JudgeDredd -> RE: AACW, baby, AACW (4/16/2007 12:29:52 PM)
So, umm, excuse me for asking, why are you posting on this thread? Because he can....oh...and it's his god given right, or something. Upshot is this...he won't buy a game unless it's in the bargain bin...so he will allow all us gamers to keep him in the life he's become accustomed by allowing US the priviledge of keeping developers in business while he picks up the tail end. He doesn't need to own a game to qualify any of his arguments. Hell, he doesn't even need to play the demo. "Why not?" I hear you all scream....well...hold on and I'll tell you why...because it's his god given. But, what he does have down to an absolute art, is this...completely and utterly "getting it wrong" when it comes to describing a game and, by doing so, completely misrepresents the game by using two simple words close to his heart...real time and clickfest. And although RTS seems to be the bane of his life, he likes RTS (TW series (albeit just Medieval) and 2nd Manassas)...go figure. Another thing he's great at is getting peoples backs up...and to that, I give him credit [&o] because he is truly a master at it. Like now.....I so depserately tried to fight the urge to post to point out his complete and utter lack of direction of his posts and the falsehoods therein...but I simply couldn't. Oh yes...he's very good at one thing! Anyway, unlike him, I am off to see what this AACW game is all about and, more than likely, again unlike him, I will most likely purchase it. After doing so, it will allow me to come back here and give some positive feedback...something ravinhood is never likely to accomplish for two reasons...one, he will never buy it because it's a clickfest or rts (even though it's not - simply pointing out the fact the guy has absolutely no idea what those two terms mean...and I can prove that by pointing out he thinks HTTR and COTA are clickfests...which proves either he has no idea what the hell that means, or he has never played the damn games or more than likely he cannot play it right) and two, because he is completely and utterly incapable of giving positive feedback. In fact, I challenge anyone (yes, ravinhood, you can take part) to find me a dozen links to different threads where he is positive about anything...out of 2187 posts, I think I may have set the barrier too high there!!