iberian -> RE: How many are playing this game? (4/10/2007 10:22:52 AM)
I don't understand the complain about the number of scenarios. Few years ago we would have been happy to buy a boardgame box that included only one major operation: for example, the many boardgames about Ardennes, Market Garden or Gazala. These included a few minor scenarios based on the same operation, mainly as a training aid. I prefer few, well researched scenarios, with correct OOB, and historically sound, than many which don't meet these requirements. What is the purpose of playing a wargame with scenarios with bad maps, incorrect OOB, and historically false? That's is how I feel about 95% of the free scenarios available for other computer titles/wargames that I will not mention. I studied the scenario editor included in Battlefront, and I have to say that is very good. The problem is that putting out a quality scenario is not a quick job. It needs time.