64. Unit 197 change start date to Jan 39, end date "end of 44"
65. unit 204 change end date to "end of 44," Units 209, 210 should be
start date of Jan 39 to end of 44.
66. unit 189 change start date to Jan 39.
67. Formations 1081, 1088, 1146, 1147, Remove "SK" from in front of
name. all dates should be Jan39 to end of 44.
68. Formations 1094 and 1095, 1096, 1097, 1122, 1126, 1127 Start date
should be Jan 39, end date should be End of 1944.

69. Comm China Weapon 143 (type 88 rifle) using ATR sound, change weapon sound to 0
70. Nat china type 88 rifle doesnt match stats from same rifle in Com China. Copy stats from weapon 143 in C China, paste to #144 in Nat China
71. USMC OOB, formation 1074, the last unit in the formation "Raider Snipers" needs a "1" put in the "No." box, it has a "0" now.

ADDED Mar 23


72. M5A1 halftrack stats incorrect, speed should be 45, carry capacity 113
73. Change date of unit #77 to "end of 43"
74. Reclass archer unit 35 to "tank Destroyer". Then Reclass units 36 and 46 to "SP ATG"
75. Change formation name of 1023 to "TD Section"" with date of July 44 to 49
76. change formation 1024 to date of Jul 44-49 , change units used to unit 35.
77. rename formations 1025 and 1026 to "Turret TD Sec" and "Turret TD Trp" with Dates of Jan 43- 49. Keep same units.
78. formation 1027, Change name to "AT Regiment" change date to July 44 to end of 49. change 1st 2 subformations to use formation 1024. then add 2 subformations of 1183.
79. Change radio code of unit 122 to 92 instead of 93.
80. formation 1028, change date to Jan 43-49 change 1st unit to unit 118, change 1st 2 sub formations 1024, to 1026, remove the other 2 subformations (1183)
81. Added Carrier "section" (#1096) and Utility Vehicle "Section" (#1073) formations, before these were available only in Platoon(Trp) formations.
82. 2 exactly Identical formations are showing up, "AA Gun Plt" Formations 1056 and 1073. removed 1073.
83. Formation 1054 "heavy AA gun sec" is not necessary as exact same units show up in the "AA Gun Sec" , changed 'purchase screen' to 'unknown' in case the AI uses this formation slot.


85. Canada has access to the 17LBer AT gun BEFORE the brits?? Canada date of Jan 43, UK had March 43 India has date of March 43, Canada changed to match UK and India.
86. Anzac unit #63 name changed from 17 pdr AT Gun to 17 Pdr AT Gun+ (extra apcr ammo) to match other nations with same weapon.
87. Japan Formation 1118 (Guerilla Company) has incorrect start date and causes formtaion to show on buy menu, but is unclickable..change start date to NOV 42


88. Canadian OOB: unit 190( airborn Sectn) has 50 rounds issued for second weapon (type 75 hawkins) should be 5 rounds.
89. Germany: Increased range of FjG42 rifle

Added April 2

90. Germany: Increased accuracy and weight of German 170mm FH. also changed name to Field Gun (FG). Accuracy changed to 68, weight to 213.
Changed weapon name to 170mm K18 Field Cannon(FC)
91. Rep spain 82mm mortar unit has incorrect number of rounds for second weapon...change to 40 rounds.


92. Poland 100MM FH (onboard) unit#193 has stats for the offboard unit...changed to 8 man crew, weight 108, speed 1, ROF 6
93. German over supplied artillery In the DV version only in the Czech OOB, does not have the extra ammo added, changed ammo loadouts to 100 rounds.
94. Hungary Riot Car formation has wrong date so is unclickable after 1947 change date to 'end 1947'.
95. Hungary : Increased price of unit 18 by 4 pts, also weapon for this unit, #56, should have "max apcr" 20 in weapons menu, it is showing a zero. All mortars of this size seem to have a 20 entered.
Also enter a 20 for weapon #72.
96. Romania formation 1088 Inf Plt (SOV) has 0 strength for the last unit in the formation, needs a '1' put in the NO. Box
97. Czech OOb: there is an error in the starting dates for German TD formations 1177 and 1178 both should have start dates of april 41.
98. Nat Spain. MG34 AAMG has size 3, shoulkd be size 1
99. Nat Spain. 20mm Flakvier has wrong price, should be 21
100. Bulgaria 20mm AA gun has ap ammo and price is wrong, remocve AP ammo, change price to 16.

Mac67 -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/18/2007 3:34:24 AM)

Thanks for that Alby, appreciated. [:)]

KG Erwin -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/18/2007 4:30:14 AM)

Another minor typo: USMC OOB, formation 1074: I think the Raider Snipers was set at "0" rather than "1". You may wanna doublecheck the other Raider units/formations.

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/18/2007 5:45:20 AM)



Another minor typo: USMC OOB, formation 1074: I think the Raider Snipers was set at "0" rather than "1". You may wanna doublecheck the other Raider units/formations.

yessir you are correct
thats number 71...heheh

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/23/2007 7:20:36 PM)

New additons added...see first post..

John Galt -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/31/2007 3:00:20 AM)

Nice job Alby.  Thanks for your time.  

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/31/2007 3:36:05 AM)



Nice job Alby.  Thanks for your time.  

No problem....thanks......I am just bummed so many mistakles were still missed.
oh well 10 years worth of stuff to find and fix.

vahauser -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/31/2007 4:39:06 AM)


There seems to be an error with one of the Canadian airborne sections.  One of the Canadian airborne sections has been given 50 Hawkins rounds as ammunition.

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (3/31/2007 5:08:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: vahauser


There seems to be an error with one of the Canadian airborne sections.  One of the Canadian airborne sections has been given 50 Hawkins rounds as ammunition.

ok , I will check it out...supposed to be 5 most likely and a 0 got in there too.

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (4/7/2007 1:38:08 AM)

getting close to 100

kriegspiel2 -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (4/18/2007 5:10:41 AM)

In DV RN the US Army (OOB82) Armd Inf Plt 42 (#1095) and Armd Inf Plt (#1098) have the Fast Response Artillery attribute (2 in special) !

kriegspiel2 -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (4/18/2007 5:16:10 AM)

Just noticed they have integrated Mortar squad !!!

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (4/18/2007 5:23:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: kriegspiel2

Just noticed they have integrated Mortar squad !!!

yes thats why...

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (4/18/2007 5:34:57 AM)

Added APR 17:

101. Japan Barge carrier formations (1196 and 1197)  have wrong unit listed...should be unit 227 (barge carrier)
102. The Rep Spain Vickers 6 Ton B tank has a start date of '49 and an end date of '39, should be Dec 49 to end of 49, designer unit I guess...

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (5/2/2007 5:08:32 PM)

Flashfyre hopefully will be back next week, we should get a patch out then, I just didnt wanna release one while he was away..

robpost3 -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (5/2/2007 8:57:10 PM)



Flashfyre hopefully will be back next week, we should get a patch out then, I just didnt wanna release one while he was away..


edited(added more smilies) because you guys deserve more fanfare!!!!

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (5/2/2007 10:35:10 PM)

I just cannot believe after all this time, over 100 more things were still screwed was this game a wreck before....of course I am sure some errors we created ourselves while doing this project....
Thanks for the smiles  Robpost3

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (5/9/2007 9:34:52 PM)

Italian OOb both versions.....Change Name of Italian Engineers from 'Assistenti' to 'Genieri'.

KNomad -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (5/10/2007 2:15:48 AM)



Flashfyre hopefully will be back next week, we should get a patch out then, I just didnt wanna release one while he was away..

Sure, get ready to release a patch just after I have gone and manually made the corrections myself. lol. [8|]

No complaints here though, I needed the practice. [:'(]

TY TY TY Alby and Flash for all your hard work and dedication. [&o]

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (5/14/2007 8:23:37 PM)

Good News...Flashfyre has returned!
So after he has a chance to look over the OOB patch, we should be releasing it sometime this week!

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (5/16/2007 5:22:24 AM)

a few more additions

104. Remove the 5 HEAT ammo from US 155mm FG Btry unit (#125).
105. Add 4 AP ammo to USMC PT Boat (#204), change Cost to 195.
106. Add 4 AP ammo to Philippine PT Boat (#016), change Cost to 196.
107. Add 1 HEAT ammo to Italian S.L.C. Torpedo (#145).
108. Add 4 AP ammo to Dutch G 13 Torp Boat (#096), change Cost to 121.

Alby -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (6/27/2007 2:54:01 AM)

these were all fixed in the patch by the way...
Gobby you can unsticky this if you wish..

Goblin -> RE: Known errors In SPWAW Enhanced DV (6/27/2007 3:43:44 AM)



these were all fixed in the patch by the way...
Gobby you can unsticky this if you wish..

Roger that, thanks for the heads-up, Alby.


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