Next game from Matrix (Full Version)

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TheZel66 -> Next game from Matrix (6/4/2001 7:42:00 PM)

I know Matrix is currently working on new games, but now that SPWAW is out the door, and its followers are happy, could someone at Matrix tell me what game is most likely of getting out the door next??

Paul Vebber -> (6/4/2001 9:47:00 PM)

We expect Uncommon Valor, our Guadalcanal Campaign 42-43 game, being worked with 2by3Games to be our next game out. We do not have a release date yet, but hope for late summer or early fall.

sinner -> (6/5/2001 9:32:00 AM)

What about a computer version of "FlatTop"? A tactical air-sea WW2 combat game. Yes, a kind of Harpoon but WW2... I only have "remanents" of my AH's FlatTop (a combat chart, some maps and I guess that it), and a cmputer Flat Top would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! Salut, Sinner P.D.: "Thalassa" means "water"

MacCready -> (6/5/2001 10:27:00 AM)

If you read the "Features" section of the Uncommon Valor web site I think you'll agree that it will surpass any computer version of a board adaptation. Uncommon Valor I have a funny suspicion will be extremely fun.

Talorgan -> (6/6/2001 5:43:00 AM)

I echo Sinner. The WW II version of Harpoon was of course "Command at Sea" but we have yet to see a WW II naval sim combining tactical combat with the level of operational detail in Flat Top. On another level, we have yet to see a WW II naval sim which handles damage and damage control adequately.

gators -> (6/8/2001 10:31:00 PM)

In reference to the Zel''s comment about the general happiness with version 5.0?. That sentiment is NOT shared by many people who preordered, and who are still waiting (im)patiently. :mad:

volz423 -> (6/10/2001 6:29:00 AM)

I think maybe, or rather I know, that saying it is 'OUT THE DOOR' is a tad premature. I have been waiting here patiently and not complaining, as I discovered this game after the so called 'pre-release' and payed the extra 5$ just to have my card billed over a month ago and still really having no idea when they might get this 'OUT THE DOOR'. But, I wait, because this is a good looking game that I enjoy and maybe one day I will actually receive the Mega Campaign. I guess what urks me here is that before we ponder the issue of what the next game might be, we had better see IF this one gets 'OUT THE DOOR'. :(

volz423 -> (6/10/2001 6:51:00 AM)

Well I did get a reply from them, although it looks more like a copy and paste response. They haven't told me that I wouldn't get my order. I was hoping to get it before my son is born, but it looks as if that won't happen. Everytime I see a post it says something to the effect that it will be out next week, and all of us know we've been seeing that next week for several weeks now. I realize it isn't their fault, but I'm not pleased with hearing excuses. But then again, maybe we should just be happy to get any response at all. :(

gators -> (6/10/2001 8:45:00 AM)

That is definitely an issue. I know start ups have to be difficult, but really when you pre-order and I (knowing better) did, you're relying on someone to do something for that already been paid for, your priorities and the priorities of the party ofthe second part aren't always the same. I say this even though like you fellows I really enjoy SPWAW. It is extremely frustrating. :eek:

TheZel66 -> (6/10/2001 10:34:00 AM)

Oh stop all your whining! This company makes one of THE best turn based strategy games and gave it to everyone for FREE. None of you complainers know a single thing about the retail business; guess what folks, this happens ALL THE TIME. I didn't start this thread for all you whining marys to cry about how you pre-ordered and haven't received anything. Now go out and get a broadband connection for your internet service, download the FREE game, and start playing... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Erik Rutins -> (6/10/2001 11:13:00 AM)

Believe me, when we give a date we expect to keep it. We're beside ourselves with the number of snafus that have occurred. It's good to iron out the problems on the first release, but we did our initial research and "background checks" and never could have foreseen how many parts of the process we had put in place would fail under fire. Everyone here has been giving their all to make things right and we have spared no expense to fix problems as we find them. I realize this is a very frustrating and disappointing delay. Doubly so for us as the success of SPWAW and our other games depends on a smooth ordering/shipping process and support from regular and repeat customers. We're doing everything we can to sort this out and make you all happy. In the meantime, all we can do is apologize and keep posting updates the moment we have more news. Regards, - Erik

volz423 -> (6/10/2001 5:16:00 PM)

To Matrix, thank you for your responses to the many users who have written in. I know it isn't easy and that things are out of your control. Now to ZED, you obviously don't 'KNOW THE RETAIL BUSINESS', because if you did you would know that one does NOT bill a credit card until the item is shipped. I have worked in shipping and I do know the proceedures. Also, I DO HAVE A CABLE CONNECTION, AND HAVE DOWNLOADED IT ALREADY. My gripe is that I've already payed and all that comes out is an endless stream of excuses, and now I read someone asking what's NEXT! Well, how about we let them get the first one finished and out the door. And by the way ZED, isn't past your bedtime? :rolleyes:

Paul Vebber -> (6/10/2001 9:35:00 PM)

Actually it has been common practice for some time in both the board and computer wargame industry to collect the money up fornt for preorders. It actually started in the board game industry where you often needed that money to pay for the initial print run. We did not have that particular problem, but the need to develop cash flow of some kind to have a hedge against just this sort of delay problem is why a lot of small companies in the gaming industry do it. We appreciate the support and expect the CD's to arrive at the fullfimment house by the end of next week and shipping to start th ebegining of the week of the 18th.

volz423 -> (6/10/2001 10:41:00 PM)

Paul- Sorry, I let my enthusiasm for your game get the best of me. I've let it go too far, as I know you wouldn't intentionally hold back the game and ARE doing all that you can to get it out. It's a live and learn and I still am looking very much forward to the Mega-campaign. Thanks for your reponse. :)

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (6/12/2001 10:44:00 PM)

In a barely connected vein It might interest ya all to know that model railroaders have to actually ask for a particular item to be manufactured in a quantity sum that will even interest the company that makes will bother to make it (which sure beats the hassle of pre ordering in my opinion) Hence they make items only after enough have gotten in line and asked for it (with no real expectations it will ever show up at all). Then they make exactly that many and put them on the open market (no pre orders, they only want to know that sufficient people were suitably interested first). The world market might get a magnificent sum of a hundred units period end of story, we aint making any more, even if you cry and lament for it. These brass HO scale locomotives then fetch an insane sum of several hundreds of dollars each that in say 5 years rise to the outrageous sum of over a thousand dollars (canadian its the only cash I understand eh). Just wanted you to know how it is in some other hobbies when lamenting. Next time you is looking at that model train at the hobby show, pay attention to the dont touch signs, heheh be careful. You wont want to try and replace it if you break it As it goes, my fathers collection is worth more than a brand new home.

linwood -> (6/13/2001 3:18:00 PM)

My original concern was the debiting of my account before despatch of goods. I don't believe this is a common practice in e-commerce. I have the highest regard for Matrix products and don't mind waiting for Desert Fox, that's not the issue.

Paul Goodman -> (6/13/2001 9:10:00 PM)

I think there are two issues here. Those of us who preordered (I did)would naturally expect to have the charge posted immediately. We preordered to support Matrix, not in expectation of a quick shipment. Those who did not preorder have a reasonable beef if their account was charged prior to shipping. That is bad business, I don't give a damn who is involved. Personally, it is now boating season and I don't care if it doesn't come until October. Also, the guys in Finland can now see the sun and might consider going outside. Paul

CaptMalmgren -> (6/15/2001 11:28:00 PM)

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I figure my advance payment for Desert Fox doesn't even cover all the fun I've had with the FREE stuff I've gotten from Matrix. Even so, my wife is ready to kill me for all the drool on the mailbox. :p

sinner -> (6/16/2001 6:40:00 AM)

Today I just got an email from the greatest guys on Earth (Matrix folks, that is) saying that they will be shipping my order next week. Let me just say: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! :D I've been with Steel since my dearest v1.0 . And Matrix folks are very dearest to me, because they manage to get a good game better making it bigger and all that! :) So if they say they are shipping next week, I believe them. I ordered it looooooong time ago, right when I saw it appear on the web. So maybe I will be from the fortunate first batch :D :D Good Gamin'!!!!

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